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TEAR t-« OG 

3 MJ 

W« desi-t to procure the services o( a toca": went si 
• Ten Postoffice District In tfco 8t»te W U our frieeda 
act. or procure the service- of some eR 1 tcrica !n 
our t. Be'devla; that the circulation of the 

fr«os.rsl m.«»be cet^ria!!? esteaCeJ. we ask* tiiif 
*PP«si t; our L-lends la !t* bebslf. 




Of NelsoH County. 


V. . B READ of 


THO*. TT R\ER. of 3Ia<iisoD. 


CBAXT GREEW Hf nder«?on. 


II. S. KILFI'S, of Jefferson. 




T. (. McKEE. 


The Democrat 


Every Day in 


I W 

Nat wishing to be thought mMN 
of the great public demand for nt-r7s ia 
these exciting war times, we have con- 
eluded to issue n Monday m ■ruing edi- 
tlon of the Democrat. We know that 
there arc many of our patrons oud the 
public generally who will cpp*afs*BBa this 
movement. Many l.ave been oblige 1 to 
resort to ether publications ia the rb.'cuce 
of the Democrat on Mctd.y. Hereafter 
our readers will not be dependent cu 
ot v er psi»erB for the tev.s. The Demo- 
crat will be issued every dav ia tie 
week— the edition of Monday containing, 
beside the genera! news of the Suudav 
issue, ail the telegraphic d'spsfeht* atd 
local news up to the Lour of goirg to 
press. There will be an ae'dLioial cba-ge 
of two dollats per yctr to tboee who 
take the paj>er every d*y ia the year. 

If cur patrors desire the payer stive d 
only as heretofore, the pr:- M ci tubscip- 
tlon will remain unchanged— the additional 
charge of two dollars \>t ii <s | ude |p 
those only who order the paler left STf*s"f 
day ol the week, Sunday tnd Mci:J \V 
tone both included. 

Tbe reweboy* will phase Uke role* 
and govern themselves accordingly. Let 
come up In solid column. TLe 
will be served them at au early 
hour, and at the old price*. 

Those of our patrons who wiih the 
Democrat sent tbem every day at tbe 
trifling additional cost, will pleats notify 
oar carrier*, or leave their address at 
the office, and all orders shall be prompt- 
ly attended to. 

tJJTThe cardidate* for the Legislature and 
Senate in tbls county will epeak at Dugiue 
•lore, on Monday next, at two o'clte"-, 
instead of tc-day. They will speak at the 
barbecue at Jcffersonto*a cu Siturd n ■ \\ 
Tbey wUl speak at the Cross Hudson FrMiy 

e'Jc justice in thus turning the tables and re- 
warding loyalty at the expense of tho*e who 
intended to rob loyal people. 

tSjTEv ry new development shows that «c- 

were right in our opinion lhat tbe file leaders 
of the so-cailed Union party were not to be 
tutted. However praiseworthy their resolu- 
tions were, as far as they went, we had no 
corflJcnce that the active spirits of the rarty 
would ever carry thcua out. We were satis 
fled that tbey were only intended es a blind to 
deceive the people until their votes were se- 
cured, when tbey weuld be thrown aside. 
Fortunately, thus far tbey have been unable 
to ajree among themselves, and the disagree- 
ment ha? made plain tbe Intentions of at least 
one wisg of the party. It is e'eir now as the 
noonday tl at it is not the Intention to carry 
cut tie platform of the 18",h of March, where 
it rentes to the cocd^muailoa aud op- 
position to tbe acts of the Adminlstra 
ti u. li' BjMMftt should, by ar>v yo*s\ 
bility, hi elected, to judge from his public 
declarations, so fjr from endeavoring to pre 
v iU ih? enforcement of emtncipatloa meas- 
ure* in ih'.s ard other Stutei, and the crming 
of the blacks, he will give them all the assist- 
ance in Lis power. Already the free Micks in 
some parts of the State are enrolled, and are 
to be placed upon £.nj<pjal footlpg with oar 
gallint volunteers. True-, the authorities eay 
this is only for labor and military duty, but 
wc have cot the slightest reason for believing 
ere word or rclyirg upon ary promise that 
tbe Administration cr any membtr of it skill 
MM The deceit in this case is too palpable. 
Tbe negroes must be enrolled before they c: n 
bo drafted, and it Is being done. 

These and other Indie itions soon that Judge 
Bramlette cannol bs n lied on by any lover of 
Constitutional Union, and It is timo for the 
people to tbrow him oveiboard. No man in 
a er.ris like tbe present ku a right to allow 
himself to be h fl-ienced by mere party, b is 
a BWM when principles and men should both 
be fairly tested before tbev rec.ive the ia- 
llJHMsl of the pcopl«. 

There are bow two candidates before the 
people, both friends of the Uoisn. Oiie cer- 
tnlaly has show n by bis speeches in ibis c:*n 
vass that be docs not represent the feelings of 
any but tbe moit ultra radicals. Tae other 
hM the entire confi leace of the people of this 
State. If both of these were independent o n 
didates, doe s ary cm believe thtt Mr. Wick- 
Lile would Ml receive fclllltl of the v.»:e 
of the State f L^)t the MMk, then, shake off 
she tramm;l* of pirty, remembcaeg that tbe 
en;;* ii too iiun.iaent for aay one to be lclla 
eucrd by any other feeling tlian i>iitriotism. 

W, Mstofi the pMfti of Ml State are 
nearer MMMMJ MMl th'-u is us.a :!lv 
suppceed. ^'e b .'kve MM n tbey coudemn 
the UCaMtiUstkMHl MM) ft tbe Govern- 
mc'. t,tb«y nurfn it, and wlil net give their 
tuflruge6 to a'n »n who apologiz-js for and ex- 
cus;- MMk We bditve they arc al'JO oo- 
std to secession and rebellion, and Will so 
MMMlMMMlfMj Unforiuaalely there pre 
■WJf w':o-:o interest It h to mystify tbe Uiiies 
,'-dibe p'sitions of the cmlida es; but ail 
UrMWMlWI KCMl in tae ljyaLy 
of both candidates to the. U^ion, and no tn- 
HMti riiiud can saj-, after reading Judije 
MMVl ftrihli ? pceeb, or the Obaeiv^-r'a 
MMN on bis L- xingion speech, thit he is 
ley i! to the Coustit utiou or to the Stato over 
wLich he as]>irei» to preside. L.t U3 all, there- 
fore, slop out of Mnf pr* ja lice for this time, 
and casL our vmi-s lor the layai and able Ken- 
tuckhm, Charles A Wukiifl 


The reader of the report of Brumletle'a 
fl>eech will be araused at the motives v.bicL 
influenced the rebel leaders in this rebellion. 
It is, in brief, tfeat they wanted more slaves. 
They could not get tketn from Africa cn ac- 
count of the laws against the slive trade 
Tbey were too high in priee In the border 
States, and whst was to be done? Precipitate 
a rebellion — involve tbe herder States in the 
difficulty. They will !o2e the protection of 
the fugitive slave law, properly wiil be in = e- 
cure, and, consequently, reduced ia value, s<> 
that tbe cotton States could get MM upon 
cheap terms. 

This was the mo'Jve, according to the the- 
ory invented by a candiditc for Governor of 
this £ta'.e. It is entirely original, never 
avowed and never guessed at before. T! e 
rebels aiming thus to Injure K-ntucky for 
their own selfish purposes, it bebocv-'s Ken- 
tnckians to be indignant at them. S », if Lin- 
coln free* all their ne^roe*, KMMMlMi may 
aay good for bim. They got up the rebellion 
to rob us, let them b^ robbed. Tbe theo-y ia 
got up to reconcile Kentucky to the startling 
usurpations of power by the Executive. 
These usurpations inflict vengeance cu the 
rascals who laid the plan to r >b u=. Mr. Lin- 
cola has avenged oar wrorgp. 

We had cuppo al, from whu we eaw rind 
ka ;w of this matter, that the MMN was ihe 
work of a few aspiring politician?, who had 
held office and power and were a'jjut to lose 
them, who had tbe skill to uke advau'aire ol 
a sectional contest, to foment It aod use it to 
accomplish an audacious purpose. It w. s net 
slave* they were after. It was power and 

It seems, however, that Mr. B. hts sraellrd 
out a motive entirely different from this. It 
waa a cold calculation of self-ln teres', mace 
by men in the cotton States to get m ore ne- 
groes a', cheaper rates at our MMt 

We don't know which is the more reprehen- 
sible, that wicked and toweriig tmoitlon 
thit would rule or ruin, or that avaricious 
prop, rally that adopt* a bloody programme 
upon a seitbih cleuV.ion of ga'c. 

According to Branalette, this re' cP. ou i« 
only a grand speculation for the sake- <> f | Mk 
This being the ease, it Is io order to I, 
naEtiathisStateat'aucha rebellion, alined 
act at the free Siatee but at us. The Presi- 
dent ha* rot done exictly right, however. He 
•nght to have uken all the slaves of the rebel 
tof them, aod giv n 

Card of P. 'lines, Esq. 

BoWLI.tGGRl'EV, July 13, IfM, 

Totie Tttimtf ftgm mi Wkrrm Dj—Wn 

HiVin^ been urgency HBHted by many of 
you to become a candidate for tho Srate Sen- 
ate, in the dicirict forn4 Of your COMtiaa, I 
take Ibis method ol anncurjcir;g uiyrtif M 
such cand dite. I would lrnvn priferrod not 
making a car v. as for a*jy cfllee ; but havlrg 
been several tlrn«:s honored by myown county 
with official poil i-n, I tave rot Ml at lioei ty 
now to decline becorn'n^a mWM, when so 
many of both ccuntirshav^ urgently ask^d It. 
Tho time U n^w so short that I fear I will not 
b3 able to visit ai<el a Idre-s tbo people of 
every neighborhood. Nor cin I, li a coumu- 
rlcution lika tbi-t, |MJ ~,y vltw; as fully 
upon tte IsMorlaM fMMtMl of the day as I 
should Hk*ifM will, there fun-, 1 » vet'": trust tc 
agr'Rt extMt to my w<U kr-c-wn po'-.itioa and 
opinion*, r.nd ny Juicraput nrd hoaertv in 
supporting «t;d carrying them opt bo far as 
in my power in \y ha should y on elect ma. I 
sm. and bov b?<?n ail tho time, aim tad 
urflincbing Cchiu tnm ; In f :v »r of "ill prop- 
't ml coast lttitiauaj mean* ..f preserving It. 
But while I \i^! J to :io m>n (B d r?o loa 10 
the Union said i s restOf Ml 0 . , I ',".■';!• rs it can 
enly hi p rs asr ved or rs* i«v upholdina; 
and aMding tv tfc* C Mtitutloa, 'w-i-i-.h is ii« 
only bond. I beHsv* no t a . U. ioo m-'a 
woull k-iowin^ly violate aasv of its provis 
Ions. I em sec no va'uo. iu-fiio U dor* if the 
Constitution is to be Mbvelxad. I eio not be- 
lieve tbst any pn'dic rrrnMltj eaa authorl* 
ordetnaad i s tuspeasion, or that Ks j-.plica- 
tion i.-> dilsftat In times e>f war fri ta what It 
is in times of peace. I do i:;>i beib vo that 
the FsderaJ OoTdraiBMt ba^ the rlgtit to in- 
fringe upoa my of the na.rv- <{ tights ol the 
S'at??,<nd should I be elected I wi*loppoae aH 
ell <iu to that end. I will andea tot to tnaJa« 
tain our State rfth'?, privd o ird i:u 
tlons to their fullest extent Tho Federal 
Governmeni haa no il^ht, hi Ba/BMsbk opin- 
ion, to interfer • or tn'rd-.'lo with our property 
in slaves, and I shall efuncct.'y mist all at. 
tempts to do so, believing our right to Fi:el> 
proper:y unqucstiorab!.' ; Eievlng f ir. ti- 
er, that the slaves fsUTsnlins arc la a Ekf 1st | 
ter coaditiou as such, th'n th-ycia poasibly 
be pi. c?d In by Abolition fanaticJ. Our rL-his, 
therefore, and tumauity iuclf demands Its 
protection. Although I am, and always have 
ueen. opposed to the rebelHoa, I an ilr.o nr- 
dent'y op p osed to Ikfl UttpkMrsaeat • f netr .es 
as solii>;ri. in the army of e ii.her of the at n- 
tendii'g pattlea behevtas; Use poliey d'strti^t- 
Ive. barMfMi aud dltfiieefaj to a free pad 
Christian people, Bect'.usc I a:u o;.p jscu to the 
rebellion aud auxloua to I c; it pot down, at d 
iu favor of the Uaion, are nj KaSOM WfeJ I 
should lOpjOtt the oonoxious BoaniM Of 
the partv iu powor— meaaares la palpable vi- 
olation of both Federal snd State Cjnatlta- 
tkns, a* I aonoatlv eooeafva. Unit a we rs- 
t'im loth- old Uadoiarlu sisde* by the fstherfl 
of the R. public, I very much f<nr w s>.al; 
wholly fail to BSaln enj >\ the ancient Jignts, 
privilege? and glorias of the t oion a.; it w^.s. 
1 hsve no tai:h i >. tae AboUtiOB part; ed the 
North, nor the Secession party of tbe South, 
and eltaoatn I bare beoa a v» big in politl -s, 
I b'llcv : th it now we eaa only sec tMeoa- 
sasaasatloa ot Mr cherished wish — th« Con- 
£titutia:i sd ado later ed as it by our la 'ti- 
ers, ard tho Uuio- reston d a; it \r»s, rhtongh 
lb-. ins:rumea:ality of the coaaetvatift Dam- 
ocratie str-.'rg'h cf the loyal Sta'Oi. 

Hoping, ruj' tcllOW-cl lis -n?, t o SOC n?.ny of 
you b. tore the «, 1 Will continu, tL:.- 
comiaualcitios BO f ttribcr. Iltving baeoaun 
candieJatc, I am of course anxloas for your 
saffrsrges, bat eot unl :ss yon crowding to 
trust io my hocenty and judgment in th d ;-• 
cbitge of 'he duties which w:ll dCTOtr* upon 
bm i: elected. Very respactfally, 

r. ui-zn. 

[For thj Lou!:nille Democrat.] 

Glasoow, Kv., Jul;. VZ, li>ei3. 
JRsaM.JHsMa: TM k'gltiasata UalM men 


Incidents of 

the Siege ol 

[e'nrrcspondei;(y of the Sew t ot< Mhos.] 
Eawan*! Bump. Miss , antuost's Lasd'o, ) 
Friday, Juue 20, 1853. , 


Purticir up for the n'ght In tbe camp cf tbe 
Eighth lows, we visit the works In front of 
< : u. B. B. E wing's brigade, and where was 
pleated the Second Iown battery, consisting of 
s ; x guns and two Co-pounder Parrot?-Capt. 
N jls< nY. Sioor, Chief of Artillery on Gen. 
Tu tl s*e B aff, First Lieut* nant J K. R P j 
coii:tii<D; 4 ;tig battery. Tb:y sre Just getting 
the Parrots iu position to enfilade traverses 
the er easy r-r er ictlng in rear of a dis' 
tion. L t'ut. E. Beddlactoe, TblrtHh Ohio, 
Aid-dc-Camp or Brigadkr Geucral II. B. Ew- 
in;r, who cojimauu* tne tickets r-t this point, 
c wdoetcd u* up the saps to wlthiajsWjasI of 
the nM so'dUrs. "fher^,' 1 6aid he, pointhg 
to o:ir b.js reclioiug against a lirge gal lon, 
"do \c,n pl-c our boys leaning that 
nbioaf Well, sbent five feet from them, and 

I sn i!g agaiBst the opposite side, are tbe reb- 

I I i" by rnnnlnz the gnuntlet of rebel lead 
that Saw recklessly a*l around us, ws suc- 
aaadad In reaahiag ih; rpot i oimed out. Oar 
men— some cf the Fourth Virginia— had laid 
aside their gum, and sefaed a weapon more 
p )wcriul than th a s Word, a* ulso haei tbe reb>, 
:t-i v,i;i..h each, ja-lgin* from the billet) sent 
and repeat, was wii lOlug with his greatest 
dextetftj. Ws introduced the exercises with 
the foUowhsgt "How is rations:"— tied tbe 
tnli ■ rim to a bu'let aad tossed It over the 
bank. Ia a moment wc recOiTed the follow- 

'vVe h-ve plenty of rations. Throw ever 
some United States cracker* and we will 
tbrow som« biscuiit! 

'[Sisnr Jl P. A. 8." 

Wc replied: "Her-.'s the 'liar 1 tack'— tbrow 
0* tha baSCttiti We Lave softobread twice a 
d*y, B :3ton und I n ted St.ites eri'-ktrs for 
dinner, a pleasant place, and wish you'd 
come ovfr and snare the luxuries with iit." — 
faateaed it to the cracker and threw it over 
th- bank. Wo received tho following In re- 

"I wculd not hesitate a moment to come, 
bui. in so doiog I would be ■spewed to the 
Cicof ycur sharcsbooters. I would like to 
com'.- cv T and have a chat with you. We do 
not shoot at your picket 1 *. One of our pickets 
&r.s wounded taet right by one of your men. 

"P. A. S." 

Tho b'souil ebdr.'t come. We then pro- 
poard to tra le starves, and, ns the scq iel will 
snow, completely "blufied" "P. A- 8." 

u ]ar«w orer ycur kuife and let M see it. 
Wc will scud it hack it it djCB not tuit. We! not s-.-r.d an inferior oac — P. A. 8." The 
knife w. s thrown ejver, but lodged oa tbe 
".-a-;!--. Some of the be>ys IkaUooed, and told 
thl iq that there w^s a katfj on the bank, and 
that if they'd crawl up and ge-t It, they would 
net shoot. Ater a while th<y got it, and we 
received tho followin« : 

" I send back the knife. We Just found it. 
It la worth inure than snv that wc hav«. Ad- 
areas yeur no:os tad paaksgei P. A. S." 

Wo then rent him a c gar and a series of 
faastJoM la regard to the situation in and 
•beat the "Se-bastopol of America," and rt- 
eeived lor reply the fdiowiag: 

U I cannot anawer iMo^aaMMi whioh you 
rek Much obliged for tne cigar. Did uo: 
g-..t the crack r. Plenty of grub. — P. A. 8." 

Whaa be karaed that we were reporters, he 
t eemed ve ry anxlc>u3 to tsciiange papers, aud 
sent the foboning: "Will you too kin« enough 
to tbrow us ever a paper, and this evening we 
will throw over ere ia return. — P. A. 8." 

We told him that we'd bo glad to comply 
wliu bis request, but that there waa an embar- 
go BjMM it. 

liUnEt. tuoi giits rs ffemngs. 
Tho following arc but a specimen of the 
tV ousand-End- •• uc Ms* ta wrifey and received 
at tld- point.' I sppcndtbem verbatim ct IMef- 
sttas, (€ panefnafhn, and in the raibi r original 
oriLo^ruphy with Which beautiful ecienco tbe 
writeta seesa hut to have coquettrd. 

"Yeu ned not beo afei'd of us, lor we will 
rot shoot you, If you don't shoot us. This la 
hr.-d to 6et aud match m a to kill them 

of His county strlLa hands With you, ard yontt" toTi've in aMI M the while "river! 

l.g. Io this wsy we could afford to be more 
pit lotic th*a we are. We know that a fcood 
fat office, or a food fat contract, no*, enly 
hela* a raiL's loyally, but it often couver s a 
sympuh L'.r t n o aa uaconditiosal, snbjugu- 
iog, exicrmiuating Unioa m»a. The Piesi 
dent caa do sn>thiag to save the Uuioa-thi.'s 
the docuine; and how could he conn 
thaa by a distribution of 

be a tort of po- 

Feax.— There U every iadieatlo>.< thit cot- 
ton will remaia hi:;h for some time to come, 
sad great importune* is justly given to the 
domestic mauu.'actares ol fl ix by tbe press 
gaaMatlf throughout the conitry. We re 
^rot that in name rotis instances writers on 
flax deem it necessary to puff certain ma- 
chines which ure worthless in connection 
with their advlea to farmers to pay more at- 
tention to this important branch of domestic 
industry, so well known to our mothers and 

We profess to be well posted on the subject 
ot fb.x manufacture, and wculd 6ay to fanners 
who . ontcmpl ite doing anything In this Hue, 
that ih»y need very little machinery besides 
what can be made by altncet any car] writer, 
with the iisilatance of any person w ho is old 
enough to rem»mber how the fl .x-brakes of 
old times were constructed. A fl ix-brcko it 
merely a temp-brake on a traaller scale. 
Among the hundreds of Hjx and hemp-brakes 
tMt MM MM invento l for breakmg rolled 
A -x or bOMA uot ono has ever bteu suecessfu'. 
b is true that where it Is au object to break 
out large qualities, and where hor^eor other 
power tin be uecd, flax can be broken out to 
advantage by pressing it he'.wjan pairs of 
tla'cd roller?, which may ha nude of cither 
wood or iron. These wooelen fluted rollers 
may be fifed up by almost any e-ountry 
mecbauie 1 . We have seen them fitted up from 
on<: to three pair, where ilax was broken out 
to be sent to market. These rollers are gen- 
erally nude taaat two feet long, from four to 
six Inches diameter, made of beech or any 
bard wood that will wear smooth, with flutes 
runcing from eud to end about ono inch apart 
aad about three-fourths of an lach deep. 
Shafts of roual iron, say l 1 ,' to l}._f Inch 
diameter, should run through these rollers, 
a-id it would be well to hare them turned, say 
three Inches from the end, for bearings. 
Tbey ehoalJ be eet In a frame, one above the 
other, tbe flutes running together like cag 
wheels. The 6halt of the lower rol- 
ler ehouli extend l^r enough at one cad 
to contalu a iw'.r of pulleys ou siie the bear- 
ings, one puliey loose and the ether fast to the 
shaft, A belt of two or three inches in width 
will he tnffieli-st to drive the machinery, 
which should htve a speed of about two hua- 
drcel revolutions per minute, aad the pulleys 
should be of the diameter necessary to secure 
this end. When two or more pairs are con- 
structed on erne frame, they should be eet near 
together. The fluting in some nny be finer 
than in other?, and the lower rollers connected 
together by belts or cog g;crlng, so as to run 
with lbs sam*. velexdty. These arc eld ma- 
chines tint have been long in use, and there 
is no patent upon 

When snob machines are used for breaking 
out tbe rotted fl tujv be advisable to bar 
-1 o | R' U'chinz or ewingling machin*, which 
Is a very simple trTdr, and made thus: Four 
hickory blades, four or five feat long, are at- 
tached to the end of a revolviag round 6haft 
like the wings of a windmill, except that th< 
blades are not eet at an cnglc, bat move tdg< 
foremost. One or two swingling boards arc 
moved up sufficiently near on one side for tbe 
blades to strike the flsx to be scutched. It 
can be hardly necessary to give any further 
directions, exe:ept that the shaft should have 
smooth bearings, with a pair of pulleys, to ba 
driven by a belt at such speed ui nuy be re 

Beware belrg humbugged by any paten 
machines for preparing 11 ex lor 

Spinning wheels, hackles <fcc , can be pro- 
cured ol Mr. Wllkee, of this city, or of the 
Fraokfort penitentiary. 

with all other lojul men of the Hetf, o\'::r tha 
nominotions of that rterllag patriot, lion. 
Charles A. W'iekiirl -, for Governor. 

Tha time las come when DMMMal must 
rally to the rescue of our beloved eeur.try, 
a-id through the bidlot-bcx tigat tho renegades 
and apostates who now seek plac: and power 
for spoils, to ike ruin aod destruction of the 

Wc should here • ticket In every county 
and secure a L/rro'slaturo a^d Scaata that will 
support Air. V. M klitf- la his rule. Let evrry 
couuty come out with Its candidate* aca 
voters to elect Lhasa W<» a re p ooaa that every 
Peasocrat iu the S;.-te go to w< rk lor the 
whole tlck«;t and it c .u easily t'o elei t ". 

After full consultation lu* this county, the 
true Unlo:i Democracy are unanimous In their 
choice for that long-trio 1 aad faithful Demo- 
crat, Trnvis Cocktril', Efq , and we co>v call 
on him to anuour ce hlm—.if a cindldate lor 
the Legislature, against that ^ Ml fjawMM */ 
DtMocrwejf, Air. Whrrhg. 

This <ltar l)an<;< at Warrirc, ajsi bis niii£- 

trieaa ejoaaprrirs. ejected ths Boa. lar. Cra- 
vens from tai ir r.;c ticg in the frUf of Louis- 
ville; and now, while In i* lighting the ro'iels 
in Indiana, these lmnncnli « "»o. o . ' 
nU" are *.':ulking an^ si islaifesTtiig to swald the 
draft. Precious soil.-! not OMaVajto/ Mdf 
b'.oinl irdl encr be tptlt as lo:ig tha sp^Us of 
office will produce fAres hundred doQ BW 

;ri ANY !>L-I . U.'. 1*. 

1^7" A isreaade w is given to Mr. Lincoln 
ou the uight of the Foioth, in honor of the 
day and of our victories. The Prtiident 
rambled on in his discourse in hi3 mm! tnaa- 
ner, but bad not a word of comtHendalloa for 
General Mcsde, wbO hadjaat won a great bat- 
tle. Ue had nothing to eay of our haroifl sol- 
diers. The latter sprung doub.Io33 from that 
strange w-ut of sympathy peculiar to him, 
the former, the Eiateiu papers say, MM] 
Mr. Lincoln is a candidate for rc-clcction to 
the Presidency, and tieneral Me^.de is a for- 
midable opponent. 

convert n b !* 

BP" About two thousand gucrriUsa hive 
be-en c porating in the Ticinity of Cclnrabus 
Ky., for the last week, and several cghts 
sitce they thrcttened an attack on the city. 
Gea. Asbo.h was folly prepared to give 
au spp-opriate reception. 

tired their too yecrs. this is D. Norrts, Co 
K. 'iTK* Vol " Another, written on pastcboird. 
"8:.y brr.s, bcariior-iof oor ft g't tb-t wants 
U> swap eaoteeee with the 47 otiio. What P«-gt. 
i< oa j-lekct over there? Is thi re a boy named 
Johnny Becfcly ov».r ;hert?-M A. B." And 
another addressed to Co. D, Foriy-seven'n 
Ohio Volunteer Inlautrj: "I do not know any 
OM of that name. Do" ar:y of you wish to canteens? If y u do, let me kuow. If 
yea wish to tn COB rag* us loe-rae over, throw 
ver a OBBtaca. We will not shoot.— Lt. J. D., 
7 La." Their comet us, uniiLe ours, are slto- 
gi : \i or W00dea l and ihey tc.m very uuxlous to 
tnge, The canteen was thrown ovjr, and 
that night twelve reb'.lo ' came over" at that 
place, ai d delivered themselves up as jmson- 
<tf, ftning thit they were aln-ady prisoners, 
hi y did not care to oe receive-d and treated as 
nch — that anything was prefenldo to star- 
vation. Desertions are Tery fre<]Uent 
from the rebel line. It is reported tbat a* 
high as one hundred and twenty-four in one 
ht came over the works near General 
tin's drriskMl OB the led, with guns, k~ap- 
ack«, and everything. "P. A. 8.," spoken ol 
t-ovc, a Lieutenant in the Twenty -seventh 
LoahttBM lo^i'.ornl, fasSt night, per acreo- 
nt wilh Lt-.u.caant H; ddingtou, that he 
>uld be allowed to return, came over the 
rks, and th- y conversed together for some 
time. H* would divulge nothiug of In- 
re t— spoke tavher despondiotdy of Vieks- 
burg— thought it possibk thit tM entire gar 
risou would tpend the summer North ; na 1 
nothing against us— wee lighting lor princi- 
ple, a;.u wsu'd desert bat lor tho disgrace of 
the thing. L'tu. enact S'ge, company C, 
Tweniy-alxth Iowa, aloo met and conversed 
with Acting Adjutant Collins, Thlrtloth 
Loubiaua regiment, who came over the 
works and remained an hour aod a 
h<ilf. He considered the Vicksburg garrison 
already as good as prisoners, and tbcuubt h« 
shou ei, when It shouid please Gen. Qtaat to 
make the trunsfers, enjoy the trip North ex 
cecdiugly. They had not ple nty of ammuni- 
tion at Vicksburg, bad sufficient to repel a 
charge and were saving it for that purpose. 
Tbere were a great mtny sick, both of tolaiers 
and eUIaens, in Vicksburg. They were short 
of medical Btorcs, and most cf their wounded 
— even the Elightly wounded— were Buffering 
and dying from inattention. Ho wanted to 
know waat Sherman was wounded at Port 
Hudeou. Said that our heavy can- 
nonading fcst Suuirday kilied but one 
man that he knew of, and he waa bet- 
bag with M uuexploded shell, when It burst 
and blew him iuto atoms. Represents the 
array 86 seriously dt moralized, as hostile to 
Pembertou, and says it is no geueralsbip to 
hold their prttcnt works. Expected to live 
la the South, or he'd desert— did not want to 
have it thrown up to him, yet if we were 
i 1 led to keep him, he'd stay— he could 
in ke them believe that he was forced to ro- 
miiri, but thut would be a disgrace to us, as 
W« hM promised that he ehou'd return. The 
merthaLtii In Vicksburg had opened their 
store*, and turned over all the flour, tobacco, 
Ac, to tbe authorities, who bad issued it to 
tho soldiers. The merchants thought it 
would soon be confiscated anyhow, and their 
corn mcel was ahaaj exhausted. They 
haven't a bit of "bust-head." a very strong in- 
dieatioB of an immediate capitulation. A 
lady who tad been out to see her husband at 
the outer works, while returning, and when 
one mile from our pickets, had her arm 
f h8ttcred by a shot from our sharpshooters. 
H- put ou a very long lace when Lieut. Sage 
t li him that Joe Juhtibton had been bud y 
whipped. He Is their main and only hop«*. 
The citiz-ns have carved oat great caverns 
under tbe supervision of engiueers, have 
made them shell proof, furnished aud venti 
laled them, and many arc so far uuder ground 
that, 6houli the city surrender, It would be a 
week ere they learned It. Their sur 
goons live likewise, and from the mouths of 
tbelr burrows, which have been constructed 
for a river attack, opentto upon the wouoded 
uuder 6bady trees. Very ofP:n In the act of 
amputating a leg, or extracting a ball, tbe op- 
eratora, who seem to be endowed with all tne 
'ustincts of the "prairie dog, ' hearieg the buz 
uir g of a shell, quit their work, abandon 
th> ir sur J ct to the storm, and scud for their 
holes. l"ne men do their cookirg in ditcher. 

This evening three of their bands came out 
near the works aud prayed several stirring 
airs. Our boys wintod them to play "Yan- 
kee Doodle," but tbey wouldn't play It— that 
ht-d " played out." They played "Dixie" and 

r. a. s. AO AIM. 
To-day the inevitable "P. A S." racde out 
and sent over to Lieut. HeddiLgtou the lol 

"srnciAL REC>CT«-Tro* 
For 1 box Sardines, 3 pounds OMrae, 1 nay i 
of Smoking Tobacco and 1 bjtile of Wais 

l'hc lieutenant iromet 1 iately procured and 
sent over all the articles rcquireU but the ast, 
"which he would have been happy, exceeding 
ly haupy, to have sent also, had it not been 
>Dat be was so far from his wu sky base tbat 
it was impossible at all times to pn cure a tup- 
ply ol tne article nsmed." In return, he re 
e.lved an elogaut gold peLCd worth fo. To 
one ol our mining parties, who are w.thiu bail- 
ing distance of tne enemy, tha rebel pickets 
scat tae following dispatch: 
"Work quiet boys— keep your heads low; 
t*~Jud»e B:amlettc wilt not alio* men to ; notwithstanding we'll shoot high, yet keep 
I* your heads low; and do not talk— lor If our 

Ulk treason He h id be.tcr bo aumb, ther, ^ >J£tn hear job, they will make us shoot 
for he talks trees on to the Constitution. • yon!" 

fipWe learn from the bsst authority that 
tl i President has expressly forbidden the en- 
rollment of any slaves in the loyal States. 
He claims theauihorny to enroll fiea ne.-.oes 
only. If there is any authority lor this U 
must be found In the coufljcation, not in the 
conscription bill; fcr the hi ler authorizes the 
Presideut only to enroll citiz-ns, arjd a ttegva, 
according to the | »is:ou cl th> Suprcm-e 
Court, cannot be a citizen ef tha United 

{tfSThc Journal mak?3 a liaj aH Mr 
McKee, Democratic candidate for Sujierin- 
tendent of Public Instru- tiou, trying to make 
him out a syinpuhiz r wi-h the rebellion 
Mr. McKee voted for Mr. Crittenden in UN 
Subsequently, having changed hi* residence 
toOwensboro, he voted for Judgo Ycama 
for Congress. He is a much hater Union 
man than the editor of the Journal. 

$S9*"Ovcr enc thousand of Morgin'i men 
have been captured in difft-cnt portions 
Indiana. The men ire trred and broken dowp. 
Some of them were la the saddle and on the 
march for thirteen dajs and nights without 
.resting. 1 hey can t it up in e sad He and sleep 
as soundiy aa If they wt re in a bed. They are 
falling behind in ltrge sqreads through Ohio 

igpTbrco of Mo gau's uv=-u were captured 
back of Madison, Ind , a few dnys ago. The ir 
came* are John IL Morton, F. W. Weeks, W. 
H. Birton, of Christie's company, Tenth Ken- 
tucky regiment, aad A. M. Grimes, of Adams' 
Mississippi regiment. This list mentioned 
was oae of Brsgit's me?. 

Toe recent armistieo here was one of tbe 
riicwt affecting scenes lever witnessed. Sol- 
diers who, in self-defer se, bad sought a few- 
hours before to s'av each other, greeted each 
other %i old frleods: brothers, long separated, 
shook hands and conversed of childhood's 
.■7 -.ill- v y<ars; fathers met their children in 
arms agsinst them, and wept that It was so. 
One little fellow of the Twenty-third Indiana 
found his brother, coaxed him away to his 
unt, and he never returned. Ah! could the 
poor private Boldie:* settle this battle, the war 
would, iudeed, scon be over. 


As my letter Is mostly made up of incidents, 
we will give vou a few more, gcicg to show 
the richness "of rebel repartee end l'tcundlty 
of Federal fuu: 

Rebel Picket— What are you men doing 
ever there? 

Union Picket— Guarding about £0,000 to 

30.000 rebels In and about Vicksburg. Guard- 
ing your army as priscners, and miking you 
bn:ird Touraolves. • 

R--b. — Why, yon fools, Pcmberton 

hrts a strong line of guards for ths same pur- 

Rek— now's Hookei? He had to recro^s 
the r-ver, did he not? 

T*d- Ye*., but he wt's not as big a fool as 
your General was. Hi did not t.uru the 
brii'g s before his men all got across! 

R-;b— Wbat do you tkiuk of the gunboat 

Fed —Gunboat ? Why, don't you know 
the difference between a* gunboat aud a hay- 

R.b.-(just in the act ct throwing a hand- 
grenade)— An tn'y, over! 

Fed. — (in the act of burling it back;— Lock 
out for ti e skillets and cimp kettle-! 

Fed.— (-J : rcsalng a rebel Lieutenant of ar- 
tillery )— Where's your gun? 

Reb. — Turned it over to Grant at the Big 
Black, aud I guess its now in active service, 
by the way It plays into thrss works! 

Htb —Why don't vou come and lake Vicks- 
burtr. ? 

Fed.— Oo, we'ro In no particular hurrv. 
General Grant ia not yet ready to transfer you 

Reb. — ( boastlngly)— We've got a lot of ycur 
old flags over here. 

Fid.— Have you, though? You'd better 
make shirts of 'era, for they'd look bctter'n 
that butternut. 

Reb.— (in a husky voice)— I want to trade 
some corn-meal for some coffee. 

Fed.— What did you sny? 

R:b.— (louder)— Won't you trade se me cof- 
fee for senna eorn-rnesl? 

Fed.— You'd better get seme codec, or some- 
thing elee, for you've eaten eorn-meal till ycu 
can't talk plain. 

Rrb.— When arc jou going to make a 

F<.d. — Ob, in about two years. We are in no 
hurry— ire living fine over here— have a 
pleas-nt place, and ammunition to last n? the 
Kst ol the time. 


The following are but two of the many 
racthe<ds ot ' playing off" so prevalent In the 
army. Oae man, just before the battle of the 

20.1 May, here, very desirous of being sent to 
tho hospital, and, as he was very hesarty, he 
mmi ;ed to humbug the Surgeon by 6wal:ow- 
ingtobaceo juice just as the medical func- 
tionary was making his rail-., and of course 
the man was very sick, vomiting at a eai ra'e . 
This he repeated, until the Surgeon was satis- 
fied he wes very sick, and ought to go 
Nor.h or to the Hospital. He wa? sent, 
and go; to remain until after tbe battle, by 
similar experiments. Another young man 
bad a falling of strength in the sea ot arterial 
circulation. His expedient was this— haviDg 
blv ehoes eff, he cut one of his leet severely 
with a pMlnlfi thta made a corresponding 
cut, as he thought, in one e>f bis shoes. His 
cue was brought immediately before the sur- 
geon of the hoapitsl. The wounded man 
claimed to be shot. The surgeon examined 
the wound, and, as this excited suspicion, 
then the sb ;e, when lol and behold! the right 
|e | was wounded, and the left 6hoc The 
examination of thu penknife soon disclosed 
the whole plot. It h needless to say that the 
baplens victim of bis own folly wis laden with 
reproaches instead of MMMMBgMMt 



[From Yesterday** *« Evening New*.**] 

Further from the Sew York Riot. 

Attacked and 

le OH 

Martial Law 

Capture of 2,000 Prisoners. Jtc, at 
Falling Waters. 

Lee's loss on this side of the Poto- 
mac 33,000. 

Foreign Intelligence. 

Morgan at Host 

He Makes His Stay Brief. 


The Mississippi River Is 

of Port 

Beauregard at Charleston, ?. €. 

Further Sews from Charleston. 

_ _ 

horses, and fndlrg them South, also coa- 
scrirting rapidly. 

A party of rebels la tha neighborhood of 
Treuton, are n r-o-ted >ww«o< toward Uakm 
City to support the \ arty who attache i that 
plite oa the tLh. 

Another p«'ty was expected at Dresden 
last night. The latter was conscripting. The 
rebel force between Jackson aad Unioa City, 
is estimated at J.IX'O, mostly mounted infantry. 

G.a A^hboth 1* prepaid to 
and has ordered a comt 
an advance post. 

New Yoaa, July la. 

The Treasury bulldinc, C utomhco**, aad 
other FabUc bui dipgs arezuarded by cannon 
oupported ly Infantry. The elevators de- 
stroyed bv »be mob iu Brooklyn last night are 
valued at #100,000. 

3>me ne^ro house* In Jersey City were 
sacked and burned Numbers of negro 
women and children are encamped ia Ely— 
sisn Fields. 

The Heboken mob, at S:aten Island last 
nigV, was overawed by a patrol of armed 
cltrz-ns. The residents of Williamsburg are 
organizing volunteer compaaia*. 

The Mayor of Brooklyn refused to oUi e 
meeting of the citizens, on the plea tbat It 
would it time the rioters. 

Icqnests have already been held on tbe bod- 
ies ol about fifty persons, including nearly a 
dozen laaeeeal people, one a mother and la- 
fant just bom. 

A drv goods MM on the avenue was sack- 
ed ot £40,G00 worth of good*. 

The residence oo Twcntv-r.lnth street de- 
stroyed by the mob w*aa*| Horace Greeley's, 
as the mob supposed, bat Mr. Smclair's, 
*h-re the former sometimes stayed. 

A man rcsembihg GreeU-y was awfullj 

Nxw Yobb, Jury 18. 

The steamer Ualon, arrived here froaa 
Charleston the 1 J-.a, report* th»t Gan. Gill- 
more captured rearly all of Morris Island, 
with a lanio number of tTiviners, selge gan* 
and cannon. gunboats were shelling 
Fort Wagner, ;.nd have iTobsbly captured ft 
ere tbls. 

Cin\ !V»aTI, Ju'y Id, 
Mirtlal law was removed this morning, aad 

business ia resuming its nsuai channels, but 
as yet there is notuing doing, cor can wo hear 
of any demand for any article except whisky, 
of which 400 burrelj were sold at 41Kc. 

CMaaaWMSj July 16. 
River ha* fallen 15 inches since Monday, 
with 13 feet in tbe eBBBWei Weather clear. 

68; har^meter 2!>7»). 

River 3 feet 2 Inches by the 
tliiug. Weal her clear and pi 

f^*Ina fight betwetu tiio Home Guards 
and Morgau's forces at Crrydon, ttvr Union 
men lost four killed and two wcunelcd— tM 
rebels ten killed and forty wounded. Tbe 
Home Guards numbered four hundred and 
filly, tbe rebels four thousand fife hundred. 

KM J^hn Morgan, as is well known, does 
not carry the leaiing article of "bratnL" in his 
command That article is under the hat oi 
Col. Bi*ll Duke, who is Morgan's adviser, and 
advists'by the tuthortty ol euj.'. rior -billties 

e^r*As constr.utiou iiUiiiou men are abused 
as "reb la," "irailow" and ths iike.^o suppose 
to he » ricd' ra patriot on i must be an ua- 
cju»titu.!on -.i Uoion mir. 

When the Governor of Pennsylvania 
called lor troops, a number of young men 
formed themselves into companies, aud ten- 
dered their services for six months. On 
reaching Harrisburg, they found the pvoplc 
greatly excited, and discussion going on as to 
the terms for which certain of the volunteers 
would be needed ; and every body had some- 
thing to say about the " emergency," yet few 
seemed to fully understand its meaning. One 
young volunteer heard to much about the 
" emergency," that he made up his mind that 
there was more in It than he chose to under- 
go, so, bundling up his trap?, he made for the 
depot, exclaiming: " I don't nilod serving for 
six months, but d— d If I'm going for the 
emergency," and he didn't. 

Sad Accidbnt. — A little girl, some twelve 
or fourtoen years of age, a daughter of Mr. 
Bnrke, who keeps a saloon on Washington 
street and resides near Asbury Chapel, In- 
dlauapolle, was accidentally shot through the 
he»d and instantly killed, Tuesday evening, 
by a young man r amed May, a member of 
one of the ward companies, who seems to 
hive carclesily loaded his musket after his 
return from dress parade, and discharged It 
somehow while the girl was playing with It 

in bis hands ; 

Fatal Railuoad Ac cidext.— An accldeat, 
resulting in the death of VIr. Philip Gale, of 
Jane ksonville— one of the largest cattle deal- 
ears In tho western country— and Philip Stout, 
shipper of cattle for Mr. John T. Alexander, 
occurred on Friday morning at Stewart Grove, 
about 56 miles from Chicago, ou the Alton 
and St. Louis Railroad. Two trains came 
together; one, the cattle train, in whica the 
unfortunate men were seated,»waa crushed to 
pieces, killing both of them Instantly. 

Kg'* We arc informed that the person who 
set fire to the railmad bridge at Farrabet's 
Sta-lon was Joseph Richardson, a young man 
who formerly resided in this city, but a native 
of New York. He boarded while in Albany 
at the house of John Aagel, and waa a zealous 
Methodist. He ran away, lcavlrg an unpaid 
bill of near ninety dollars, and Is eminently 
fitted by natural instinct for one of John Mor- 
Mi's tuicves. He is said to bo very zsilous 
la tho Confederate eaus*. 

New Albany Ledger. 

A *?alou* Methodist and beoarded at the 

house of an angel ! Thai's awful ! 

\Jg~ Morgun Is our enemy and we would 
gladly hear of his destruction, yet his activi- 
ty, his tact, his indomitable courage compel 
our respect and admiration. Ha is one of 
tha*. heroic tvpa whose deeds are the thema 
of piiuteraa'd of bard ; the be *u ideal of ro- 
raautlc misses— the bug-a-boo ol screaming 
babies We denounce the traitor, but wc ad 
mire the gallant partisan.— [Madison Courier, 

Tne editor was expecting "Cousin John'' 
in that locality, and wished to meet him with 
compliments. Is Madison safe ! 

t^-Detachmenl* of the Teath Kentucky 
Cavalry and Forty-fifth Kentucky had two 
skirmishes in pursuit of guerrillas near West 
Lrberty a few days ago. They killea three 
and captured thirteen men and nineteen 
horses. Li^nt. Adams, oi th- Forty-fifth Ktn 
tucky, was killed. ^ 

J3f* General Blair had mined one of the 
Vicksburg posts opposite him, and wis about 
to explode it, when it was found that the reb 
els had conn ermlned and carried off the pow- 
der. , 

j^-Capt. Doyer, of Wolford's cavalry, with 
fourteen men, captured twelve rebels, cn Sat- 
urday morning, near Liberty, Ky. Tbe rebel 
C »t Bullitt was wounded, and is a prisoner. 

J3f Mrs. Gen. Giant was the recipient of a 
gniieent serenade st the Tlanter s House, tn 
9'. Louis, a few night* since. She has left St. 
Louis to join ber husband at Vicksbttrg. 

j^-At Berrien, Michigan, a barrel of sor- 
ghum sirup was stored away some five yeara 
«go, and it ws* recently tapped, when the con- 
tents were found to be white sugar. 

IST In response to Mayor Harris' call for 
cavalrymen, iu Cincinnati, a few days ago, 
Jamea E. Murdoch, E q, appeared at the 
desk and offer ed his *ervices. 

HT Colonel C. S. Htnson, who 

at Lebanon, Ky , U la Lexington, 

New York, July 15. 

A terrible onslaught was made on the negro 
dwellings on York street, last night, amid 
the Bbritkt and groans ct the unfortunate 
women and children. A collision occurred 
lo Forty-fourth street, this morning, In which 
three soldiers are reported killed. Report 
fays there has been quite an importation of 
rowdies from Baltimore and Philadelphia, but 
it is discredited by well-informed person?. 
Mayor Opelyke recommended the Immediate 
proclamation of martial law, but Governor 
Seymour opposes it. 

This evening the mob again collected in 
Thirty-second street near where a negro was 
haagiBg. Filling to disperse, a howitzer wal 
turned upon them loaded with canister. The 
first discharge killed six, and two more dls 
charges increased the number of killed to 
twenty-two, when the villains skedaddled. 

Two negroes were killed tbls evening— one 
on pier No. four, and the other in Washington 

Harper Brothers and J. A. Gr-%y, printers 
and others, have been warned that their t -- 
ublishmerits will be destroyed If the woik 
men are kept on duty. 

Colored people are listing from the city In 
all directions. 

Gold bss "allm to ML Markets dull and 
uomiual, no business of importance being 

Wo have some particulars of the riot in 
Thirty seventh street to-day. 

Another attack on the Se venth-avenue ar- 
senal was to be made. A detachment of two 
hundred and fifty men, with an artillery com- 
pany ol four twelve pound howitzers, pro- 
ceeded to the corner of Thirty firth and 
Broadway. From Sixth to Seventh avenue 
wa*. crowded with men, women and children. 
Fifteen minute* were given lor the e-rowd to 
clear the street. No one stirred, and at tbe 
expiration of the tim« allowed the artillery 
loaded with canister and opened. Five round) 
were tlr- •). A good many were hurt, but the 
number is not known. 

The street was cleared, and the military 
bsvlng dispersed tbe mob from the vicinity, 
the firemen checked the flames so that only 
three or four buildings were burned by the 
rioters, who proceeded to erect a barricade of 
wagons across Thirty third street and Sixth 
avenue. ' 

Some busdreds of negro women and MB- 
dren were allowed to escape, but no e olor^d 
m n. 

The buildings oeeantod by c olored people 
were set on fire with the Intention of burning 
colored men In them. 

At the last accounts the military had arrived 
at the scene, and a fight probably would oc- 


July 14. - 
Officer* report that they captured sbaut 
2 0* 0 prisoners, two guns, several caissons 
*nda stand o! colors, this morning, at 

The following estimates have been made by 
competent officers of Lee's losses since cross- 
leg the Potomac: 5,000 killed, 9,000 wounded 
aad 9 500 uninjurod prisoners. It is known 
that 6,000 wounded nave since been carried 
over the river. The desertions will probibly 
reach 3,000, making a total los* of not less 
than 33,000. 

A number of deserters 
arrived In camp, and will 
lbhed. „ .... 

Naw Yons, July H, 

The Persia *rrived to-night, from Liverpool 
4th, irfa Queenstown 5th. 

Warhks rumors continue to come from 

It is rumored that Russia assents to tae 
seential points ot the proposition of the three 
PowerB regarding Poland, but the answer was 
not yet received. 
The insurrection continues active. 
Liverpool, July 4.— Breadstuff* dull. Flour 
ea*ierV 81(3 M*. Wheat dull, and lfeod low 

Corn In fair 


The Re b. I Attack on Donald-onville. 

The Port Hudson correspondent of the New 
York Times, writing June "J9.h, make* the 
following statement concerning the gallant 
defense ot" oar BBjaej. »t Donalds on vilie: 

Oa Saturday, the 27th, the enemy, estimated 
in force between two and three thousand, 
c ime to Donaidsonville and demanded, at 5 P. 
m., the unconditional surrender of tbe i 
wnlch was Kallantly refused by the little | 
rfooo, numbering le#a than two hus 
They made the attack at twelve o'clock at 
nl ;fct, and after severe fighting for nearly four 
hours, two hundred of them succeeded la 
gaining poa?rss;-a of the works; bat were 
ultimately gallantly repulsed by our men, and 
tbe whele two hundred taxen prisoner*, the 
remainder of thu force being put to flight. 
The number ol killed and wounded was more 
than the entire number of onr garrison, which 
will give some idea of the bloody nature of 
this contest. 

Just as our garrison hid succeeded in repul*- 
leg the enemy and holding possession of tbe 
works, the gunboa . Prlnc- ss Royal, a captured 
prz i In running me blockade, came to the 
scene of action a._d shelled the retreating; 
enemy, literally covering the earth a* far aa 
th-- eye could see, with dead and wounded. 

General Stooo distinctly mentions this se 
one of the most gallant acta ever performed 
in the whole history of this war, and recom- 
mends every officer in it for immediate pro- 
motion. Even the ttafe in th*- hospital left 
their beds on th s occasion, shouldering their 
mu-ikeH, rusntd to the rampart*, 
death around them. Our losses * 
two men kl'led ard tour wounded. 

AXOTlfEK MlllitKK ilY TBE 1.SMAS8. — Wo 
learn IromGeu ml Mhebell, of 8t. Cloud, that 
a iu a uamed Jain -s Mr-Gannon waa killed by 
the MMM1 on Wednesday of last week, oa 
the road leadirg from FairhaveD, Steer a* 
county, to Kingston, Meeker county. Hie 
body was found on Siturday by Mr. Charlea 
Lowe. Mr. Lowe waa passing along the road, 
which is the ragular wail route and much 
traveled, and bis attention was first attracted, 
by tracks of the Indiars, and subsequently by 
the tfflavinm of the body ot the deceasetl, 
which was found in the bu-hes a few rode 
from where the encounter took place. Mr. 
MeGannon was mounted on a very fine horse, 
ss it it ■ supposed tbe Indians ebot bim forth* 
sake ot the animal. 

MeGannon was unmarried, but had i 
l f.n in two years ago at Kinustcs, and 
the troubles last year removed to tho I 
Ch-.mplln, opposite Anoka. This year h 
put in crops on his place, aod waa on his 
io see bow they were getting along 
h? was killed. He has a lather, two brothers 
and sielert now living at Cbainpiin. 

Gen. Mitchell bel.eves tbat qaite a large 
number of Indian* are now lurkiag In tbe 
woods, aad that it will be very d fficult, if not 
Impossible, to exterminate th<m la any other 
way than r>y hunting them down as wild ani- 
mals are hunted. He thinks th- plan 
posed by the State authorities ox eap' 
regular trappers and hunters, with a 
for each scalp taken, will work well. 

[si. Paul 

Money Is un- 

er in tbe week. 

arJi 6d<a"J73. 

Consols Friday W%@02.Y. 
BBMMiL _ , _ 

Washington, July 15. 

The following dispatch ha* been received.: 
Yick&urq, July 11, 3 P. M—To Maj. Gcu. 
Halleck : tbe following dlapate h has been re- 
ceived from Gen. Banks : 

U. 8. Graut, Maj. Gen. 
" Before Ibrt Hudson, J'dy 8 —General : The 
Mississippi Is now opened. I have the honor 
to inform you that the garrison of Port Hud- 
son surrendered unconditionally this after- 
noon. We shall Uke formal possession, at 7 
o'clock in the morning. 
"(Signed) N. P. Baitks, Msj. Gen. 

Wahhwotoji, July 14. 
The Richmond Enquirer of to-day hi* the 

C7tarU*ton, July 18.— To Gen. 8. Cooper, 
Adjutant and Inspector General l There la 
nothing new since yesterday. The enemy Is 
engaged in establishing bitteries for long 
range guns, on the middle of Morris Island, 
being aided by the fire of the Monitors. 
Their wooden gunboaU are firing on batteries 
.Vagner and Gregg, on tbe north end of Mor- 
ris island. 

[Signed] G T. Bsal-re»ard. 

New Yobk, June 15 
We understand that the retreat of Lee'* 
array Is now a rout, and Its spirit is uttenv 
broken. This places at the di»Fceal ot the 
Federal Government ample force to overawe 
rioters In this "ity snd other r-ltler. N o doubt 
need be entertained tbat the power of the 
Government will soon be showa m the mat- 

CrxrnvNATi, July !«. 
At twelve o'cloek kst night Morgan's ad- 
vance reached West Union, Adims county, 
ten miles from the river. Hie scout* ap- 
proached the river opoosit«» Maysville this 
m,micg, but were driven back by our gun 
boa. s. 

(Telegrapr-ic Correspoadenee Daily Commercial.) 

Columwc*, Kt , July 14. 
Union ettisMt of undoubted loyalty came 
to Columbus this evening from Mayfleld and 
reported Gen. Pillow at Macedonia, ffteen 
mdes south of Pari*, Teen., with about *lx 
thou and rebel troops — one hall mounted and 
the other on foot. On dress parade yesterday 
morning P.llow told hi* troop* thtr would 
remain till Forrett^lor whom he was looking, 
should come up.: ' 

There is a large number of rebel troopa on 
tbe Obion Rrver, ~J*-gfr£»«*jg£ 

posed to 

""il l* currently reportei this morning that 

The Gale of Sattrday and Scvday. — A 
•ever* gale from the Northeast sprang up oa 
Saturday morning, and continued until Sun- 
day noon. A number ol vessels were re- 
ported to be wrecked, hut, with the follow- 
ing exceptions, not hit • Involving sny serious 
loss of Ule or property occurred In tbls vicin- 
ity: The propeller Ontonagoo, loaded with 
flour and grain, for Godericb, put into Milwau- 
kee on Saturday uight in a leaky condition, 
having thrown overheard nearly 1 .000 barrel* 
of flour to keep her trcui sinkirg. 8he ar* 
rived here this morning, aud will discharge 
and go into Cry dock for repair*. The brig 
Algouia, lumber laden, from Green Bay, 
sprung a leak, and was only kept afloat by the 
strenuous exertions ot her crew. 8nc arrived 
here this morning, srd sunk se soon a* M 
reached her d- ek. The schooners Fremont 
snd Milwaukee Btiie have put back here with 
wet cargoes, and will have to discharge. Tbe 
propeller Fountain City is rep.rted ashore ha 
ihe straits, and the bark S*r.:inU at the Man- 
Tee lake is strewn over with 
be deck* of 
1 Chicago Jw 

tjf- The Indianapolis Sentinel of 

Mr. Holro-s, of Jackson county, who Joined 
Hobeon'* lores with one hundred and ifty 
men and followed up the chase to Htmiltoe, 
OhMi returned last evening, hiving left Hs* a- 
ilton at 7 o'clock La the morning. He say* 
It la Impossible for Hobeon's force to overtake 
the raiders. Hobeon's borwes are jided aad 
his men sre falling bshind in large s^oada, 
and he finds the country stripped of horeee 
as he advances. Morgan in some places rep- 
resent* himself as commanding Union troops, 
and often Induce* the most intensely loyal i 
lzaas to point oat to hi* scouts where tbe I 
horse* In the neighborhood are to be 
He uses evtry expedient to deceive, and ha 
many settlements Col. Robe "m found his force 
looked upon with dread, tbe inhabitant* think- 
ing they had just fed the 1'aioei troops and 
that Hot-son was tbe terrible Morgan wno waa 
to sweep alt they poseesse 1 ot this world's 
goods cot of existence. 

A Hoo«ani9M.— It ha* b*en told me ( 
I don't vouch tor It, though it 
respectable ear-witness,) that Hooker, in his. 
parting address to bis otaoers here, said "tbat 
the army of the Potomac fought with tha 
rebels two hours on: of the twenty-four, and 
with the Government at Wasbingtoa the. 
other twenty-two." 

*3*/-The body of Torn 
kUled at Lebanon, Ky , na* U*n taken toLca- 
ington, Ky., and interred, lie wa* the favor- 
ite son of hi* almcct heartbroken moth e r , 
and the pet brother at Ue guerrilla, chief Jehat 

XW Aunt E. wa* trying to persuade little 
Eauv to retire at sundown : "Yon see, my 

j tar* how the little cluck .as go to rot. at at 
thu lime.'' Its, sunt,, r.pikd Bdd*, •*Mt 
the old hen air'- - ' 

£»7* A confirmed bac beto r saye tbe ; 
women so scldeta stammer Br 
tela so 

o last— a *taram«r has go* no chance to 
In. feople •stutter'* because they hest 
But who ever kn^w a to Bess— 


tate about 

|jy u Pa," said a lad to his father, "I have 
often read of people poor bit hooca t; "*■ **, 
om -iime* *ay rich but >»< - ~u 

fails icmocnt d 



i, ■■■■■■ A CO. 

W, E. HUQHE8, State Printer. 

Y, JULY 17. U 

of the 

tISTp. b 

I:*) r. k. 

IS night. 


*0U r.' *. 

18 night. 

e.00 ». a. 

IS night. 

6:00 p. m. 

li night. 

7:16 p. x. 

12 night. 

*» a. «. 

1*»P. M 

l/UU A M 

9:00a. v 

«K» A. X. 

1:00 p >. 

6:00 p. M. 

12 night. 

8:00 p. x. 

1* night. 

4.00 p m. 

8:00 a b. 

Second " 

First Western and South- 

Second Weatam 
NaahvUle and 

road . .- 

Louisville and Lexington 


I<rai*ville and Bardstown 


Cincinnati Mailboata 

Loaisville and Bvanavllle 


Shelby ril la Mail 

Shawneetown (Triweekly i, 
Tarlorf vi;l» and Bl jomH-ld 


•Arrive* 4oadapa. Wedne*.dav». Fridays and 
SaBurdav*, and closes Tuesdays. VriUue^yti, Kri- 
«i*rt aud Saturdaya 

Mailt for way*offlcos close at 9:00 p. b. on all 
Ml*) where the principal malls ciat>« at UaM at 

The maflboati for Cincinnati carry only way- 
mail*, except on Sundays, when the Eastern mail 
U sent by that route. 

Re Seaday mails on the Louisville and Lexing- 
ton railroad. Bardstown Branch railroad, Lebanon 
B ranch railroad and She .By villa root*. 

tW~ Office opens at I a b . , and closes at " r>. u 
The Box Delivery will be kept opea until 9 p at. 
BnadaTs— open from 8 to 9 a. b Deliveries BBWaf 
on Fridays from !• *. x. to 12 noon for advertis 


Police Proceedings — Thursday, July 10. 
Silas Dipham, disorderly conduct ; bail in 
•200 for three months. Bailed. 

Samuel Ccperwai'-h, drujk and disoiderly 
conduct; baU io 9200 tor six monika. Pail. 
Wbaien bail. 

Charles Russell, drunk and disorderly con 
dnct; bail in 9100 for two months. II. F. 
Baird bail. 

Fred Haltoo (f. m. c ), yagrancy and beivg 

Charles A. Stewart, obtaining one fine cloth 
coat by false pretense from F. Pell, on the 
comer of Market and Sixih streets; bail in 
£400 to answer io the Circuit Court. Jail. 

Numerous peace and assault warrants were 
diepoaed of* 

Stuusc Gold and Silver. —Wednesday 
Marshal Ilydes ! rreeted a young woman 
namtd Julia White, on the charge of stealing 
tome forty dollar* in gold and silver from 
Win. BeLheld, about the 10th ol the present 
mouth. At 
Julia was employed in the house of Mr. Ben- 
field as a serva-t girl, but ahor:lv after the 
money was missing Julia was also found 

Gay Old rABTY."— The other day a MORGAN'S MOVEMENTS. Cau Morgan.-- About tlu time the warbrota 

of four, who ant-wered to the namci of The Cincinnati Erqiirer of yesterday says out, it will be rtmembere 1 that CaL aforgar, 
illey, Dennis Kelly, Jick Froet aud Con j that Morgan and bis men arrived at Williams- 1 » brother of the notorious John, v,u« arrested 
Murpb), UkI it into their head* to have a ourt£ atJ o Ut hilt-past four o'clock Tuesday i and put In the military prison in this city, tmi 

;, and General John pave orders to bis finally banished t:, Canada, where he was to 
to turn their horses iuto the grain fields remain until the wur was 01 er. WhCB Jjfan 


will leave 
this day positively at five 
o'clock P. n. for Memphis. This biat is one 
of a regular line, and has fine 

i and attentive officers on board. Those 
;a pleasant trip down the river will 
ortunity. Captain John 
i is in command, and Dkk Fuller pre- 
aides at the 

in the 

was but very little 

lent to the 
but they'll find 
up a'.though it 

at finding Holme* 

to be 

• pair of 
jail, ch 
One of 

Sweeney arrested 
nd put them in 
inspected felons 
E. Lamson, alias E Edwards, 
a detective, aid was released, but 

is Fred Frax-r, 

vTe stated yesterday that the officers 
who indulged in the skirmish at the Nash- 
ville depot on Tuesday wtre both under 
am at. Toil if not so. One of the party ana 
a friend who was with him at the time, are 
under arreat, but not the parlies themselves. 

|y Tbe person who found a letter addressed 
to Mrs. Dr. Thos. J. Griffith, last tvenic-, w ll 
pleaae return it to the office of Dr. Griffith, on 
Jefferson street, between Ninth and Tenth 
The letter was 1 st Immediately in front of 
Lis residenc' 

Whipped —Yesterday officer Cbas. Junot 
got on the track of tome goods stolen last 
winter— traced them to the hou-e of a 


. of the law -a 

We learn that Miss M. W. White has 
diftolved her connection with the public 
schools, and iate: d- opening a private school 
She has served the School Board long end 
faitbfuily, and we regret to lose her 
services in our public schools. 

?m will be teen that Robert A. Hamilton 
I declared himself a candid ue for the L»g- 
representing the Secosd Distr et, 
composed of the Second, Third and Fourth 
wards. Mr. H. is a clever and popular young 

"We stated a few days ago that some 
rebels in the neighborhood of Middletown set 
fire to George W. Womaek's barn. We meant 
that it it was some straggler, and not a rebi 
dent of Middletown or of his neighborhood 

tWThc Monitor Minstrels had a very fair 
house last night. They are deserving a more 
liberal share of the pnblie patronage tkaa 
tbey receive. Go and hear them to-night, and 
you will enjoy yourself much. 

A C: KI06ITY.— A gentleman just from 
Vickeburg showed us yesterday a copy of a 
Vicksburg newspaper, July 2<J , two days be- 
fore lbs capture of that place, printed on the 
light side of & piece of wall paper. 

tOT Ninety two 
brought upon the 
B ! ght. Some of 
e'leginnce and go 
in the F. 


will uke the 

general j >llifioatlon over the downfall of the 
great Gibialtar of the Southern Confederacy. couldn't be "free an' ab>y with- 
out a bit o' licker to clear their whistles." So 
they all got drunk, and the whltky manufac- 
tured now a days naturally makes a man shout 
for Jeff. Davis and Dixie, and the more 
the party drank the more they shouted 
for Dixie, Vicksburg and everything «lse dis- 
loyal. The guards drafted three of the party 
and put them out of the draft. Tom Beatty 
volunteered his efficient services, and acted 
on the stiff of Irish No. 4, and saw him safe 
within the prison walls. Yesterday they were 
taken out of the military prison and intro- 
duced to Mrjor Fitch, who asked them if they 
could take the oath and behave themselves r 
"Throe for ye, Misther Capt'iu; if Iver an 
Irishman was lu throuble he wouldn't hesi- 
tate to swally the oath twinty times a day, an' 
his BtfjBf to ytr health on the top o' that." 

•'Bejabers," said No. 9, bowing, "An' git fat 
on it." 

"Yis ; an' it's the oath that mak-a a man 
dacentin this country, a'ye mind 

No. 4 said, "Yc're a gintl°man, ivery inch 
o' ye, an' m«y the divil uiver be satisfied outil 
he git* ivtry inemy ye have in the world " 

The Maj r required cell of them to take 
the oath, which they did with much pleasure, 
and each tipped his hat with a good-natured 
grin, and went off fully resolved never to 
drink Jeff. Divi6 whisky, nor to sheut for the 
Southern Confederacy again. 

Kenticky Rehel Pbisoseks. — Lieut. S. A. 
Dennison , Tweilth Michigan reiriment, arriv- 
ed in this city from Neehville on Wtdoetday 
evening wi.h one hundred and sixty-nine 
rebel prisoners, including a lew comiu'siion- 
ed < ltioers, who will be sent to Camp Chase. 
Ohio. The remainder of them will be ex 
chanced or allowed to take tbe cath of alle- 
giance — a number of whom htve rceolved to 
tiki the oath aud re in the Federal ser- 
vice. Among them arc rebels from tight dif- 
f. rent Sutts. We furnish the names ol those 
belonging to the Kentucky regiments aud who 
have got what tht y went after— "their rights:" 
Wm. T. Bishop, Ninth Kentucky n gimeut ; 
J. H. Cunningham, First Kentucky cava ry; 
Henry Timberiick, First Kentucky cavalry ; 
C. A. Rinkin, First Kentucky cavalry. 

By private letter we learn that there is con 
fined in the military prison at Murfrcesboro a 
lot of young fellows whom Buckncr persuaded 
to leave their "firesides and homes" to join 
the chivalric sons of the south, and who no 
doubt have now come to the conclusion that 
after all "there's noplace like home, sweet 

HT"The following is the organic it ion of 
the Third Regiment Legion of Defense: 

Colonel-L H Fenell. 

Lieutenant-Colonel— Louis Schweitzer. 

Maj . r— Alex Cross. 

Adjutant — H T JeflVraon. 

to,UArtermseUT— John Wood. 

hurgeoc^W U Ljie. M D. 

Sergeant Major— J J Bnlinforih. 

Company A— Captain, R A Shrader; First Lien 
tenant, J Kmi^: Second Lieutenant, UH Detchen 

Company B -Captain, J Boone; First Lieuteu 
ant, A T Itennett; Second Lieutenant, O Bre- 

Company C— Captain, J Mcnsbach; First Lieu 
tenant, W Krippeusiapel; Second Lieutenant, U 
Miller. ^ 

Company r>- Captain, Charl«9 Fais: First Lieu 
tenant, Green llarns; Second Lieutenant, John 

Company E -Car tain. E D Prewitt; First Lieu 
truant, James 11 Poole; Second Lieutenant, Ben 

Company F -Captain. E A Harris, First Lieu 
tiuant, Fred Bueker; Second Lieutenant, Riley 

Company C -Captalu, j First Lieutenant. 

v has Winkler; Second Lieutenant, And. Weisser. 

Company H- Captain, Charles Obst; First Lieu- 
tenant, A SeUaulie : Second Lieutenant, Jack 

Company I Captain, J Cooper; First Lieuteu- 
ant. m Bnemann; Second Lieutenant. Henry You 

» 7 

Company K— Captain, J C Gill: First Lieuten- 
ant. 1 Kimball; Second f llBjBSMBl, W Muili- 

tlT* A confederate prisoner, who had been 
paroled in the army of the Potomac, named 
James Butler, was arretted in this city on the 
7th inst., because he was suspected of belm: 
disloyal, having re:used to enroll his name iu 
the city defense eorLs. He was put upon his 
parole ol honor, with orders to report to Maj. 
Fitch when ordeied. Yesterday he reported 
himself, scco! ding to order, and Maj. Fitch 
prepared an oath for him, which seemed a bil 
ioua pi'l for Butler to dlges'. and it w.-§ 
some time before he made up hia mlad to 
swallow it, for he said he was fearful it would 
stick in bis throat if the rebels ever got hold 
of him. The Mi.jor allowed him the use of 
this city for two days, after which time he was 
to cross the "River of D.ath," and remain in 
the vine clad hills and fertile plains of Hooeier 
until "this cruel war is over." 

tW At a meeting held a'. Knapp's Garden, 
oa the 15:h July, to organize a military com- 
pany, C. Haupt was sppointed chairman, and 
Theodore Muling secre-ary. 

The company then organized under th 3 fol- 
lowing (ffictrs: Christian Knapp, Captain; 
Christ. Haupt, First Lieutenant; Michael 
Brucktr, Second Lieutenant ; Theodore Mul- 
ing, Quartermaster ; A. Ehret, Orderly Ser- 
geant ; Aditn Knapp, Compiny Clerk; Mar- 
tin Fix, Second Sergeant ; Joseph Stein, Taird 
Sergeant ; Nicholas Vetter, Fourth Sergeant; 
Nichohs Besaccon, First Corporal ; L. A. B. 
Redd, 8: cond Corpoial ; John K -rihage, Third 
Corporal ; Frank Akene, Fourth Corporal. 

tSTQiite a Lumber of rebel deserters 
daily come into the lines of the Federal army 
at Murfrcesboro, and ask to be allowed the 
privilege of taking the oath of allegiance, and 
either return to their hemes or enlist in the 
Federal service. Of this number a great 
many of them belong to Kentucky regiments, 
and we are informed ihn there are at present 
a lot now held as pr soners, but who are de- 
serters, who are fiom this city and ceanty, 
who will be sent here aj soon as convenient. 

The Amoi jjt of Daxaub Lone — The 
emoant of cama^c done by Morgan's marau- 
ders to the Louisville, New Albany aud Chi- 
cago railroad will tot txeef d Jio.OOO. With 
the exception of the rtbu lding of the depot 
at Salem, ibe whole amount of damage will 
be repaired the intent week. All the trains 
on the roo i ore running regularly. 

t#~ Afric in berries ol American descent— 
black-berries — are making tneir appearance 
in large quantities in our marketheuses. The 
crop this year will be large and fine. 

soldiers arrived 
day. They 
Corps at th 

in the iLV ilid 

HT The city was quiet as usual yesterds j. 
We did not hear of any news of importance, 
or any distnrbance whatever: "all was quiet.'' 

Joe Short, tbe news agent, has our in- 
debtedness for favors. Joe is a gent on the 
tram sad off of it. 

Csf* 1 

se**iuii to-Light, 
by the Major. 

I4f~ The Cincinnati papers 
yesterday via Jefferson ville. 

at noon 

The Niagara Exctrsion Postponed.— 
Owing to the excitement occasioned by the 
Morgain raid in lndiaas, the excursion to 
Niagara Falls, via Cleveland, which was got 
up In Indiacaj o:is, has been postponed indef- 

"Go It."— General Hobson, with his forces, 
was only five miles behind John Morgan as 
they passed through Burlington, Ohio, Tues- 
day morning, at eight o'clock. Tbey were 
making lor the river at last accounts. Go It, 
boys ! 


Powell, a son of Dr. Pow- 
ell, of thk ciiy, and a member of Morgan's 
horse-thieves, was arrested st Miamiville, 
near Camp Dennison, Ohio, a few days ago, 
and j ut in the luilitaiy prison at Cincinnati. 

Ten reb«l prVone's were captured by 
the Harrkron com. t., Indians, Home Guards 
and breu r ht into N"W AJbaty on Wetlcti- 
dsy. TLey are arriving I i small squids daily. 

HF*Oo-of the b e-. gunners b^louiring to 
^forg^'e ijattvry has been captured and put 
in jail at Ch&ilestou, Indiana. 

ty Ycuog Mav, wi,o accidentally shot Mr. 
Burks' little daughter at Indiacapolis a few 
days sgo, has gone crazy. 

Released.— Wm. Frederick was released 
from the miliary prison yestetday upon 
taking the eaih of allegiance. 

Personal — J. W. Tate, AssistAnt Secreta- 
ry of State, is in the city, ou a flying visit. 

UalU* C V?i ° LtU lCeB reUcved * mar ~ 

on the edge of ike town to feed for the night. 
This being dune, the rebel horde went into 
tbe town, aud quartered upon the citizens for 
the nigh*. At the point of the pistol the citi- 
zens were forced to disgorge all the provis- 
ions they had, and the rebels partork heartily 
of their evening meal. General Morgan gave 
notice to the citizens that if there w:s any 
I'nion army ahead, or near by, he advised 
them (the citizens) to go and send them in 
another direction, for if tbey came near to 
Him and gave him any trouble, he would set 
fire to tbe town and burn every house to 
ashes. There was not less than 4,ri00 rebels 
with Morgan at ihat place. That night they 
slept on the sidewalk in the streets and fence 
corners, and remained in Williamsburg fifteen 

On Wednesday morning they took up their 
line of mirch from the town, and as soon as 
they crossed over the bridge over Eist Fork 
creek they set fire to th j bridge and burnt it 
up. Their rear guard left Williamsburg yes- 
terday morning at 8 o'clock. When they left 
the town they impressed into service a guide, 
who led them ont the plank road teward Mt. 
Oreb and Sardinia. This route was one se- 
lected by Morgan himself, after examining the 
map, early in the mornii g. The teouts went 
ahead and ob each side of the line of march 
taken by the main body for the purpose ol 
continuing their thieving d-prelations and 
keeping a look out for Federal troops. At 
New Hope they burned the bridge across 
White Oak ereek, and In that neighborhood 
took about thirty choice horses and left fifteen 
or twenty jaded ones in their steal. 

Tbe guide returned and reported that Mor- 
gan was movirg on Sardinia, which waa 
further north than the river, aud the impr e 
sion prevailed in Williamsburg that he was 
afraid to venture ecro:s the Ohio, but wou'd 
continue on up through the State. He stated 
to the cltizensof Williamsburg that he intend 
ed to avoid the Ohio river, and was goirg to 
burn Columbus, the capital of the State, and 
then move into Pennsylvania. 

A Handsome Present.— It will be seen by 
the tollo wing correspondence that the patients 
and attachee s of Hospital No. 10 have pre 
sented Dr. R. A. Bell, Assistant Surgeon, with 
a handsome gold-heeded cane. They could 
not have given it to a more able physician 
and a more clever gentleman than the Doctor 
Hospital No. 10, ) 
Louisville, Ky., July 14, 18,3. J 
Dr. R. A 

Sir— The puients and attachee? of this hes 
pitnl,manyof whom are about to leave for 
active service iu the field, beg leave to pre 
sent you with a gold-headed wnlkirg can 
as a token of th?ir b'ga cs'eem for you as a 
gentleman and physician, and your* uuiforra 
kindness and close* attention to them while 
under your care. 



For patients and attachees. 

Hospital No 10. ) 
Lovisville, Kt., July tb\ 1868. | 

tkmmd E. tojmmn and others, JWknts ami 

Your com pli mentai y note begging my ac 
ceptauee of a gold-headed walking c ine, as s 
memento of your esteem aud good feellmr, tl 
before me, I acuept with pleasure your be*u 
Mful gilt, and allow me to arsttre you that I 
shall ever cherish, with proud sati. taction, 
the pleasant associations formed h' re betwasBj 
us ms pa'lcnts and physician. The virtio 
purity of the metal whiej surrounds your 
gift shall evrr remind me of my dut.v toward 
those who are offering their lives a* sacrifice 
upon their country's altar. 

Your obedient servant, 

R. A NELL, A s t Surgeon. 

1ST The followlug prisoners were brought 
up to Evansville, Indiana, from Henderson, 
Kentucky, on Monday evening. They were 
mostly captured iu the Greec-rivei counlry: 

ReM JVtemer.i. — Lee J. Bradock, ^ueiTilla ; 
George Crissic, guerrilla ; Henry Cockrell, 
guerrilla; Wm. Eaves, gutrriiia ; Samuel 
Cooper, guerrilla ; E Handlf-y, guerrilla ; 
L»:e M- Long, on Morgan's st-tff; Autrti'tus 
Watingly, iruerrilla ; Jos. L Norris, guerrilla; 
Harris fcutberry, truerrila ; Rol>'t Spuulding, 
Frank 8cott, G. W. Wollolk, Wm. Watkins, 
Thos. B Woodward, John B. Welborn, Silas 
A Mitchell, Chaa. FitJhenrr, Henry Machin, 
B-rj. F. Lamb, Jobn Dill, W. C. Cole, Wm. 
Ful'er snd John E. Young. 

CUuen .nlBBjiSll. Jtmm Fisher, William 
Simpson, John Oonnell Clapper, Levi Combs, 
Lewis Tournter, Wm. 8. Davidson, Adamson 
Mitchell and Guiles Arnold. 

The following Federal deserters were ateo 
brought up aud turned over to the Provosi 
Marshal of Evansville : 

Christian Bolen, John FiVans, Smiley C're'gb, 
AleT. Garth y, Martin Hulet, Geo. Miller. Thos. 
J. Paine. Jos. Vaughn, Wm. Cummings. Ncah 
Scott, John C. Smelser and Green B. Mc- 

Fatal Militart Blukder at Lawrence- 
flt'RO.— One of those sad blunders which of 
ten attend first military experience, cl friends 
mistaking each other for enemies, occuried 
at Lawrenccburg, Indiana, Tuesday nighL A 
report was started that Morgan's forces wtre 
returning and approaching the pbee, where- 
upon two companies belonging to Colonel 
Shryock'6 Indiana regiment were sent cut 
about seven o'clock in the evening to rccorj- 
noiter In different directions. When two 
miles distant they met, and each took the 
other for the enemy and began firing. The 
result was, that before they discovered their 
mistake, seven mtn were killed and twenty 
wounded. Among the latter waa Judge 
Goodwin of Hancock county, formerly a Sen- 
ator. His wound is serious, though it is 
ho; ed not fatal. These same brave boys 
batiught in four prisoners whom they found 
worn ou'. and straggling on the road ; but in- 
stead of being Morgan's men they turned ont 
to be General Hobson's. 

Exploded.— The Philadelphia Ledger sayi 
the locomotive Jeff. Davis exploded on Mon 
day night la«t, between Richmond and Peters 
burg, throwing part of the engine twenty- 
live feet iLto the air, asd killing five persoi s. 
Tnis is typical of the fate of ihe government 
mach ne Jell' has been trying to ruo. It is 
thrown off the track by the surrender at 
Vicksburg, and another blow hy Meade, such 
as he inflicted at Gettysburg, will send it iky 

f-iTThe trial, by court martial, of pilot 
Garvey, who was accused of running the ram 
Queen of the West aground at the time of her 
capture, has resulted iu his triumphant vindi- 
cation by a unanimous verdict of acquittal. 
Pilot Garvey proved palpably that he informed 
Col. Ellett that he had never turned a wheel 
In Red river, and knew nothing about the 
of that 

Morgan entered Brandeubur^ the other day 
quite a number of rtbs took po:»e c .6irn of 
Ashcraf.'a Hold, who located themselves 
loose al)on», hang ng over the baniBtcrs, lying 
on the steps and in the yards, hail tired and 
asleep, when they were aroused from their 
comfortable situuions by a tall, manly-look- 
ing individual riding up hurriedly into the 
erowJ, dressed in u fashionable cut gray coat, 
with a flaunting e:pe, and his pants cut in a 
fashion that would have done credit to An- 
derson. He alighted and strutted proudly 
through the crowd of eoldicrs, who looked 
upon him as they would upou a viper, as he 
passed. Others, "who didn't cuss, but thought 
as much," turned their backs on him aud 
walked away. As he stood looking over the 
crowd of tired and dirty soldiers, a Iricnd 
stepped up to one of the soldiers and irquired 
who be was. "That c'— d lool with the kid 
gloves on is a brother of Morgan. His uaw" 
is CaL" 



The Job Department iu the Democrat 
.ifllce is now ready for all kinds of print- 
ng. Bills, Clrca^ro, Cards, Poolers, &c , 
printed at the shortest possible notice, anc 
at prices to salt the times. 


Main asd Fourth. 


42 Collet- it cjL 



uun urn mil 


Military Hats, Caps, and Trim- 
mings to Order. 



"Win. Skene <S^ Co. 


KcBncd Coal CH, 
Puro llosin OUs, 
ll. R. Pi3h Oils, 
lio:>?.o\o and Ni 

Refined Carbon Oil, 
Extra Lard Oil. 
Headlieht Oil, 
Car and 


ircM, while, siAiaj ub mm nu mtuu 


1 Lb*M Sfl«B| BjBfj 

;h Lim-\ * • Mai K-ses. 


IW The lemoval of Mr. E. Bimbcr^rr to 
New York seein*, to comf ex r eot, io have ere 
atcd an laapf esntoc] in t!i* e mmu- ity that 
tbe well-known firm ol E. kunberfjev A C* 
was to be ditsolvcd. This imp n ssioa is err. 
nrou*. On lh»^ contrary, the removal of Hi 
E. B. to New York WU solely i nentb d lo^.v 
their eld-established hoa^ea ldiiionul l -eiltt es 
lor the purchase of stp.p!ea:.d faDry dry goodl 
lo which Mr. E. B. will devot.' h;3 wno '.ft at- 
teniion, w5ii!s r . Mr. N. Bloom, Ms mrteer, will, 
as usnal, cor.du t the business in this ci'.y 
The house will, hy this new BlIMgCHMBl, M 
enaUlcd to effer |o their many cnsti>im-r-, ; ud 
to the trr<d? in ptriral, such strong; induce- 
ments as will not be excelled bv ar.v oiher 
hcuse in this city. jj W dlO 

Boyi.e GfAUPf — All citiaeT<s livmff in tbt 
S:»rini; Gardiu prcciuct, and of the a? e from 18 
to45, and a!l baoeetag to Cap*. Kaapf/d c m- 
pany, are requested to atd at Knap;>'s Gar- 
den this (Friday) tv.-iiing. Company drill to 
beheld atr^oVdoek. 

By order ot the CsBfaia. 

A. Knait, Company Clerk. 

Scott, Keen & Co., corner Sixth and 
3Iain streets, have just recelvo«l a l.Hrjrc 
and] select lock or flue tlothins; and 
turni-biutr Roods. my 33 dtf 

EvEHTiioiiY iNTERnsrEi). — R. V tti Du-kirk, 
E?q., Newark, New Jersey, writes : I know cl 
several person* <* ho hiv j uj< d Mrs. AlitaV 
Worlu'b Hair Restorer aud Zyloba];amii!ii with 
jrratifying suexs. a id am desirous cf becom- 
ing au agent for their sale. I am BMMoM - 
lirge businops can be done." 

8'ii<l by druggists even wh> re. pot, M 
P ;eenWich St., New Vorlc jylO de. d^vw 

Petiiei. College.— We are authoiizjl to 
state that Bethel College, at RuFsellvllle, Ky., 
w li be re-opened on the Tih of ni ai Bepii m 
ber, with h comp'-tent fa.-ulty. Those do-ir- 
tog iulorm tion in regard to the kdvaatBgee 
and fcicili us of this college will ■AdrffH the 
Rev. George lliiu', U Bnaci llviile. 

A large as^ortmeut or bnsuic** suit* 
at Scott, Keen A Co.'s, conior Sixth 
and Main streets. my'.':; dtf 

"W'onLo'a, London, 1SG3 —The high- 
est premium has been awarded for iho Wheel 
er A: Wilson Sewing Machines at the Hi rldV 
I air, recently held iu Lcudon, England, with 
all other sewing machines iu conipetiiion 
This result wai not unexpected of eXHUM, bu; 
is still highly complimentary to Americat 
geniu*, and a triumph more rioti-woit':;. i 
sid<»rinir th*. imblle eeuliment in England 
This marked rccrgoition of this BBBChise no 
only adds to its prestige, conllrminp, ae it d^es, 
the BBtaerooa Bvarda here, tat itawd i f} 
the public that if any eewingis bVhm Wll Ida 
A m ilsou's is the machine to do it. 

Wm. Bvhru »\: Co., 

General At-euts for the West & South vcet, 
Ofliee No. 1, Mas onic Tem ple. 

Just rccived, a new supply of t>lr<l 
cages fe-ither dusters and widow bisk- wteir L 
we sell as low as the lowest. J. Si es. 

If yon want a good lifting shirt go to 
Scott, K.en 4e Co.'s, corner Sixth and 
nain streets. m; 33 dtf 

Important Notice — J. M. Armstreni, o- 
Main, opposite the Nitional, has determined 
to offer great inducements lo purchasers ot 
men's and boys' ilothina: "to aOM out hi.- 
stock." A word to tttr. 


Are oftVn expoeed In consequence of the !nr2ielenc» o 
(to-called) l enutltjlny i>rt-p::rati''n« ; but all who ese 
Ci:i>TAI>oIlO S K\t'FI.3IOU ll.VIlt DTK kuow acd 
SjaJ thsj .heir BSSBBt U i*core. 


Can distinguish the blacks and brjwns produced by this 
dye fVo-n tho<e imparted \>y the Creator. 

Ml MflfBVCTlfl lISBIMIIf, 

Nothing that e m shrlrel up or in any way injure Ihe 
hair, m BfJSl with Ihe vru-rr.ttii a rrgctibh tUmtats 
ol this womUrful preparation. 

Manufactured bf J I'lMSTADOKO, 6 Aitor House. 
New .-old everywhere, acd applied by all Hair 

| >••••- «T<. 

1'rict- #1. >1 50 and 13 per box, according to size. 
{BV deotlAwlm Xo. 4. 

« n tadoro'- Rair Preservafive. 

Is invaluai.le with ills Dye. a-i it iraparts the utra,.?t s-ft- 
BCaa, the must beauUful nloss, all d grtat vital ty to the 


I'-eee 50 ceaU, #1 and 12 per bottle, acc*rdin« to 
»lze. f c 3i ,!Awly 

6<«t in t*e Wort I. The en y llirmle**, T. ne 
Rtlialh Dye kBJBBBB. Thi ; BBBBBSl I Hair I»ye is lVr er- 
chants Ke.1. Rusty or (jrcy Ma\t instantly to a 
li! »»;, U.ii k- .r Xatnr'tl B-incn, w.tliout injarin* the 
Hair or staining the Stin. laBBfjg the IU!r Baf an 1 
beautiful; imparts fresh vi ality, frL-quently restoring iu 
BCtstiM BallS*, and rectifies the ill fffects of bad Dyes. 
The Genuine Ushroed TfriBUB A. I SSBJBJBBjBBj Bl others 
ra re lm tatloiu. and shvuld be avoided. .<old by a 1 
■msjbJbIBj Ac. FACTORT- el BARCLAT-ST., N. T. 

It* ehtlor's Maw Toilet Cream lor 1) <s-ing 
the Hair. j^Sdly 

Man ii fa < (u- rs of C'jal an! C-rb m 
Kitchen Hand Lsvjp to ri< h Parl ir or Cl 
Burners, Wii ka, ttsaiB Chimneys, Gl.-bo Br.; :h 

Warehouse aud Store, "Si:liitt Street. 
Carbon and Coal Oil Works, Corner Sixteenth and High 

Lard Oil and Lamp Factory, Bullitt Bt., bet. Main and Water. 


Kent ickv 

John L. O'Neal.John 
Benedict and John Moore, were arraigned in 
Philadelphia last Saturday on a charge of 
high treason and taken to New York for trial. 
The evidence already adduced before tbe 
court proves the existence of an extensive 
conspiracy against the government, and of 
complicity with the traitors of the South. 

l^- Morgan is hemmed in now "«Mre"— on 
theuorthby a^ake Erie, on the enst by Gen. 
Meade, by the Indiana Legion on the west, 
and Roeecrans on the Sjuth. Xo* we'll 
'bag" him. 

We are Indebted to the Adams Express 
ipany messengers for Cincinnati papers cf 
in ae vancc of the mails. 

tyHon. C. L. Vallaodigham has arrived 
at the Clifton House, Niagara FaUi, in Can 

yfJohn Morgan has crossed fight rail- 
roads in Ohio during his raid through that 
8. ate. , 

Cool— "Lee, what'U you take?" 
»Mead(e),lf it's handy." 

J2T"rhe pole-evil, tig-hcaa, twiney anc 
scratches, as well us all other external diseased 
nf hurecs and cattle, are permanently eared bj 
Dr. Bettisou's well known English BozmUbI 

Main dep»t on corner Tfirketand El v Bjtl 
streets, Louisville, Ky., at W. C. Coknjaali 
drug store. 

Sold by every druggist In the chy Had coui: 

Pianos. — For the cheap let and b^rt finished 
and toned piar.os in the city, go to tk« m- r 
ufactotyand warcro^ma ol Hi-, z.-n oY R«an 
Market street, nr>rth side, betfftej Six'n anc 
Seven.h, Lo ifcfHto, Kj. jela vltl 

For boys* and youtho' eiothin? goto 
Scott, Keen .V Co.'s, corner Sixth and 
ittain streets. myj:; d.f 

Roofing —The attentloa of the pub! 
is called tu my elattie p. in* acd roouSp 
cement, which is considered by ill \;hj 'u.-.\f 
tested it to be the best and cheap st maleriu 
of the kind now in use for tia, iroj, or meia! 
roofs. C. Cogg-ishill, JelTerson street, be- 
tween Fourth and flfta, Loalcvllle, Ky. 

jelO tf 

Wanted! Wanted!— Gold, Silver, BasBjaad 
Notes and Southern money, for which I w.l 
pay the highest prices, at my offije, ThirU 
street, one d. or nor.h of Green, next to the 
Capital Drugstore. 

aplO JfLirs Mendht m Broker 

Pine black dress suits at Scott, Keen 
& Co.'s, corner Sixth aod Main BfjcetBt 
Warranted equal to the best custom 
work. my&i dtf 

l^f" Messrs. Green & Green, corner sj 
Main and Fourth streets, areJuU m rec; i;>l <•: 
a stoi k cl ladies' riding ha.s of the v.ry Utesi 
styles, and the newest trimmings. Ladles 
who wink to look really elegant wi;l not f:i!l 
to see these hats. They are equally suita' !i 
f< r walking or the carriage. Tnis house ha c 
also a complete stock of ivcryihlmr iu th' 
hat azd gents' furnishing lise. 

J^"Oar Dr. John Bull i* a Napoleon In hu 
sphere of action. His ObbVbbj Bitters bid Ml 
to clear the field of all riva's. jy Hi dtf 

Tbe lnrgrst and best assortment o : 
gents' l in in- 1: i.-'~ u'^ -N to be foond in 
the city is at Scott, Keen & Co.'s cor- 
ner sixth andJttaJln^trcetB^ my 23 dtf 

United States Kbvknce Stamps.— I hav? 
on hand and will constantly keep a fall eap 
ply of the above sumps. 

Persons ordering bv maU may depend upon 
having their orders filled by return ■atTL 

Office in Customhouse. 

Phtlip Speko, 
Col. Int. Rev. 3d Dh. Kentucky. 
md3 dGm 

Flags, wholesale and retail, at J. Sues'. 


July 9th, at the resilience of the blide's father, by the 
Ht-v. R. J. Maffulre, Ur L l is P. Ehkmamn, of l.ouis. 
vi le, Ky.. and ML<» Ka tk o1)..nm.i.l, daughter of Ja*. 
O'UcnneU. IsV. of B.ook'yn, X. y. 


FOK k I \ 1 I". !-K> \ ! C. 

J. It. HARXKV. senior editor of the Democrat, 1* a 

Candida e for the Senate, in t lit- distri« t eouip *ed of 
Je'JVr-on county .v.d t^e first and Second Ward* of the 
city (. Id divis on>. 

Hon. ISAAC V. MSUMB k a can lda'e for re e!e -- 
HoB lo the s* Ic Bene e »t the A writ t eUction, from 
■ he (vxuily i f JerTr-n r, and the Kirst, Second. Tenth 
..•■•I BeveoUl Ward-, ai ihe illy "f Lt ula* ilie. j«8 


RORT. A HAMILTON is a candidate for the LrgBla 
ture i;i the Beeond District, finpridtitr th^ Second, 
Ti ird and rCBtlB Ward*. j> 17 Ott' 

W.- i <• an'hr.rized to announce JOHN M. HKI.PH as 
BCBBdkllttfort i<- I 'V»er hrancli of the L»gUUk are <>f 

K' ataeay. in Ike lower liisoirt, taaaitiCi of ihe 
Seventh Kinh'.h X nth and Wards of the ciiy. jyli die 
\v.- are ■Btkcalsafl t.. aanaaari niWIlT L. 1TAN- 
CI.1K a- .i em I .1 f"r i:i.- l.t-iislaMir. 1 in the district'O-c-d o! i^f MVtulfi, KUhtli and Ainth wards. 


BKXSON OBM8BT U n tiaiiiTl talc to represent J«f- 
fe'a >i r BBtf li u . L" ■ at ■mm of the next t7ec*alB 
ture. li" dte 

MCOHIBT XF is a candid ite for the Stat! LegWlu 
:ure i i ;h-* first itl-'rlc! of the r'ty "f LoiiisTill*. BBBV 

i - .1 if tbe first. Ttaca ami JTteveaftB Wbbbb. ieA>*e 

a Demo, ratic caiid'n at • f r tin- l.egisl.ture. In the dis- 
trict C- inposed of UvtBOBMa hliJ LfCB OBBJBBHBi 

j.-24 dte 

BOYS WWCHFSITKR i-. a candidate far the T etWU 

'ut'., iu Jeff-.T; i i. ut; . aid* dte 

i tut rtiaiwi rnisTf umrRifT. 

Hon. tj TUBUaU is ■ candidate for Congress In 
the Kirst Dl-tii f. dte 

We are ant horl/.eltc, announce N. It. COTTOILL. ot 
(llcliman. Fulton, K>.. m a CBBdklsSe for LVn- 
irress, in the Pn-~i trii-t. m>31 dte 

for co\<;RFfcs-- riiiR» wmn, 

Wc ure authorized to bbbjbbbbbA t ItltVAX sa »n 
Independent mnsocratk Vatoa Candidate for C nuress 
in the Tb'.rd Di.-ti ;. i. jyW d.wASwte* 

R. M, BRAD. KY. rNn.. of CaT.-inl county, 'u an inde 
endeat Union caaeMaie fur Congress. aBBBBSSW, M. 
Randall, the nominee of tbe Union Convention. iela 

Hon. HKTOIT (IRIDER U a Candida!- for Conirrese. In 
the Tie; (I Pail I till. tul21 dte 

FOR < O\«ili:^S-F0l R Til DISTRM'T. 

Wear- anth rized f-i announce Ca| t. W. J. IIKADT 
sh a i-aii'lidate fur, in the louith District. 


We w authorized to annr.unce the Wm, XAT. 
BJOLFK m a Mful d .t.' r..r Ciusre, in the Fifth D^trlct 
at the t-nbu:iii Aivu- t ileeiiaev i-!3 

We are antBcrlml to announ.-e the Boa. KOIOT 
MAfXORY as a candidate for Coaaveaa in the Fifth 
Diitrict at the ensuing Aueu.^t aiect on. jo 5 

Foil BTTtKBT i\>l*ECTOR. 

W>f. BAII.V is a candidate for Ftreet Inspector In the 
Eastern Dieirirt at the eii.-nitiB AiiR'Hi elec !••». jy 10 le* 

We are aulhorii.d ti announce WII.LIA vt MODEX- 
BACK as a cauilidatd for s^tre-t Inspector, Eastern Dls- 
tric , at tt.e IBSBBH August election. 



hutut mm 

139 BftAlK STREET. 



On the 27th of April. A. D., MfA in Elizahethtown. 
Ky., In tbe tenth year of her ave. Miss Eizx>k nui 
exiLLWOon, daughter of J. S. and Rachel i'uiailwood. 

How sad to part with one so young-, so promisine. and 
a universal favo lte with all her voung companions. 
Miss S. was a most affectionate uainihter and uos-es<ed 
of a most sprightly mind, the wis the subject of many 
fond hopes, but dise ise marked her a* its victim, and 
for eUfbt wearl-ome months she was ihe child of sutur- 
ing. Being bless d with pious pa rnts, ana trained in 
the Sabbat o school from her earliest years to know the 
r-'-riptU' ca her hours of suffering were most wonderfully 
relieved by the Christ! »n's prom ae and hope. Though 
n turaliy liioid and lelirinc In her disposition, y. t when 
death caaie, with all his terrors in view, -he wteso sua- 
ta.ned by the upholdine arms of h-r sa lor, to whom 
•he bad committed the ketplog of her soid. that she fe t 
no alarm; but in perfec peace aud resignation to the 
Divine will she bade adieu to p irents, tis'ers. brothers, 
friends, to tbe woild its -If. a d fell asleep 1 1 t'cti-t. 

July IV. h. 1 -<.'■. of dipt-.eria, at *H " L llic Rar- 
Boso, young, -t daughter of W. * C. W. Wyatt, aged I 
years, 7 ii.ontba and 13 day*. * 

Cincinnati and Dayton. Ohio papeii pleast copy. 

The funeral will take place from tbe family residence, 
on Cedar Hill, at 10 o'clock this iFrlday) moraine. The 
friends of tbe family are respeclfaUy invl.ed to attend. 
Carriagee will atari from tbe coiner of 
ler»»n streets at 9H o'clock. 

3F\ X3C- 

(Old liouse ol Hbhaj x Ksoorr), 
Hitnuf.uiiirer of liiit W ork it»d Dealer 
In Krenili and AmiTkan Wlndow- 
Gltss, Wail Paper, Looking- 
. 1* holograph and 
Amhrotype Materials, 

Particular BttCB'Ica is rolled to my ass'-r ment of fine 
Ktpr avlngs. colored and BBCeeatOB, to which I am con- 
sUi.Uy lidding the newert and be t p >b:lc-<tiona BS .hey 
ate ir-u.-d b> inc lirsl puidiahittK houses of Lur. pe ami 


My factory for (lilt Work Is fifed wilh the most ap. 
arored ataeBtaerjr, and bu facilities uusiraassed for 
fmi.i-l.iu-- <;.;t Frames, uval wn,| sijaare, of new and ele- 
gant ceatgBe, at the ' 

iptnial atteu inn I 
1 .. ■ .n^-. .v . 

fi aming cf Plmtoirr .ptiB 

jelii dis ua 

CR0FPEK, PATT0X & (0., 


CmmWm%Mmwm .Herfhaiits, 

KCC 1 13 and 1 15 V.iA Fourth street. 



SHIPriTl'FKS alwavs f.nh.ind and for sOe by 
CRUPPK.H, P»TTOfl A t O.. 

Nee. lt: and 1*0 *.a«t Pourta »t. 


DC ITER, *c . .hi hau l and for aale bv 

4 ROPI'ER. PATTOw 4l O, 
N»a. 14; and Its East fourtli st. 

ALE-. VINKi. \K. .vc. hand and for «aie t>y 

HbSL It) and 140 1 




ill a.i-uuees made on cons giceota. 
Orders promptly filled by 

Ncs. 1 13 and Mj Ea-t Fourth st. 


in DRAW1NO at f e M ilo II -h St h«.ol. commenc- 
ing next Moday. July 20, and contlnulo* during the va- 

caton. These wUhin* to join the clasn can apply to 
Mm, at hi- residence, r n Sixth s!ree-. between Cbeamut 
aud llro.i.Iw iiv. or to M. <•. Raiusey, on ITourtli street, 
between Market aid Jefferson. l»l< da 
[Charge Journal. I 

"Wanted, in Good Earnest, 

hi a small furtuur. by * young gentleman, the 
proprietor of a very go .1 bu Ine-a house in t la cl y. 
but no. much aoiudntnl here, witli a view of love and 
ni-triicony. Addiess 444. Democrat o ffice. jyl: d a 


Just Received. 


View Mills; 

100 bbls choir. Family Flour. Novelty Mills, Rockport; 

ISUI.blsch ice F:.niily Flour, Blue Kiver Mire; 
NU) bhls extra Famil Flou , Model Mills; 
150 bbl« extra Family Flour, U- ion Mills; 
HO hl.U extra Family Flour. Dale Mil s; 
In store and lor sale lo * by 

9 «— tjV HQ .^bv r mr 9 

ttnVSD N<»\ i:mi:fi: -I'.), isci. 
For Sale toy «T- X>. *E30X^X>^J3E1. 

I .irere i t.. the utd.o. Thi- t:r.-l of th. i iar ■• » iinalu I J \ati 111 the < 

i-.L SI 


i n -f l-n'i«>. aud -o gre-t baa 
«, and bare nrver yet had a 
i > I* i : * i i .lkd in the history 

been ihe demand f r them that in this marl; t ,.!.>n 
SlNt.Li i-obpi Aiar. Web he-it nc» in sny i.e. • 
*r »ny new Invention. Talc la tk* aair l Tetnarkable waea we take nteae -..unl h 
cnlined our tracle BBMS I j iuiro auction to a very tun led amount if i . 


This Mill baa two tah<. when one i f which is hlled. !l i - «r--w press, whicb 

The r. »gain. thus 
- :- i- nN.i admirably adapted 
-. . t' eir al - ern»(« 
' .e I ah. It alaw 

I ur a 1 It baa t*»cia»U 

I.IV inf -Jes 

is suthcieiifly 
obvia inc the labor < 
for crushing and i re- 
uinti n they are pressed against ; L 

makes an excellent Ci ces- rr*asct l-»r.l Prtas. and anly ucrwpie- 
for hand, and a band »he.-! fee power. 

WeciKlm over all ..'her- v. t offered fr* III • public the (illowln 

1st. A greater amount of efficiency with le-is Mei«i.t u.l .-\p n 

M, It will crush and press more apple- iu u (h >.n IBB 

Sd. It Is ler s liable tt get out of u'der. 

4lh. It is arranged to run by hand or pnw r 

5th. It la more convenient. By tw j thuanb screws the h •!■!>. r U la. r.r l bbsI '« doTO, and every 
to view forcle;ir,in . 

*th. I« U » ett»r 4 ti c-her BBBBBBBI 'h^o anv I ' 
7th. It will make ri*ht l aareU ..f cider per •!..>. 




X »)1 Ml sale by VEKHOI I F BROTHERS. 

toiumi^.on Merchauts a d i <a ers In (ire.n. 




Wo. 14>1 Wull or >on-th -treet. _ 



fjri.ib-rni kM mat m U all ide. 


Westora Seed and A -ricnltur.U Wa:ehonse. 

Jcf 3tt W tst Main Street, opposite Bank of LoBBrriBe. LoajavaBa. Kf. 


J. M. Stokes & Son, 

het. Scfoiif! assd 19bM, f.j?n3«»-» ll!e, Ky 

dcaler 1 * i.\ ua irnn w * 


Swords. Belts:, 


Sa B L»es Pistols, Cots, Mattresses, 



S. P. 1IIC1 


(SUCCESSORS TO V.Css H.MAN ± -<>\ . 

Itlanufaclurers ol' ail liinilxor 


Third Street, IW .^fain :mti IVntcr, 

N. B. Particular attention paid to tlir Mrafcasjteg mi I.ral Tebarco. 

. i«» * , 


^84*B?!iV tBOffc n.iwera, Ruches, I aces, llbbons. S it . BBjf MM 
ntra.Iy. Our stock sh 11 h* BBjl ra' j'.:e 1 1 Sy by expcea frc 
hcuje in Nt w York. We Intend ke»t>i.B a enmi.l. t 

ly :.. ; vite tr...!- ta •;• a .-all. 

v - 

516 Main 

FTith and Sixth. Loui ville. Kf.: 


and Benzole, Lamps and Chandalicrs of all styles, for 
every uso and place, with aii Ike Fixtures and 
rices cf tho Oil snd Lam? trade, 
dealors and consumers. 

No. 219 Fcurtb ttnd, »»ctn Main : Marki :. L misTillr, Ky._ 

Now Scidcilory Warelioi 


Vo. 609 Main Street, one fleer above' Loui^ille Heirl. ImMPIi Ky. 

Texas and California s'jKs mad'; to ord r M ehott wmm. 

I M 



1 ti i; of pablie affair!., pen n< requi cl to ma c IBok 
rtturusfur the Income Tax for lx«i will he alrowt-d til 
the HKh of July to cotnclete the mum. All person iu 
the city of Louisville who have not made th Ir r.-iorn ■ 
at that time will lie II aide to be a-seaaeJ by the A»sl t 
ant Assessors , on the best information they can obtain. 
ar,<i50per cent, added thtreto: In a.ldMioa to which 
th^y are subject to a penalty of th«i nod costs cf suit. 

Iu addition to this the Comiubsiotier oflateruol Re.- 
enue bat, de.-i.lrd that — 

Where Mm ties are absent from hou«. and have no 
nnthoriied as>ut able to make return. t > y snoukl i « 
aa»es>ed a- fully and falny as is p<>a*iM>- with tt.c n.' r 
mation iB the Assessor's rearh. 

Retains can be made at tlu- follovtir ? place- Flr»i. 
Tei.'h, FJevenlli. ee -oud and 'I Bird wards at Sfon. 
Carriaas Fart«,ry. Main ktreet, between lfco.k aud 

FourtH and Fifth wSr.1* at No. li; Jeffen,on street. l> • 

ilh and Ninth wa ds at tiad Cha- 
an.l M^rke' streets. 

x [Bird D ktrlct Kentucky. 

Kourti an. I nan BBBBB s 







jys) dtf 1W Jonrth 't. l 

■tn an 1 Water IBB 




n*TI\( Till-' DlY FORMED A COPA 
. I-' M. ? I RR N * MKNaFEIL aaad 

LnulsvIUe. Jnrylfi, 


OriK-a WasaisGT a lBBtmaB^OaaByaBT.| 

clared a semi-annual divide nd of three dollars on 
each sh*re to stockholders, and a return premium of 
forty p rce .i. tolpollcy hoUera. paja le on demand, 
clear of national lax. _ 
i>lSd3 W 

Attention, C.mpany Q, 

r at »o - < 
will please Uko 

DEFENSE.— Yoo »ll» aa- et promptly Bjo>'« ock r 

BTeach day. AbacBt^ ind-leUnuiie^iU pie 

Xord^rTcapT. K BT ^ U ' en0a - 
jylfi di" A. EDWARDS, 0 

Poodle Dogs 


: ! i:it 

•I. ;r stoeB at Oa> 
Ihe WB*teaal 
Ihrir old j 

TO 1 

LcacrriBe. Jb'» 1. 1** 

street, bet*. 


noiic i:. 

__ MI^K 1 i . > *- 
McFerran k Mea^f.o »i 


we c.i eerfii'lr r enmmend Me 

_ of Sac cuBBBBtBoe bb4 

a-.e oi our f lends. 

>Aee wil b • .t the s'cre r f Me Fe. ran * Menefee, 

a* h rHofare, under the same style of 


Louiarille. July L is- A is' *C* _ 


On Saturday, July lf»:h. 


A beaut. tul i.r. 


rwvlle rood. A 

,1 T..< c. 

P rere»t»^^ 


BY C. 

1 WAWtX. 




mom m*a.nm am> ror 

SD AN!) lloI'.'CHuLD 1'L'RMIL'Hl' 
AT A I ( Tl(l\ . 


»nt r-t Au. 

•up i Irfit ; 

a and Ha- 
il niwi¥ 

1>U fta , a i 

lion K< 
.• B v ||. 

Will lx- told 

one Top hu* 

d mteViata' I t 
adver-iaed f ir 

,.,1 H.'. oU i of 

, v.ll l. f aiW-l 

«>i .er iini. ioj sfi'-ereccived. _, . 

**■>* i:i! attention i«ca lc<i to Ce Ros wood Pifiio and 

«'»k Sid — «.ard. T:.i- c i — ■ :. ar ■>' \arbty ,.r 

«l emit Fun.rure ofev i . des-rii'ti >D and i- well wor 
thy tbe trtteUiou of buyer.-. The* mile will be impita- 

C. C. f PENCER. 


Special Auction Sale 



sell it very extensive ato< k «.f co-<| • coni*.ri-:n* 
an-ijls. Cus-iuM-re- and Cl"t s. Print . Brou n 
. ,i . «' ■ti..n». Tickle* and Lbeaa. Heatary. 
a. Haii(tk> rcbief* Dre-s floods, J,conets. and 


Wholesale and Retail Bealers in 


rr.y» dls 

Corner SIxtU 

Main Streets, Loiii<<vJIie, Kj. 

line* of 
and Ble 

•'fSF* i*»of Kotl .i.,. Wkshtn* to rVo'.- . 
1; i Helen's »ujer- will f1:i i a rare chance to buv 

7 em 

L K V'l\ A CO.. 
Auction. vr 

U HARRIS. O. w. aumu. 


*' 31 Main St., net. Seventh ■*! s.s.. I. ui *BM, 



oh.icit coxsigsml'vts of mki:ciiavhts>k 
1 Bew .ndSec.ui h-nJ Pornltarefor PaMlc or Vii 

I r ii cart ad 'arp»« mide on conslmmrn's, 

Out-,1.. >r >s»!e- promptU ntt-n i ! . 

Krf^r t — JJardr. r * Co.. o •!.. Wick* Ku. Smith 

* Waide. Woo. L. W- Her, v r el ■ A. !. ■iv.i'.u: I :«vi.!,- 

ty. I „■.•.;.. -i, : „ ' 

lart on and fo»f»iv<ioii *.inb!e, 

Tin: rxT>KRS!<;\t.r) m.wk jr**f opf.x 
ed an Auction, ar.d Comn."'* l0 n Malile on 
•He oas-th « tie ef Hark et, ^caat-.-n Sixth and 
**:ye»th stveeuv sn I r- ,..,.<., -„ii v solicit the 
£;atr«n>«*re «T the. f.„u<. generally, and esp'ria h ol 
. •: >- v h > tiare ,i .r^ex. Mules, \Vatroiis, or any other 
..«=rr. r-ou of property to -ell. ..II. ral c tab ;. !< MM 
aaMr ; a n »rt». limy ],.(> ^j.j, f,„. ., a | e . \\v have n 


rt'Si sw^i ff^i iflfli 






5*** L be v, ' r to* 0^ Mr. I D. lil; l.e . f l 
"** I * r ' OW11 auciloucer. Tryu«. 

VJS .«ra C.A'I.IN A BRAWNER,l»»o'tre. 


Picnic ! Picnic ! 

ft. lMMh*l Orphan Asylum's Appeal to 
the Citizens if Louisville 
Mi Yieioity. 

J. e ly, would ie..p«-cifuUy ht^te that thev are (till 
|* ■■rileiied with h I rire dehL and 'aid debt hcin< <lalh 

I ner t a atj by further ealh ofaHarHy on them, have <-:i 
ejndr-d to h M i PICNIC for Ike beaettt of aaU Atylum, 
at :h M9 known and sui able place, 

Capt. I -hris. Knapp's Garden, 

<»n Monday, July 27, 1H03. 

Tl'p Trupteo- «re edi aware that several 


irtee* are wrM aware that 
its of the ?a::te kind a.-.d for the sann 
liar in tit Moot, have beaa hel I thk > 

t the k • d MM and friends of the 
I a rhari «hle tliMMt ition to help the 
i •!■•;:• ate i" | eralbraaMtarteJ 

Society w ill rail , m the citinensof l.ou 

rpose, M 

and rfataii 
all. ir. ' U I evt 
Ti e com ,iitt ; 
iloaaUona the 
M< nday, Juiy 

jitdt I 

to s iieit oaatribati n- for wtthag up the 
> —all »:ifl will h • th inkfully KCeTl e I. 
a-lll h • wovided with • hook to ra,rk all 
l in.^ They will make thtlr fl bt call ou 

i'LKMEXS PCH1LDT. Pr~Ident. 
NICOLANV BOES, X iee PrestdasA, 
JttllN SCMl'LTK.;, Treasurer. 

For Clarksville and Xasbvillo. 

The Hirht drancht <tte»mer 

Q. LLOVD Woo I ward, 
i!ll»ave aaaWre 1IIIS UAV, Ifth in^t. 
si., fro. a PertUBd. 
r pa«««ee apply on t-nsrd, rir to 

1« to..\ i« Foin tli street. 

For Cairo * ,id St. LfMH 

Kth in t.. at IT 
Por fr'ixat oi 


TUe Snc tteaiuer 

CAWKUA. fioMIn-. Master, 
'III leave a« ■tore en Tills DA V. the 

For Evar.sviMe and Hecd^reon. 

«w4il<i J 'eavo a* Till- DAV.' the Ktl'.. a 

4 o e. .«•, (•. M.frwi |.K,t of Potutfa treM. 
For Iresfht or p^ asa » tf apply on hoar <. or to 

HOOkHEAD a CO . kmM*. 

L'»nis and ill way Landing-. 



T5ie st-ari-r 

J EN NIK ROGER-*. Rogers. Ma-ter. 
[will h are a* a x ve THIS I'.VV. Uxi 17U 
Jil- r r ,t. „t pi o-. look A. «. 
f ir freight or pjs-ar- apply mi hoard, o- to 

MOyKU'.AD * CO.. At'?'*. 

For NrL\iIh. 


i-i »n*. at i p. st. 
For fr tig hi. or yass? 


LIXtTB. Woodward. M««t. 
oal.jveTIII' DAV. the i: 

?e ajip'v on i, or la 

MOORIIEAD \ Co. Ar^r.ti. 

For Paducah, Cairj, Hickunn t;d Uefcpbh. 

Tbt> flue pa»-encer -aiv-r 

COM HEUCI >!...'! o. Will. --, M—er. 
— fwlll ware aa akore an IT.ID-.V, tin- Kth 
mm„ at a a .-' .eU p. a., frou; Portland. 
» or n-eir/ut or aaaiaf aapir on hoa d. r.r to 
IT**, . D. J. CA PFKI V. I::; Wall st. 

plr on hoard or lo 

For Cairo nnd ■fjfj^feia. 

L«tnv. FRIDAY, the ITt'i :it.t. ., 
a'taacfc p m., fix,:u Purtlaad win f. the 

rOMMnCUL. CipU!a V ft 

For fre'u:bt t.r Viase apply on I- ard. o to 
Sm X. S. I.«»N*;. Ae-Pf. IJjW.1-1 st. 

MadU .-.n.Orrolltoa and Kmta<*« 

Toe fine and s !■ -i '.id • n - !• e:t 

M \-Oa IC OEM. Uaat. 
'Hai.iiltoa. * ii! leave Louisville eveij 
Tr.. « pv. Thursday an I latardaf at 13 0*docfc >: . p -i 
ttretr, f oa. the f>ot of Fourth *t-eel. 
f or treif lit or pa-Miv »m>I« on 1» ar. or lo 

CROPPER, l'.\«T..\ i < .... \e^-,,, 

_jeJJif N. s. ItS and IC Fourth 9t. 




LIBFRTV No. 2 havins been purchnsed e\proa«ly 
ortbetrale, wi I leave Loabr] le for Mewi|»bU punrtu- 
ally every M' A V ef • niuc at te'eto ik. fr oai > toft and 
wti.trf. takin rei .-'it an I p- -s, ; ,fr- t' "ii pr ; n ijed 
landines on the < >hlo, an 1 permltahle po.nti ou the Mia- 
alsj'opi. to Memphis. 

taT"St*te rooms tcay l>e secured .in J freight ensured 
la advadce o-. application M 

MOORHEN D .t CO., or 
T M. ERW1N. Auei.U. 
ir.vii dtf PouHh Mm L hat, Mala aad Ri.-er. 





On JeflVivjn, bet. First ami Second sts„ 

i;' ,\Ipi- pcen thor^schly overu^iilel and refitted), 

B^iis. Parses, rtiblic Mcetinss, &c , 

MTftC terms see JOtiN li HiXKLE. at the UalL 


M rshal's Sale. 


H .irulel Man; Bed 
\\ i«hla«ton and Flo 
and irontiiiL' "p ">V.i 
rik-hi northw. 
we-twirdlv Mi (aeti 
alo:.u' the eaal Ihte ol 

In Chancery, Xo. lL fi 12. 

R. W. Snnw.len's Adin'ri 

■d nst } 
R. W Si.o.vdeirs Heirs.) 

i' ::ii.-eiy Court, rendered in t'.e above cause, lh«. 
k reigned, .'rone of us. wi'L 

1T.IDAY. JL LVlTT't, 1-1, 
about the hour of 11 o'clock, i. a.. »ell nt public aui 
Co n. to the higher hi Ider, ( u the BfaaJMa, in the dtl 

nnine at t!ie north ea t corn r o 
d -Met is: lhaaea aaiiaatdftl with 
incl hi ttreef MB feel; thenre at 
i ih WI 'eet; thence at ritht aiule- 
Lience at riv -it an-'l a »oJthward!> 
FlcyJ street •- v >-i fert lothebt^iu 
iroveMBta, maehitier., tools and 
nd in ail aCa-h d to the build 
sl!i' Hydraulic h\ u fiery. 
.. balance on a c« edit of 9 ami 



One tl i d I 

eaataar afBtx hmp4m4 to w Te bond, wi-h aa. 
ruritc bearing Intereal front date until paid. 
.. tlh retained a.« additional aeeurity 

i M i-. A. UOltOAN, M L. C.C. 

K. BRALL (.AN IT. Deputy. 


ll. 1. Br. 

IS;-S. OR 

For Bale. 




Al't TiOX. OX Till- 

len t U i« a. t.. etaaf 

.e well kn n and ••s'n- lUbed pro] 


' (■>• irr!- din'-* 2*0 baTels fl-.ur, in rompltt- 
tie to take place ai 3 o". ock p. 

lKSiK«i!AI , f!!(. 

Iritfresttuff from the Imf of the 

Lee is Pushing on to Culpepper. 

a have left the Island, Including 1 Washt 
tizens whose live, hare he«n | The RfpTlblICMi 

that, riot I* now iroirMron In ' Zl^^^****** 

•roing on in 
of the Sixty - 

Will Hardly Stop l atil Beyond tne 

The Rebel Army is Despondent. 

Particulars of the Attack on 
th* Island. 

Further from the ftn? York Riot. 

The Ringleader Has Been Arrested 

Business Partially Resumed. 

The Bioters are Still at Work 

The Miliiary Fire on the Mob. 

Family Sewing Ma chine, 


L Tt is more simple, durable, aal IjiS Halle to dc in. nt than a h r-. 

2. It ttwi fr. m i niinary gpopls, fcnd no rewinding of 
thread Is uec.ssary. 

3. It srws with equal facil'tv sll fah>1ce, the most deli- 
cate, and th aearia t. ».ith a!I kipds cf thread, siik, 
■ won, or :r,en. 

4. I .ssc.ur.i so gtrone and elaJtiethit it ne . er breaks. 

ends of the seam h 

i *u ou aa] o! thk 



ii if york m mm 

Coinp cvxiy , 

OH l ilV. lTP.^r DAY I 
In cutiforuuty with th 

•laws of Krntac 

1 *T4\ 


Y^> AND )WT 


C.onvinciug Tcsilmcnj'. 

A>sist nt Treasurer A 

C'.ty. wr;U-s: ' I NT| 

to that of Mpaaraaa fr n t- t. the 

Mn.1 A. AUea's World's oar .': a I 

V. WM. «T ITER, X. r. City: "My h 

to its natural co or, and gr ui j. .. t 
Rev. J H. COR' El.L. X. Y. City: "I pi 

i-letive. The NUin-'ofthe h.T in >a p e d at I 

st .red it from heinr prey to iu i: an.l !• aui iful 


WEST, Bro klvn, L. I.: "I win t-Mify to their 

CnK.n. X. V 

»nd Cata- 

.1,1 SM.I " 

•ur-. I it for I 


Ca-h on hand and .I"T.»sit> d in Banks 

Real I. Ute award by the Pomaaay 

Bond! (owned bf (he Co.) at 7 f et. Interest. 

• i by l-t iii Ti /.-i.-t' < n It si Estate 

Loans, draw nir interest, s-eured by JH-><*fcs. . 
|*retnioni Note* at 6 and ; j ct.. scoured by 

A u on ii due th^ < a aaaMf froa. Acents 

A i.. m .t <>t ; refldnaM due and unpaid on aoiL 

e ;s aaa ui rorc. 

Qu irter j and saatl-aawsal seaaa. to mature. . 
Other prop, rty ktIoag1n« totha Camaany. . . 

accrued to January Ut, 1HC3 




are A Bats'n Canal Co 8tock..*2J +(V1 

;er Bunk 
caanav Itmk : 
Hunk Stick.. 


JViuk >f the Ke: uhlie Stock 

Neiv Vo.k Central Park Stock 

H s*e town and R ant K. ft, Bon is. 
I et. of D."4 

s. i i . t. ,.f tmt 
s. ; j<> 

10.' 4*1 


m i 

1 1,'KM 




♦ 41.211 M 

12MM ra 


Ia\a74i ti 

tmjM ■ 

&i.::"7 +1 
Ki'U (>4 

t\MS M 

MLM "."J 
11,011 M 
ia M 
UM i"> 

7.70U IKI 
l.»«) IN 

ll.s 0 00 

tl SB BQ 

8. Its »ea"". th-. uzh cut at every sixth st Ich, remains 
linn, and tit i; her ram* or »»frr/* In wear. 

7. m aeaai to aaore pluma and aeantiful, and retain* 
ta phia.pi.e-_ ljiI he ill after wn-.h.ry. letter than 
tny ot- er 

H Us s-.imo can he r-moved in alt.'rlnr carmenf. «F- 
riK i-.;oi -:r !.N-;ia hi. Lout pi-'. in* or tut.iiig 


y. Wat.-ldna nnd r.-.rjinr the ter.f'on upon thethre ds 
•ttC'Siary in other machines, s nnnocwar in in tt.K 
The tectloB belat aaee adjnsh d o . the On rer i I aker 
Machine, a::y amount of seal's cay le done without 

10. It inak's beautiful embroid. rv wd'hout anv ch >':re 
of maacesaaoa, ay si maty tnaeitina threads ,.f suitable and aoUii a f ar Uda p r;o.e. D ip the on /./machine 

tha' bi t', endaraUcra and "-ws perfectly. 

fhe Orover A Baker >!.! : I - -n :!:.> First IV'e- 
n;um at the State Fair- l .-t hel I Ii N< a lor . Naa Jer- 
sey, Ohio. ln-tt:.uH, IIHaoto, Mlchbj o.l -a a Mha orC 
Kentucky, Tennckaee, Mr.ini.. North Caronca, A a 

a^aa. Canto -ida. hsda ln= • \ i « • Bl i Pair al wi.h-h it 

a.s been exhibit, d in l.-i and nt a gr-.a aaaaber of As- 
rienita al and C.mnty F.ii:s. 

I^'Tlif \v..jV lp.' d-r- the ( i >■ r k Bakei M: 
•blue h srt. e red the Fir t Premium ::t every Fair in 

e Cniti d v. h- : e 1 P:i. l.e< u e.vhib.ted to LitU 

i-ROtER * B-KER P. M. CO. ir Ish MachtnM r.f 
he«fl/«r uattc '-.lit >md atthe-'„o y„ ..,>. nwddnaetlhi r 
he f.Kir. i.k ic iuki « Sn .. •'. i i the Sat i r: a .-tit< u. as 

•Usloiurrs ; i.-f«r. v. i.h •■!»• ;■• .' •' . v, ./,.-. •• yiltff. 

lie'fiil'. NEW A IS MY • I.OiiliXfJ UACUlftE, No. 
•. has no eqiiiil for that work. 

.CTLTINe GUA'.'tS. TCCKPR3 ai . of the latest 
um most anarored ttylea, faraighed a the lowest eaah 


rlUae foand anp<rl r to any ether to ba market, it in 
oaruf .etured bythel e>t Eur i.e..n inannfarturcr, and 
mt up on sp-ioU of Joo yards, t.r;<r. mmV for ihe G rover 
fc Baker S. V. I n. 

In co s^iui nee of .-vten-lvp and timrlr ar-angmcnts 
nth the pj nutaetu -t rs, » e are able to tall ttdt su rjior 
'otton 10 to35 per cent. Sn-iow ihe prkasatotti r 1 ad 
ni mnppf.tttiir, rs. 

OROVER A- BAKER *8 MACHINR TWIST, now the bat ;n l.e market, foratohed fat any 
luinti'.y deafaad. 

CROVEtt «% RAKHH S. Ms CO., 

Ko. K Ma'onic Tliaali. 
Fourth St., bet. Jetl.'i -on and lire-n. 
myll W. if. OOLD1.RMAX, A.-ent 

Considerable f.css of Life. 

Woh in Second Atcquc Overpower 
the Soldiers. 

■trgai on the Way to Pikf ton, 0. 

Our Troops will Give Him Trouble. 

The Riot in Boston Suppressed, 

Wi ars of Trouble in Brooklyn, S, Y. 

Archbishop H»i,hfs to Address the 

Gen. Helutzf-lman Makes a Recon- 


Co s Throtich ihe Shenandoah 

tacit] from General Giimore. 

Many people 

promirer<t cif" 

Ii i* 8ta»-d thfit a riot ia 
First Bvetnr, where th" Colonfl o 
tilth New York, a Buti'i'.o regiment was troing 
to proud a ete?l fa'-?orr. The eoj.liers were 
lired npon, and fifteen" killed. The soldiers 
returned the Q -\ R in'orceraents are heing 
now (one o'clock) sent t* the soldiers. 

New YoHK.July 1C 

A station-house ard bell-tower in Second 
avenue were burned at mlduiarht Tucediy. 

Sixteen rioters were killed by grapeehot iu 
ThirtT-sccond street yesterday niornkg, be- 
sides live women and two children. Several 
oihers wore mortally wounded, and a number 
sliiihtly wounded in the encounter. 

This cviuinsf, on Fbrsi avenue, Col. Wins 
lew, with one hundred &nd fifty men and two 
howi:zers, cbarj;ed on the mob, who took 
rcfarro j u a tenement houae, from the roofs of 
which they harlcd stones, bullets, &c., on the 
soldiers. The howilz rs were turned on the 
mob, ant! ten roundu of cinnister poured into 
tbem.mowicg them down fc-.rfnlly. The 
ni< ti nt pearcd to be well organized, and only 
pirtially ditiHers:'!!. 

Colonel Winslow had ten men killed, 
eluding a Captain and First Lieutenant. He 
retreated in good order, llrios; on the mob. 

Colonel JardiBg was fearfully wounded in 
the thigh. 

8evcrai of our wounded were left in the 
bands of the mol 

In this affair ft in* thirty of the mob were 
killed and ujore wounded. 

At eleven o'clock, fifteen ngular?, with 
two howitzers, reLaired to the ecene and 
were furiously assailed, but the soldiers fired 
regularly, and llnilly the cannon were turned 
on the houses with terrible effect, the rioters 
gettiaa; cut Bp tearfully. 

ASout 1 o'clock the troops h*d possession 
of the locality. 

It is feared CoL JorJing is fatally wounded 
This took place yesterday. 

Five thousand cavalry sabres and 1,000 mus 
ktw have been seized by th? police in a house 
In Stanton str-ct. 

Two nesro'.s were killed and thrown iuto 
East nver lust uisrlit by their murderers. 

The arnst cf Andrews is received with the 
lireliest satisf ictiou. He was arrested in a 
house of ill fatnc on Eleventh street, where 
he and his tit consort— a Mack woman, named 
Wilson— were located Some 1400 in rebel 
money Mm found on him. 
The Mn>or of Brooklyn, in view of the 
irge cotll .oration last n'isht, Las requested 
he ciiizeus to .'orm patrols tor ni<ht duty, to 
msiniaiu order, ussuting them ol hii cc-op*:- 

A Michigan regiment is expected here this 
venirg trbm Washington. 
The mob appears to have got the bestol 
the military in Sfcond avenue, and hav? 
iriven the latter into a f mndery on Twenty 
- : gath street, near First avenue" More force 
ba* been sent, with artillery, to the rescn». 

Brigadier-General Ledlir ha' been appointed 
to command the military in this city. 

New York, July 16. 
A detachment of the Filtv-sbtth New York 
ttdt, under Colonel. Bebrend, and two 
howiiz-rs of the Eighth militia were sent to 
the "cenf. 

The mob e?rae out of tbeir haunts, armed 
•vith muskets and c&rbine~, but merely yelJed 
furiously. At first the noops took ro notice 
i of thbi.and, ler.vinsr a detachment with one 
I how itz< r at Scwird's, marched to First evc- 
* cue. Here a parly of roughs flred on them, 
and Ad:;m Sehwend, one ot the soldiers, was 
slightly wounded. The troops wheeh d into 
line and places] their pitce in position, but no 
further hestiii y was attempted. 

Alter a short halt the troops proceeded to 
Jackson's fnuudeiy, burst open the doors and 
entered. Tito mob here fired an occasi .cal 

it llFfll 



Ha vk. m BTou a rnrx aaao K Twani of sum. 
rapr DrSH (lo ds. Also tv.iy variety of Dry 


i rca a y N»te<. 

mjM» BI7,5lfi US 

.....MftUI ioi',14.; kj 

No lia'dl t 
Laa i-s diu 

Lasasi <dj 
Lot -<a aw 

LI A lil LIT ■lE.f. 
c?<o ftaaka, 
an i unpaid none. 

i ted and not due 

djustcd. . 

Dividends sod dma<sa1 I trrast declare 

du ■ tad unpaid 

Dividends declared and not due 

♦ s''.V<) 03 
. SBuIM M 

ill,5-7 !»4 
M-.SM To 

jell tr 

BeaaOfnl Fr.-nch Oreandl s; 
jaoaaet i aa is 

Hack Orrai'diei and J..r-n.t •; 
Ct-eap Lawns: 
Neat Brured Linen Lawns; 
Kiabrotd' red Or n s: 
Vreach l'MM:t! 

i \ tin colored • 1 nnd'f: an i Ji'.r-M.-! i; 

Pi.iin 1'iL'i • M i.|U. >; 

W .ncy colored Hare:;—, 

!si!v>r Gray PosyBss] 

Obaak Paattas, 

Peru Lustre-; 

Plain ami I'li-e';: f!in :inias; 
N >al rii-e-; s;i: 4S 
J* Bsaek b:iks: 
Fancy Bilks: 

floaanastiifi. "L".r-en> makaj 1 
HUrk Thai i s aii.l lila.-k I u< rSSI 
Black Dflaiiies and PlaM C< t ; 
Black Check Otwrhams 
Black and Whi: ■ Ko ilari Pll'-.s; 
Bl aebedand Brown Cottone; 
Unaa Bheetinf and Pllhnr Linen; 
ln ii Lhwa an I Hoe White Klaruieist 
nsftht* Laea Mat. tie; and V .'. a, 
mm Paahrunaai 
lloxie y and Sloresi 
Kid Olovea, Ac. ic. 


301 Foarth st. , I.- 1. Market *uA Jeffericn. 

value iu B 

t liberal ^nse. Tl.ey i 
s ba'.d, and, snae: 

a wr.iinTi.K. 

BoPt..n. V • 
> aiid brtttt 

ivr re-tor.- 
JTey, tu 

"I have used th • 
:!:• r bald nor tre 
l b now s f. as 


i. M.v.: 
tsty riwi 
iwn eyas.* 

.Sold by Druggists tlirouuUut the Worlt!. 
pbiscipai. sales office 

m Greewich Street, Hew-York City. 

Cm a«» CocyrTf or Naa Voac i 

MorrN rnn'-din. of saM city, President of th<» New 
fork Llf- 1 Insurance Company, bf ing duly afliruied. and 
flay Freeman, of Kavcnswood, Loos i-and, same 
-tate Actuary of saM i^tnipacy. helac dab sworn, da 
severally dep j e and say ami each lor hiiuseh says, th it 
tc< rdine t t!ie beataf the'.r knnwledae, Informa i n 
i .! belieL the aaaexed statemaat ] ps^ract aud true: 
Ik i'. the assets of sai l Company were a" the date of said 
Cat aaeni twa ■iWiwa. live hundred and aafhtf six 
thousmd. twa hundrod lid forty-sit dollars, and Mere 
Inreste last ere n s ated and set forth. 

UORftl r i kan is!. in, President Fnr: Actuary. 

Adirmed aii.l Brfora tiiis twentieth day of Fehrua y' 

| [ E j F. A. rmXMaH. Sol <..y Pal.Iic. 

F?.a.nki .ut. Kv., Ju.y 2. 15>J3. J 
I h'.rehy certlf r that the foregoing is a true copy of 
he orig inal on lie in this ofTine. 

-aaw?fi) I n wi i :n-s« whereof I have set my hand, ar.d 
JiJgBj'flKe.l my oiiieial seJ. Ute day aud year above 
taSaSBr writ leu. 

Ol VNT GRftKN, Auditor. 

By C. Bistari U*,.uty. 


tV— lew vaL] 
la t» 

Asrencies of Koreitfr 
M:jvh3. IH3S; an 1 I 

AUDiroftM omeg, i WM. S. VKItN->X & fO.Xtf, a: 
f the Sea \ i rk Life Tn tira:i e Company cf N. 
t LoabrUle. Jaffaraoo c •.. Ky.. have Bled In this 
• tiie stateassata and aassnita required by the 
f an a<-», entitled "An act to regulate 
:n Itisirance Companies." approved 
bavin? bdSB shown to the satis- 
faeii.m ot t .e u .dersi .-ned tiiit said Company Is nos- 
o~-e,l of an artual capital of nt least one hundred 
and hfty tli 'u-ind dollars, as required hy said act the 
•aid W. 8. Ver .on ic Baas, as atrouts as aforesaid, are 
tiereVy licensed and permitted t o take ricks and trans 
•t-t l.usiiie-s ..f .nee .,t f.-> oU.e in Louisville for 
the term of one ye tr from the date hereof. But this 
licence : lay lie revoked if it shall lie made to appear 
to t 1 - wi ka Sane I that sbaae the ttliax of the state- 
ments above referred to. the available capital of said 
:y his sessi reduced below one liundred and 
usand dollars. 

In testimony whereof, I hare set my hand, 
day aim year ;i!»ove written. 

(rllANT OKICBH. Auditor. 
By C. IlAtLtv, Deputy. 



mu ssels CARPETS; 

IMIH 1 1 t CABPCTfli 


1 !■■■>»■■ 11111,1 t. M |. 11-1. 12-4; 
<;OTT'.f.\ inswrj— Tl, UO sMhj 

ut \tim; voh fl i<;s ; 

TlieRe eoo.ts all -.-w. n:.d .. ill he so! ! a? th ' • ves 
Bsarhet saiea for Casa O^lv. O. W.BMAXL. 

2*7 Main st , hel ween Third and Ko irlh, 
mli 15 8 dooi s west cf the Bank of Lawfarllla. 



The best .Materia! sfsrW in l'.»r. 

MMM having TIN. DtOK, Oil MsTTsI 
will find it <u shair advan age to use 

* tl ra 

il ROOVl 

ehot, which the soldiers returned with »all'n» 
J i Cbet, and seversl ot the m »b were wo-mded. 
Howitzers were then placed in potiiion to 

Irrifd of the Stfamship Ocean ^ . gw ^*'' inm i^si 

About two t'c'ock re-enforcements arrived, 
and the mob tired on them without effect. 
The soldiers took aim, but were restrained 
from firict; by the officers. 

Mr. nov ask^d a viihdrawal of the 
troop3 from his foundery. 

Gen. Browo rejilied — [shall put my soldiers 
where I ple?.se, and uo mobshill dictate to 
me where th^y shall be s?ut. He was s^nt 
with orders to defend the place at a : l hiztrds, 
»n-i not be sparing of his fire if a crowd With- 

A Lieutenant from the Sixty- fifth regiment, 
reports that his men retreated from the 
neighborhood of Seventeenth street and Firet 
avecue because thev heard the moo was tjet- 
lin? larger, (i n. B-owa ordered a comptny 
beeM, under LUMb4 P.k :, of the I'r.ited S'.atea 
iftkuery, and placed Capt llback.r and Lieut. 
>deyer under arrest. 

The passions of the rioters ^re Infl imed this 
evening by Ike funcmli. of some of the vic- 
tims of bat uto -tt's il^ht. 

Col. Lcfl'-.rts reported bis ccmmanil, the 
Seventh regiment, to (Jcit. Brown, this even 
nz, and was ..i dcred to take i-ontr-d of the 
district between Seventh street and Sixty 
fifth av-Tnc to Beat river, and tike every 
misans teaappresll :.ll m .hi and riots. 

,\ll is fMM in Harlem mi T«xkatBk during 
tho day. 

BeaateTC and Connelly rrqucat the 
withdrawal of troops from the First ward, 
which was leAtsed by Police Couimi;sioner 
Acton and Gen. Brov/n. 
At 4 30 o'clock this afternoon a 6hnrp fight 
ds goicg on in Tw-?uty-3f cmd street, be 
twecn Second and Third, between the soldiers 
and rioter 1 ?. 

All s'ages and enrs running the city will be 
patrolled by the military tc -night, and Gen. 
B;owa is determine! the mob snail be put 
iotm tr.-nigtit if he kills tvery man foutd 
in a erowJ. 

The Twenty third Brooklyn regiment Is ex 
pected here to-night, or in the morning. 

Some fejrs are cntertaired of trouble In 
Bro iklyn tonight, a^d the troop* in the 
towns of King and Queen counties have been 
ordered into the city. 

H is probable, however, that nothing more 
serious w.ll take place. 

Placards are posted about the city from 
Archbishop Hughes, requesting the rioters to 
assemble in trout of his residence to morrow, 
at I o'clock, for the put pose of addressing 
them in favor of returning to lawtnl aToca- 

He promises them protection while listen- 
ing to his address. 


ST K W BOAT and RAILROAD MB* wlU find • la 
t» eir interest to call :.wd e .aui::-. oi.r CAN \ A.S UO'lf'S. 

Jcirer^cu Street, between Foitrlb nnd rifth, 
jolt d i m LOLIBVILLE. KY^ 

ST 3:i\ WAY'S PI A \ OS. 

W. 8, 

M dislS 

VER\0X & SONS A^Bts. 




On" of the greatest 
tant. Two e-lors al< 

l>eau Hsji of the completion ex- 
always on hand — 

Pwose Pink and Clear White. 


al atteutioa pai 1 to orders from Laiite?. 

SO cents per I Kittle. 

M 1 17. \ H i' H ALL D!trO PTOHE. 
No theast corner of roarth au . J. ff> i»on. 

II. F. 11 A It I M l*>. J'ro; rietor. 





fJA sir t os<: who have 
So. 74 Fourth street, aad supplv 

jyU deodislmk w2 

AND A*il K. BO 

I'd! at our st rv. 

lAV\titM» A TV'LER, 
Tl Fourth str.-et. n«-ar Ma!". 


Todd County, Kentucky. 


First Monday in August, l**C>Z. 

Trrnm— For l'oarda:d Tui'ion perscs-ioui ft 
wc W--I .VTV tHU.l.tlt*. i;. I 

No dedii.'tlan except in ca~e.- r.f aratBsi ted sdekne. 
Ihetiupil- will lie exani iu their btu 'ies in the 
1 -*t frtaay of each m ■ C yy«*Ma 

Boarding for Dyspeptics. 

!l- .1 r »r- : ■ b-tween First a«<i 11 ■ ..k can 

aocomuiod Oe r .optica and o'hers with a fraa^pp 



•vi: mavk vow in store ocr full spring 

» f •■..-ck of the aoove | oods, vlt: 
P.r*. '• o I '•':*•*'— L" < . r ilii.v - ; 
llro. hr silk do; 
Voza : bique Robe-: 
Bro. he. Plaid and PU'n Mozan 
Organdies Lawn- a d Muslins; 
f-4 BI.cV Eer^c^ lirenadlna; 
Einliroidered Sets ^f new st' let 
And a ue .eral asso-tment of Staple and Domestic 
i.o MAltK t DOWNS, 
■MS - Corner Fourth and JeflVrr.-on sts. 


JeiTer-on strc-t. hct. Third and Fourth, 

Cloths. L'urslmrres aid Vestinca. suitald- 
for the t-on, which he will make up to ord>-r ■ n 
rea cnahie terms. I will rnarantec a 6t to the 
■nos: ilt form. d. E.-oiioinv U a lea tin* path to » 
sndUtoaewho *tudy their own Inte c.s 
call nnd hare fudr person* beantifie'i 
nit for a small consider i Hon. Al-o. 
Clothes alone and have hem well ch 
d r .- k- ox t'-:,- my worn i 

: -'.at urpae-i S anyt ■ i:ig west. 

Dou'i Ion;et, J. II. 


=nv.i c 

ill iv. me 
it h a stylinl 
id your old 
•d a-d well 
■lie inattyle 


ore and for sale by 

D. P. FAIJLDS, «ole Agent, 

JyK, _"23 Main st.. bat. Second and Tl.inL_ 

brnm*«, Fifes antl Baglei 


». r. rAtyrjSS, 

jvlo J33 Main street bet. Second ^n ! Third. 


the id- 1. 1 of July it Ii t*u"l, * ne. ro boy nam d 


TI M, black, shoal .'. fe it9or Winches hi(h, beary 
built, Wkirrr-3 from 180 to 1 ■ potmds, ha i on .*, •">_ lie left a MarW 'roct tmir of t> o^ ct 

t nide pan's o,-.r'or pii'.r. nt. The 

above r> ward will he pal.l If caught end delivered to me 
or some s,. C ure place. Address N B i: V A Sj . 

jyti Ql2^ ^JeSerson.Livu, Jeffersw counly.^Ky^ 


been chanced to thj firm of DOKN. BAK vllOl'SE 
A CO. Thankinc our 'patrons for !M st favors, we oAtr 
them and the public In general our s. rvn: s, assuring 
them of hrompt and punctual attenHnn to all busuiesa 
CTitro^ied to us. DORv, BARK.'iOL'SI'i A CO , 
Produce and Comsn's-ion Merohant", 
No. iJC HsiB streeL 

_I/mWvIlle. July 1 si . t».;l — j.vl fc 


. WOMAN, about IT years ol^, with a child 
nearly wh't'', a' out e montlu old. The mother is< 
ra'hersmall and eood looklnr. Ther raal ren jrd. 
will be alloneil tn her sSNSt, 
ieSOdtf JOHN DO -»AN. 

Baltimore, July 16. 
A sprci 1 to the Ani'-rhn sttys the Army 

f Ute l'otcintc is io th-r vicinity of WUHmm- 
;i rt. Bom 1 tBg it will remain is of course 
only Vuowa to Gen. Mca le. It is probable 
that sorao d^ys will be 6pcut retUftitatlag 
b"th ■rea and horses, both or whom navin^ 
* u fTt r d much Irom 1 :nc, fttl frge Jaf marchess 
nnd tkfl bett of the woiiuer. The position is 
i -a-.- which gives the army an advartsgc oi 
ill;* Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and where 
it ctn be ea-ilv and a^uadm ly fed. 

Lee is said to be puphing as npiJly as p."^s- 
Bibl.> to Culpepper, aad will hardly stop until 
beyond the Bappahanock. The BMCMtj of 
leedSBR bis army, whi' h cannot well be t>.c- 
coaspliabed tt any prent distance from Kich- 
mon l, will Lurry his movements. 

A teeood rcpoit ir, that durinz Leo's re 
treat, the temper of the rebels, both office s 
■ad istcn wtfl i ! cspondent, and they were in 
moment try t xpectntion of an attack from 
ottr fate a, ti e rtaaM of vUek they admit 
ted mu -t i-- itliminm 

On tBC arrivil of I.ceV advance on Sand ty 
ai . k :iie most e-irnest tJbrtl vera mnde to 
ercaatke r'.v< ?. S-von ecowa were built, in 
which Ibeir tifaht va^on tmi js crossed— tJMtl 
sco .7 t-jkin", ou-j vafjoa and as mitiy men as 
i; eoaU Oirry. 

Oa Taaaeayami "Wednesday the river fell 
s:> innea taat many ot th-jir iafantrv forded It, 
tha wa f .er boing breast high. A subsequent 
rain a-air. swelled the river and it bsetme ua- 

Tae r.;bels then conmenced the construc- 
tion cf a bridge at ialliusf Waters, uftlnsr tor 
it the boats th«-y had I.u It t.t Williamsport. 
Tail bridaa was not fiait»h**d until! Monday 
noon, and then a grand rush look place to yet the, artillery attd heavy trains. Every- 
Iktap was crowd beet to the river, exotp'. laa 
lightest artillery, and a sirotig picket Hue 
which held thtj lull works, thrown up along 
the front. 

Oa Monrlay ni"ht they wers drawn in, and 
bydaili-lit BOthtagwei left this side but a 
raat v,uard of iafaatry, aaoat af wheal were 
c t;> un a by Bu e-ra'3 I ava'ry. 

Oa Ifoacay they had no? more than fsriy 
or ii ty t'uo.itani in. u on this side, and had 
the} boon attacked would no; have made a 
ferj serious deleusc. 

Lee and his stall forded the river st 3:30 in 
the afternoon on Monday. 

Jr'iuart, with Ida cavalry, followed about two 
Lours later. 

Washington, July 16. 

The following has been received at "Head- 
quarters : 

IIeadc/rs Department op the South, ) 
Morris Island, S. 0 , July IV. ) 
To If. IF. Ilallevk, (Jcneral-in-Chvf: 

I ha"e the honor to report that at 8 o'clock 
on the iaorniug of tbc 10:h ins:., 1 made an 
attack on tha emmy's fortified poeitioa on 
the south cud cf Morris IeUnd, and alter an 
eagaiteoaeBt, lastiui; three hours and a quar- 
ter, I eaptared all hia strnugholds on that 
ptirt of the Island, and pjsh.-d forward n>y 
iuTantry to withiu G'X) yards of Fort Wagner. 
We novy hold all the Island, excep: about t«ne 
mile OB the n ;nh end, which includes Fort 
V, agner, and a battery on Caaaadaga Fo n ., 
iiiuuiiiiog at this time 14 and 10 he*vy gnus 
iu the ag^rcg tie. 

The a?iauitiug column waa gallaatly led by 
Brigadier Gcperal Strotig. 

It landed in small beats under cover of our 
batteries ou Folly Island, and four monitors, 
1 by Admiral Daulgreen, which enter- 
tle m-iin chanuel abreast of M orris Island; 
i:.d t ot>n after our batteries opened, and the 
oiun'tors continued Hcii- fire during the d:y, 
mr-Etly againet F^rt Wagner. 
Oa the- morning ot too 11th inst., at day- 
eak, au attempt was made to carry Fort 
Wagner by aesaait. Tne parapet was gained, 
but supports recoiled under the fire to which 
y were ex: Oseu, and could not bo got up 
.ii ttme. 

Onr lesacs ia both scions will not vary 
much from 150 in killed, wonnded aud miSi- 


M c hive iuken eleven pieces of heavy artll- 
lerj aud a large quantity of camp eqaipage. 
Tea encmis Saaa in k:iied will not fall she-rv 

of CJ0 

Very respectfully your obedient servant, 
R. A. Ghmoke, 
Brig*. Geu. Comuaauuing. 

Nsw York, Jn'y 16, 3 p. it, 

Things havo fully resumed their fronted ap- 
L-ks have been rclaid on the 


Exchanor or Prisoners Stopped —The 
employment of blick soldiers in onr armies 
has elected just what all reasoning people 
supposed it would effect— a t otal disarrange- 
ment of the system of exebtnge; and as a 

tnsequence, "white soldiers are now com- 
pelled to languish in Southern prisons, be- 
cause the rebels refuse to recognize negroes 
»s prisoners ol war. Our government In- 
sists that they shall be treated with the aaffj • 
respect as white prisoners. What means It 
has of enforcing this doctrine we do aot 
know, but certain It is that immense harm 
is resulting, without any perceptible good. 
If the experiment was harmless, the Abo- 
litionists might perbaps ha allowed to amuse 
themselves with the development of their 
favorite theory, but we submit that the Uvea 
and liberty of thonaands of brave soldiers 
are too valuable to be sacrificed for a theory, 
and a rery doubtful one at that. 

[Chicago Time*. 

CeT"Andy Gross, a well-knowa b«r tender at 
the Ktder house, In attempting to get npon a 
train in motion, at the p'atform on the J- tl r 
•ouville road, iate on Sunday evanlng, was 
throwa whh his left lag under the wheels. 
Theles below the knee was badly crushed, 
several cars passing over It. It waa ampu- 
tated, but the suff-rer died a little after mid 
ajghf . Andy had many friends, aad was fol- 
lowed to the grave by a large procession. Cap- 
tain Kader apared no pains aor expense in 
performing bis last melancholy duty to the 
"eymour Tlm*s, 9tb. 

Morgan demanded aad received twen- 
ty-ona hundred del lata from the owners of 
three mills near Corydoo, Indiana, for not 
burning them. One man ccnld not raise the 
amount demanded and his mill w s burnt. 

Wash Dupuaw, one of the wealthiest citi- 
zens of Southern Indiana, waa compelled to 
pay &3 000 to keep his mills from being de- 

t^TTolleetor BulUlt, of Ntw Orleans, has 
appointed Robert H. McMillan deputy collect- 
or of customs at that port. Mr. McMillan waa 

formerly a me. chant in New York, but was 
mire recently engaged in the Internal Rere* 
ntae Deptrtment at 

Friday's battle at Gettysburg the 
Tigers charged on the Twelfth 
corps, and suffered so severe a repulse that 
but three hundred out of one thousand two 
hundred returned to the town from the 

ty The New York Post reports the New 
York capitalists aa very confident since the 
vietories, and willlag to lend money on any- 
thing with a name to It. 

Public Speaklag. 

"I am fl^'htin^ for nay Constitution. I am fight- 
InJ* for the restoration of the Union. That Is 
what I am fi<jht 'tn^ for. I am for 
war, proridva that this Abolition 
drawn."— i J. J. Crittenden 

If the Abolition party should ever get p< 
• nchthet 

sionof the Government, thev will dre: 
land in blood"— [Ulay and Web'ter 
• The Union must and shall be 



.1. between th* nnd i S'gn**d wa« dii:~!v d by mutual 

No 34 


BRAVDiaS. Ac , *C. m . _ 

>5F uifotfiJS^V*''**"' 


O S'ipe fin** Family Floun 


N i>-*;'s Sue ir-curfd Haaaa; 
Sng tr-cured Be-f T 
Sugar cured smokt 
Htga ■ ear-d J 
P.ckled S •hii' n* 
Itoelod hlack< r i: 
Pickled ittrr'u^i 
s ook-.i He riag*. 
Il«niburg < bat 
Nut-nee Chees : 
t*«p Ss(to Cheese. 
Also n ;.s ortm^rd of Te»S, 
Br in ie-. Fruits. PieSrrvc<. 
Cai'dk*. St ir , ., ..; .'. ■ t and W.liovt 

aad for rale by 

Fl| A . FONDA, No. 30S Fourth st. 

s. Toff e?. Wines 
Dsa*CrBi Pospn 
are, In store 

consent on the lHh .1 1 
v g claims ara nst sah 
Bl»nd f or tett ' 
mediate payinent to tl 

ivS .15 w 

of June, l~;e All pf .fOi.s haV' 
Inn * ill present them to P. la 
A those Indebted w 11 make im< 

P. T . Bl AND 



OrriCE LortsviLLE k Rakwviixb R srenoinCo.,) 
L" iftviLLt*. July 2. is»ti. { 

Coiopanv wiil be paid on (.refutation at'.his o,hce. 
aho.the Second Mortgage Bonds, Issued fur intcrejt, 
will he .edeeuied If preseut* 1 ! t bis mo-th. 
lyjl dim m v, ,t . ! - IH NNF.l Fi ' 

BBTHF.L CrOttaliCCrK. 

_JL i be 7th day of "est S ptetnber, ■» ith a Dumpetent 
Faculty. For |.artk.u'.-\r inf rata i d ad.ireaa 

jyir.dtPei " Kufs elWIMe, Ky. 

A o d EliKiiih Dalrv Chre-e't. -t.-re and for sale by 
jelS DOW & M.-KKUAU0T. 417 Mark.t st, 

pcaracce, the tracl 

railroad*, and telegraph line* arc being rapidly 
repaired. Regimen's and batteries arc artivlog, 
\v:'.h mors on the way. Business has been rt- 
•-umed, and a fueling of security pervades. 
The scoundrels and thieves who have been a 
tt-rrcr to the city for th-; last three, days aud 
nights ure tkulking tot'ieir dens, endeavortrg 
to hide th' m* elves and their plunder, whL'e 
their abetters are sndearonng to leave town. 

3 o'clock, p. m. — Gratifying intelligenc9 of 
the arrest cf the villian Andrews, "leader of 
the rioter:, is aunouncsd. He has b^en seni. 
to Fort Laawetta, 

A gang cf ruffians drove off the workmen 
this mor*-iai£ from the j*as wor! : , on Font- 
teenth street. 

A su all gang a'.opped a hoiae car on Fourth 
avenu : this moraing, robbed the conductor ' 
aDd all the patsengeas and ltt them go. 

There is no truth in the reiori.*:d i.r.n»i!i_. 
of po: i: n; ot New York. 

Ia 5 v. i •! small towus in the suburbs riot- 
ous demonstrations were prevented by the 
action t.f the Catholic pri. sts, imploring their 
parishioners to disist 

Some fram" houses in Twenty-at venth 
street, New York, were butned by ihj rn'"- 
tiacs early thla morning, the owners and oc- 
ctipa .ts refuting to subsidise them. The 
tirv i^eu rallied to tave the l.ves of some ot" 
tu..* negroes and drove off the rioter i. 

Tl e Pes aay i early this ruing thcro'e a 
on S a en lsUed burned the dep o t aud Waier 
1 1 t on. 

Af>e.-#: r ;b they attacked and burned some 
n gro «b*otM kild'jgtwo 

New York, July 16. 

It apitetirs that the Staten Island riot was an 
insignificant affair. Three negro shanties were 
destroyed and one negro beaten. 

Fort Richmond is garrisoned by the Seven- 
ty-fourth regiment. 

' The impression now is there will b3 no more 
rioting in ib.e ci'y tc -night; that the arrival of 
the military Las made the rioters wary. One 
of the ringleaders wa« captured by soldiers ol 
the Twenty-first regiment to-night, and has 
probably been hung. 

Tbt ra is no tru.b in the reported burning r.f 
Nt wkirk bouse, at Hudson city. The lire was 
at the railroad stables in Jersey City. 

Boston, July 16. 

All • | ret here this morning. Four or five 
were killed last uight and prob tbly a dozen 
wounded; some of them severely. 

Tne most daring act of the rioters was at- 
tacking the armory in Cooper street, where 
a fore * of military was stationed to protect 
it. When the mob hid beaten down the 
doors they were flred upon by a tt pounder, 
loaded with caunister. This effectually 
scattered tha mob at that point. One trlot-?r 
was completely riddled with shot aad fell 
dead at the door of the armory. 

Wrn. Currier, 71 years olJ, while standing 
on the Btoop of his house on Cooper street, 
was killed; Wm. Lock, provision dealer, was 
s riously wounded iu the thigh, and ihrea 
young women and three or four small U y- 
wcrc wounded, but not seriously. They were 
not participants in the riot. 

Two Boldl.-rs in tte armory w<Te iniurea 
by bricks thrown through the windows. The 
r'oteiS then attacked some gun-shops In Dock 
tquare, stealing and destroying from four to 
"live thousand doiL-us" worth of proper .y Thty 
were speedily dispersed by a votky lrom re- 
volvers of the police 

The First dragoons appeared at nloe 
o'clock, patrolling the streets, which, together 
with an infantry force prevented all further 
ou breaks. 

The military continue in quarters In the 
aec;iuus of the city wbere tne disturbance 

Mayor Lincoln issued a proclamation 
warning all persons riotously disposed from 
tutth^r violence, and calling on all citiz *ns 
to aid in the preservation ot quiet and order. 

Forty of the leading rioters were arrested 
last n ! iihi to be proceeded against for bur- 
glary and willful murder. They are commit- 
ted wiiout bail. 

Boston, July 16 -p. m. 
Or J.^ r has been restored here. The citizens 
i raUf have obeyed the Miyor'a proclama- 
i id have kept within doors; and, with 
th • Vvception of riot last night, the streets 
an* as quiet as on Sunday. 

In Dock, I lay market and CooDer eouares 
s,t-. mil hundred people are congregated, bnt 
ru ietfff Irom curiosity to see the soldiers 
onfrtatad aad yatroiliug there. No hosile 
uemoustratiom whatever wore made. The 
admirable precautions taken by the authori- 
ties, and tne inipasisg display of military 
force they have made, with au avowed deter- 
nikatition to use it with the utmoat vigor, 
have, in effect, DrarJy quolled whatever oi 
inub isMt w*b kit from last oJ 

I will spe-ok to the t>eople at 
times and places: 

Johnsonville, Friday, Jatj 17. 

rtulphur WeU, Saturday, Jaly IS. 

tllenvillc, Mondav. Ju't «). 

New Mark. t. Tin-day. July il. 

Martin's Mill, Wednesday. July 22. 

Htu. Lee'4 hurbecHe, ou Little Brush creek, on 
Th.irsdar. July 'iX 

Griffin's Springs, Friday. July tft 

Breedin-j's Meetinc Honse. Saturday, July 23. 

White oak, Monday, July -17. 

Plum Point. Tuesday. .Inly *A 

PeUey'B Mill. Wednesday, July ». 

Mintonsvill.:, Thursday, July Sti, 

Middlehnr-r. Friday, July 31. 

M oaabcrford's !<priinr, Saturday, Angnttl. 

Hen. Aaron Harding, the Adminlatratlon 
candidate, is invited lo attend, and divide 
time, speaking hour about; and if be wants 
to be absent, running t.'. v back tru>k aa here- 
tofore, he tun send his orator — Jo. Chandler, 
Esq., who voted against paying nine months' 
in the army, because of Lincoln's proclama- 
tion, Ac, and now assails my position— or ora 
t..r» Kigney and Peiley, or orator Boiling, 
who, in his speech for Mr. Harding, said it 
waa ell right to fi^ht the free negroes of the 
North and the negroes of the South in our 

I want all nvj f'r^tuh— aye, the whole peo- 
r.l'.' — to meet me tt these appointment*. 
1 h;;vc been greatly misrepresented aud slan- 
dered. Ooaaeoael Com? all! 

je^4 dtd W m. Jackson Ueadt. 

£3J* John H. Harney, candidate for the 
Senate, and Boyd Wincheater, candidate lor 
the Lower House, will address the citizens of 
Jefferson county aa follows : 
Cross Ro ds, Friday, Ju'v 17. 
Wood's, Saturday, July 13. 
Harrod'* Creek, Tuesday. July 21. 
Gillman's, Friday, July -4. 
Boston, Saturday, July 25. 
FishervilU*, Tuesday, July K 
Jeffjrsontown, Friday, July 31. 
Mlddletowa, Saturday, August 1. 
Speaking to commence at two o'clock p. m. 
County candidates are invited to 
j>5 dtc 

Wasbinoton, July 16. 

aayf: A cavalrv 

r -d two aince, by 
Gen. Ilintzelman, to mate a reconnoiaaance 
through the Shenandoah Valley, aad returned 

ffaairadaf evening 

C>mman1er Colonel Lew. 11 found very 
few rcbi is in the valley. He discovered that 
Asbby'B Gip was held by between three and 
four hundred rebels. 

He charged up and drove them oat and held 
the place, cap- Bring a rebel Adjutant ( 
and several other officers and private*. 

Nrw Yoaa, July 16. 
Gen. Dix it is expected will relieve General 
Wool to-morrow morning. 
The Boston mail this mornins arrived on 


Cincinnati, July 16 
Morgan is said to b> about Piketon 
Our forces are closing ar 
give him troublo soon. 

Naw York, July 18. 
The steamship O. ean Q ieen, from A«pin 
waH the S-h, has arrived. She has #-300,000 ia 



■T a r a bu aa * t'o„ No. ut. Wail 
T. M. Krwin No 1JB, Wall atrei 
■. J Caflrey No 1T7. Wall 'tree 

Cropper, Patt en A Co.. No. 1« 
X. b. Long. No. 19 Wall street. 

General Baell. from i 
Jew ess, from Nashville. 
Hazel Dell, from Nashville, 
t'oloeeoe, from Cincinnati. 

Ella, from Cincinnati. 

Diamond, from Nashville. 

J. IL Baldwin, from NaehTUle*. 

t>!lte Sullivan, from Cincinnati. 
Poland, from Nashville. 
Allen Collier, from Cincinnati. 
Lad v Jackson, from Cincinnati. 

St. Cloud, r 

Ceneral Bnell, to Cincinnati. 
Allea Collier, to Nashville. 
Atlaatic No. *. to Nsahville. Jackaon. t.. Memphis, 
st. » "loud, to Mempbl*. 

,to r 


The riven 
with five feet water ia the canal, 
aad cool. 

Quite a fleet of boats arrived 
and others from Faahville; all of which. It le I 
will go Into Government service. 

No arrival aa yet In trade. 

Considerable speculation ia aprlagins np aa to 

packets will 
river is I 
points; but ( 

of the Mississippi, aad it may be some time bar) 
the paasage of boats wi 11 be at all safe unless e 
voyetl by -unheals, or made shot proof aad arm 

Fob Cincinnati.— The Major Anderson is 
mall boat at noon to-day. 

Hcxdebsox. —The 
to-day, leavimr at 5 r. b. 

The light-dranght steamer Q. Loyd 
land wharf at 5 r. a. for Clarkbville and ] 

The Camel ia starts I 

The Jennie Ro treys will leave for St. Louis aad 

aU way landinsrs this morning at 10 o'clock. 

The New Albany Ledger of yesterday evening; 

The following boats were at the city wharf taia 
morning: Port Wayne, Duke, Charley Bowen (re- 
pairing), Lizzie Martin, (ilenwood. Cottage. Sham- 
rock. Sir William Wallace, Conway, and Jeweaa. 
Besides these two gnnboats were . n port. A nun 
ber of small boat* are at Portland. 

We understand that the great Atlantic will ba 
the first boat through to New Orleans. She ia the 
ejaeen of tbe Western waters and abonld be the 
first to male* a regular trip to the Creeceat city. 

The Clncl 


The officer* of th- Wolden Era, from Marietta, 
did not discover any rebel troops on either side of 
tbe river aa they came down. All the boats lyiaag 
up on the Ohio side of the river were removed to 
the other side. The people were very much ex- 
cited, having received all kinda of i 
stories abont the 1 

The Cairo < 
mercial, writing on tbe 14th, says: 

The New Kentucky had a xplendid trip for Nash- 
ville, which sh<* had tbe privilege of leaving at 
Smithland if the Camberland river waa too low to 
take it np. It was ail for the Government. 

Tbe *ennshine had a full cat„-o of Government 
supplies for Memphis which she will probably bo 
ordered to carry below. 

The Continental had about WO tuns when she ar- 
rived here, and 170 bead of cattle. She took on 
board at this city nearly 100 tuna abells and other 
Government freight. 

The Silver Lake had ouly a small load for Cincin- 
nati, consisting principally of iron. 

The new Iowa was pretty well loaded with Gov- 
ernment supplies fur Columbia, Number Tea, ar.d 
New Madrid. 

The Ruth, "the Magnificent." arrived 
Vicksburu' with a crowd of I 
Ool. K. B.F 

The Platte Valley waa deta 
hours btyond her time by low wa 
had a heavy Government trip. 

The Crawford did not have any freight from Co- 
lumbus yesterday, but took down a large quantity 
of ice and Quartermart- r suppliee. 

The City Be le. after I .iking part in all the steam- 
boat maneuvers connei".-. j with the siege of Vlcfca- 
burg, has at length been permitted to return to a 
civuizcd country. She bad on boa. d 110 sick and 
wounded soldier?, and HiO paroled Federal troops 
captured bv the rebele at Champioa Hills. The 
sick and wounded are nearly all from Indiana asm 
are to be taken to Evaaaville. 

The river is at a stand The weather is dark and 
chilly. ' 



Por paril. ulars cur. eoiy matter-* aee meets aa 

bank note list. 
PH aa a •-> flair*— Baaaaaaa Floor at #4 Vk4J, aa4 
an.)* at « Mas. and nominal. Wheat aaateta 
far rtd and white and v«ry dull Corn from aura 

1 was-ota :"Snc. Barley »1 35® I ». Oata ^wToa 

• \tra. Bran we unete at #12. 
GaocKih:-— Transactions very I 
at lfteifc by the had; in I 
New Or 1 fans Molaase 

CnSV 2l a»o. Ocldot. 3t,»» ha Wbta at 

Cottobs, Ac— Brown Sbsettnis :3c. 
at 4». 11 and 4*e for the various 1 
at CaaOiewiek »l per lb. 

v W TJiaVl 28. aala 

tails at 

Hav-We « 
atelhavia as In 1 
Manilla ftora— We quote at IV. 
Fe> runes -Comaiaad ti '. tk*. 

LiasRKi. aav-ftaaa a oa miu at »i ia 

La an — Llglil sales at 
ScoAB^taaB Haaa-Saias at • Hfftjft 
Wool— Washed J 
Pot \ Teas— Small ■ 
Toaarrc— N» 1 

I Brer 

•eraaii'l Notaa. 

Laslern Kxchanaa 

Kentucky Money 

ludlana lljaey 

•AvauaLa 1 
Treasury Notes and ' »hlo -ooay 
Mleaouri ^ 

mob'apirit wao leil from last night. 

WASiusuroN, July|l6. 
Contrary to publiated statemeutB, the exe- 
cution of the draft was aaspend'-d in New 
York only by tbe uprisin-r of the mob. It baa 
not b«e*n ascertained here that any directions 
have proceeded irom here for prolonging the 
suspension beyond tbe period when crder 
ehni be restored so that H caa be prosecuted. 

' ' • 1 1 d . 

*r. -* * |au». ai,jt-+». • mfi 


l.oi, July 14. 1S*J. ) 
Speciel Orders No. 109 ] 

* * * * • 

I. The following offlcoas are aathorizad to 

give exemptionB from mflitary or drill duty In 
ihe Luglon of Defense to aliens, non-resi- 
dents, persons exempted by order proclaim- 
irg martial law in the eity, and on certificates 
of disability from loyal t.hysielans^to-wit^ 

eriak llescr,' Laiayette En=inehouse, during 
business hours. 

Colonel L. H. Ferrell and Coloael J. M. 
Vetter, at the Armory on Bro-ok atreet, be- 
tween Main and Market, daring buaiLese 

Colonel William Mangan, a* the Mayor's 

Office, during busit-eis hours. 

Col. John R. Pirtle. Rescue enginehouse, 
btt*ecu the hoars of 10 a v and 13 m 

Phjsiciani giving eertilicates of disability 
will state the nature of the^disabll ity ^and 

military l auty P? entirilv h or merely from dri'l 


II. The companlet of the LeRioo of Defense 
already exceeding the numb r required, no 
more cumpanira will be organized 
and enrolling will cease at seven and a half 
o'clock p. m. this day. ( ompanieaia excesa 
of the number desired, and person* enrolled, 
bnt not in companies, will be used aa a re- 
serve to ill vacancies ia the active portion of 
thi* Legion. 

III. ~ Oaken eommanding ragiments In 
tha "Legion of Defease" will report to these 
bead quarters thoae who have failed to enroll 
in their respective dlstrieta, being exceeding 
ly careful to report no nun that baa enrolled 

Tne city la to be extensively fortified, aad it 
is oat Just that those who are willing to drill 
and bear arms should be exempted from the 
labor of consiracting fortifications. Thoae 
who refuse to enroll v. il' therefore be 
ploved to oaaetruct them. 

I Y. Lieutenant R. M. Mosby, A. D. C, is 
ordered to colleet all arms heretofore distrlb 
uted to home guard companies, wboee org*»n 
izitions are not kept np, and tarn tbe same 
over to Lieut. Stnyser, Ordnance Officer. 
Persona having pnblie arrae ia their po*eee~ 
slon w.ll dallver or report them to Lieut. 
Moaoy at the weat end b isement room of the 
Courthouse. _ . 

By command of Brig. Gen. Boyle. 
7 A. C. Skmtle , A. A. G. 

De dqcabters Provost Marsh ei.. ) 
U>i -iiVillb, Kt., July m\ 1888. f 
By ordera from Hta:'».uarters Western Dis- 
trict ol Kentucky, all saloons ted driaking 
houses wdl close at 5 p M. Saloons attached 
to hotel* and eating houses, and falcons that 
are paying hotel license, will be allowed to 
open at 7:80 p. m. D. C. Fitch, 

Major and Provost Marshal. 

Proclaaaatioa . 

All parsons owning or Hiving dog* in their 







New York 





P'.^^ute^e , 


Bank of Tenoeaate.. 

Ptvek Banks 

South rarwftna. 

North Caroiina. 


• feesaem. 

1 faeastala. 

1 1 , ' IS ^ 

1 r sac: -Ha. 

1 B sen' stu. 

m r <ea dU. 

1* > teeaama, 

- . . t'«. 
latBUdiM* D ¥ cent die. 
iJtJ-.MisiaMI k aaaa 4k*. 

a»m V eaati dm 

IIS t eerrt dts. 
> c«sm eo>. 

Wceai E 

a sent JU. 
i ■ aact die 
n Stent v'« 

•Baa— a 1 

Fiaaucial Maitera In New York City. 

Jrtv li, I f. a. 

To d n't baak stat' 
that oflaat MooaWjr : 

W'k end'* Loses 

juiyj ertats.w) av.Ji 

juJ^yii.. . i-i'tasTe*- 33.3«*. 

Increase ST19.4US **B2.7» 

Decrease Sl#tj,ea4 * 

This statement, like Ihe last, shows • steady incrsasw 
of deposits, and a c<>Diu«nc<niiDl of a new anUcy wtta 
regard to loans. Tha contraetloB ia baak em coeBBB 
which commenced * month sloee, aa.i leJ to a rweaav- 
tioa of »obi- siv millloaa. appears to be ever, ana taw 
opposite policy ln.iiigurite.l. Tfie dioe er ce between 
the a«r-gite volum- of the deposits »nd the loars » 
now s > small th t the banks cannot ba maklna much on 
their eapltaL The specie avcraee rem* n-> or- tty a»asv 
dy: there has not been as mack increase m this depart- 
ment as was ex peeled. 

The money market waa aaay day. and attbeapeav 
is>2 of I. us in aa call loans were at ti 1 er caa*. aUaaar m 
tbe day tbe proerem of the dlslarbance operate* 
acairut l.-wdo'sa, a d neoole were not anxtoaato lead - 
An. irouble of a forathlaW^ character bl the city woua*, for a time, create a etoas moaey aaarkei. — . 

Cotton oon'toues dull and 
onset Urd; 

SMMftm* eatra IH O 
and very 

hereby notified to confine 
them within their premises for tba period of 
sixty days frou* taia date. Aay person rt- 
luaing or laillrg to comply with this requisi 
tion, subjeet thamselve* to a fine of tweaty 
dollars and ccsts. Wse. Kata, 

Mator's Opfic*. June 71, IM| 
1 j-27 d2at 

•12^*1 30 fori 

moderote business at •**»'''6c, and cfe-i?* at the I 
paiee. Oata lu'l. "uear mere aetiv-. : l 
W<e; Havana 13c. 
ln« at Sll «3w*ll 79 for old i 
aevn N«w»U 25 for oM prke 
new prime mess. Inelndlr i 
days at buyer's option, at S13 «0. 
at*5T5 for mem; *4 50f.r pr 
ed; SlBmSK for eatra meK prise aaeae beef ia i 
nominal: beef ham* quiet aad 
dull at 4 ««>*ec for aboaldera; *Hc fee ba 
dull and a: minaL Lard dall and heavy at »:*< 

Money easy at eft-Tc. Sterli j* oxcaaaa* 
dun at lSSml* for Brat-clam MBa. OoM lower. Be e n. 
ine at XX. dacllaSns te 25X, a.etns steady at flfth. 

C. A •» a ef 'al, cenpeoa. MKH; 

CracTjraAVt, JWyle— r. w. 
There la no life to tbe market. Tbe larae 
cold deatroyed onfldenee la the prbsee ef 1 

ft unsaleable unless at a 
ofMcperbbl. Wheat declined fe 
nominsl et «14»1 <& for prime real and whits 
Kentucky white waa offered at Bl M and 
CwaaaeiTc. Oats .bin u iJJc in awlk. Whmka «hM* 
and in fair demand. 40,006 pouada eoaatry bulk since 
lie for su*r»r- cured. .NothsBB dotoa mi 
teed ail dectiaeal to *1 04. 0«U deetawad te m 
' m* M ml Au-l mar lUtteiUcd. 

. A 



u I 



Ficksbors on the .Horning Before its 
Sarreader— Vicksbarg on the After- 
noon Af'or in> Surrender— It- General 
Appearance — Condition of the Inhab- 
itants—Fortifications of the Rebel 

I of the Mlsaoui 

Vicksbcko, Jn'y 8, MR 
At ten o'clock on the more In ? of the 4 b, 
the Union forces marched into Vicksbua', the 
rebel srmy baring previously sucksd their 
arrna outside their fcrifl a: ions, and retired 
to thMr tents. At this time the writer made 
hi* way into the city. At IraC the eye is ro' 
met with tbesmouni of drools' iou that would 
b« expected from the quantities of shot and 
shell that hive been thrown into the p'ace. 
Tet, on di'ser examination, there ate mauy 
bou.-es where such ms il<g have made 8 
breach in nae side, sod passed out at the o'her, 
doing little apparent Carnage, but v t making 
the place too hot to be t»n in ted The bousi s 
and business properly 'rw ting the river, Be- 
tween tbe lirtr and the fir#t line of hills, were 
•utira'y vacated, and presented a eccue of 
deaola ion and decay that only like cirtuni- 
i iiic- a san produce. Bark of the first line ot 
hills, and is the valleys m»ny of the bouaes 
were occupied, though some of them wer» 
perforated by abot or shel'. Here it m iv be 
well to remark ibat many who occupy d ti met s 
where there seemed to be no immedive d ti> 
gar had hole* dug ia the sides of the bit's, u ■ 
to which they could go wh- n it was dative < us 
in <be open air ; a in cxamivlae li e f ri II- 
cations tbe writer f uud the hill sides a full of 
bol>-s a? any that »ere cceapied by swallow . 

Tbe foriucetiona extend around a rau^e o 
b< Us a*>uai nine milts in circum'crei cs, one 
a de of which frools the river, while those in 
the other directions were Intended to r-p 1 
any stuck from tbereir. The heaviest tuns, 
about tweniy-tive in number, froj. the river, 
and varied from eigh*. toleu-incb, while those 
in the rear, with a few exc<-piioL6, were of 
light caliber. There must be a' has* fifty r - 
dcub'a, or fortifications, m»de af earthworks, 
■and b<ge,and, in s< me cases, of co'tof, con- 
taining from one to six guns etch, and all con- 
nected with a series of rifle pits 

Nature has don? much 10 nuke Vick&bure 
impregnable, but while she has done ibis, she 
has also done much to aaelsi a hostile lorce in 
taking it; for, beyond the series of bills occu- 
pied by tbe rebels, is a st-riee of hills Just as 
advantageous to the besiegers as lb* first 
range was to be bealfged. The only difficulty 
arising is in being able to hold of 
them long enough to throw up earthworke, 
which was finally done. Tae n xt move was 
to cross the intervening nollow, and giln 
possession of the rifl -pi s and tort tie mo: s 
of the eaemy; and. to accomplish this wiibout 
taking tbem by assault mining was reported 
to, and weeks were spent iu this way, 
digging trenches across tbe hollows and 
as the declivities unier cover ot our sharp 
shoeiert, and in danger of theirs until the 
miners actually reached, and as history hn 
already recorded, blew up some of their 
strongholds, killing as high as seventeen at 
one blast. To appreciste the persistant dar- 
ing of onr troops it is necessary to pass ovtr 
the ground, and see where th-'y have dus up 
to the very muzzle of the enemy's guns, while 
the eaemy's sharp-hooters were constantly on 
the alert, and la s me cases where baud 
grenades were tambled over toe brcsatwchks 
of the enemy into the ditches made by oar 

It waa not expected that the city would sur 
render nutil after the fourth, but it was tsV 
intention of the Union forces to open s terrific 
Are on them on that day, and the troops inside 
becoming aware of it, were clamorous for a 
surrender, knowing they had nothing to hope 
lor in longer resistance. 

It is true that the rank and file were in a 
suffering condition from the want of proper 
food, and that rations had been served out to 
them for several days of mule meat, but the 
officers bad eaten none of it, and there was 
•alt provisions enough still on hand to have 
supplied their troops lor several days. 

It is claimed there were at the cacimeace- 
msnt of the siege thirty-six tboustad pr-raous 
in the city, which included all the cliiaens, 
and at tbe lime of the snrreuder there was 
estimated to be by the authorities there, thir- 
ty-one thousand, showing s falling off by de- 
sertion and death of five thousand, and of 
this number fifteen hundred are believed t 
have deserted. On the day before tbe sur- 
render, and while negotiations were penaitg 
the rebels invited a numbwr of our raeu over 
into their inlrencbments, which showed clear, 
ly that tbey expected to abandon the contest 
al whatever terms they might be able to 
make. Their Generals state they had but 
eighteen thousand effective men, with twelve 
thousand in the hospitals, leaving the remain- 
ing one thousand te be made up of ciuaens, 
whieh statement is probably correct. 

The officers are dressed In a gray uniform 
with a profusion of gold lace ou their ur::j- . 
collars, &e., bat the men are poorly clad, 
many ef tncui having nothing on but a shir: 
and pautalooiiS, and presenting a very eonj 
appearance. Tsey cxpteas themselves a* 
heartily tired of the war, and are ou. spoken 
In their imprecations against their officers, 
who, they aay, looked exclusively to lh 
ewn interest and comfjri, and paid no at- 
tention at all to that of the men. Gen. Vem 
her ton is not al all a favorite with them. 

The general ap,»eiriLce of the city at 10 
o'clock of the morning, was ibai of deadliest-, 
desoia.ioa and decay, without tae sign of any thing ;n sight, wi.h ihe streets cut up 
by r ile pits sad breastworks, rendering iheiu 
inipasaibe, and w.tnout a steamer, barge or 
boa of any kind at tbe landing. 

At three o'cl-jck in the afternoon fifty-four 
steamert, gunboaa and barg**, Ian a. lie 
WMft The rifle p'.is had Deen leveled off, 
the S'recia were alive with pecipe, wm. 
horsemen and teams crowded the streets as 
they were never crowded before Union «nd 
Confederate soldiers miegled together in one 
vast thrjng, anl seemed ou ansa good terms 
with each other that i; was difficult to imagin 
they bad every bean o.berwiae. Duriug Uu 
writer'* aojoarn in the place he did not hear 
an unkind or bitter partisan remark from 
either siae. 

Tha>, the an Iden ehanjre in the appearance 
of things had a marked effect on the Nbfcl 
soldiers is evident from the remarks the} 
made; and their gratincuion at seeiug c 
many steamers with some of them used u- 
hospiials, wnile others were in the eropiu}- 
m«nlof the (Sanitary C»snum»ioo (an its liu 
tioa unknown in the tJjuth), showed ih n. 
conclusively tea: the war of ihe eouui w» 
not a war for the benefit of the poor m tn. 1 
think it may safely be caljuiateu mat not one- 
third ot ihe parol leil piisjovre will ev.-r u^a:. 
enter the doutaern army, for they are now 
matlag their way in Urjre numbers, by evtr» 
means possible, out of tbe ci<y, rataer tnaL 
' out by their < !D r b . 8o mute li 

NOTICE TO r'ttur'Jt K i X ovVNEUS. 
Grading, Paring and Curbing of Side 

The owners of lots and parts of lots dig- 
ested below are hereby notified that ortliurinee- 
hare been passed by tbe General Council, 
approved and published, requiring the im- 
provement ol tbe aidew.lks iu front of their 
respective lots, and if they fail to have the 
eame property done within tnirty days from 
the date hereof, Ihe work will be done under 
a contract at the expense of said lot owaere, 
aa provided for in ihe third Section of the 
seventh article of the City Charter. 

Said work, when executed, to be received by 
the City Engineer, and if not done in even 
resp-ct in accordance with the ordinance reg- 
ulating sidewalk paving, to be repavea at the 
expense of the property owners— iron gutters 
to be placed under the pavement, to carry ihe 
water from houses and lots. 
To recurb and repsve the sidewalk on both 
■idea of Third e .reel, from Main to Water 


\*7. B. Belknap 

Htnk of Kentucky 

W. B Belknap 

Bauk of Eaniuckv 

Dr. W r. Pastil 

John H award 

James C. Ford 

John P. Temple 

Wes. Musseimaa 

Henry Smith 

Kirkiand, Ctus. A Co 

Tbos. Lindsay 

Herbert A Wright 

Jacob Keller 

Cbas. Page 

Emily Page... 

Feet, In. 


. 10 
. 33 
. 40 
. M 
. 28 
. 23 
. W 
. 25 
. 33 
. 23 
. 34 
. 34 



M. Cody 

Oeu. Tbos. 4. Jeasup 

W. Scbwrnx. 

Conrad Buckell 

Jacob W. 
George Z>ra . 
ToL gcbulta.. 
Taa Harran . . . 
Henry Hunter 
Sam L. Nock 

O. W. Morns 

R. B. Hopkins 

• CathUy 

Mrs. Martha Maxoy 

A. 8. Wallace 


Maroa's Orrici, Jane 38, 1863. 
Jy8 dlO 

Salt Agency 

.. .. 

.. 87 
. 50 
. 35 
. IT 
. 53 
. 38 
. 25 
. 33 
. 17 
. 27 
. 28 
. 26 
. 31 
. 20 10 
. 26 9 





For Sale or Exchange for Farm- 
ing Land. 

iVi »»>out three miles from the city, Co ntal ning wSSl 
ten acres n il !i comfortable l> UJiu t a of all kinds, ISlL 
a quanliir of benutiful »i. rubbery, a Vnrls y of choice 
fru u, rood • rna and sprias bouse, fish p»pd wltb last- 
Ir f spring lo supply it: on he moat pl-asnnt road from 
thi cTiy. »■!■»■»*■■*• »>• very tx-st: it U one of the i.-ost 
convenient and beaatifully anarned place* in the coun- 

try. Apply to me ou tue prcniUes. 


for sAr.rrr 

CH. J. 

ac « 

well walered. well located Ln h food neigh>>orlood. Tbe 

dred ud alxt 
ae M iinproveU. 

y acres for sale low. There it liwfftH 
The wliolt? tract well fenced aud ■ 

property m cht be axct 
ty. For furth* 

red for deiilrulde city prupi 
paTU.'ulara please Inquire of the au 
soriber, in Louisville, on Tuira stree . near Jeffereon 
(■MsUas j b. whitman 


the line of Kenned ■ and Me Iwetber, Mtwsaa '». 
Warner s an.l C^ouner a dwel Uif ho ae». leO bv 416 eet. 

AUo parts of ne l^>t on Ur .ysoa. bet*se Eigliteenil 
and Mn-teentb treut*. near t e German Piotcstaul 
0 piisn Anylum. 2U0 by 20U fset. Ai plrto 
* ^ CH. H Ki:E I Pbotogr' pher. 

je2$ dim Market at., uet. Brook and Floyd. 

Ho ise for Sale. 

I, on i- made shjrUv, a (raiue cottage with ^jjf 


four roonis, » large s able, silua ed en Shelby St., 
between B- argra-s Creek and tbe Oil o hivcr. i'Oi fur 
tber pa r ticu ut. inquire of 

v JN0. LAS' 'OM i TOLL. 

m>So dtf East Main street. 


tiiH of Iff- rent quliilie* aud locationa, and 'ar 
asnr « a&vasvaw uu i Louisruls. 


any of six vas ut LoU I 

Also a two-horse Carriage 
apv dtf 

100 yaraa aoutn of the LouUvllJe Pos>oftt«i 

at No 065 Third 



handa high. Tbe owo r c -n have ber 
by proving property and l ay ut charges. 
Apply to^ 

Market at., bet. t enth i 

Taken Up 

!"> first tol' gate, on the B rdstown turnpike, 
adarkso relFILI EY. t ,r— years old on the 
10th of July, which he own- r can have by 

►gggg^ a " d ^ n ' ct " tr « M - T .j, PARKER. 


ML'LhX utofMr. Bl .nksnbaker"- pas- 
ture, h^l' mile below th- city, on Broadway. 
£aid Mule ta abo t 'c hands high, fully shod, 
nom-rksretn ml>ered. Any porjoii returning >he ssaaa 
to me. or living me UilurmatiOU to that I cm get i will 
receive S1U rewaid. THUS 8A\LK5. 

Jylt; dj* Corner and Broadway. 

IK the tame 

Mules Lost. 

•omli;g In na tbe Kardito »■ pike, in tb • 
easterD part of tbe city, yea.srdaj. >Ve will 

pay 910 par hsad rswar.l for tbsm. deliver* I , 

to us at our a tab «, corusr Kleveuth and r«w a * ». 
jylidS BROWN k CO. 


Strayed or Stolen, 

astoall. low.^t. light yellow COW 

haviug it pariiejlar m irks the owner la 
aware of. Any ens givl g lnfermatlon_ 
a their at the Detnesrat office or a* ttie corne 
and Broadwav. leading to the recovery sf th* animal, 
wiUos .ui^lj rewarded. 


"Wanted to Rent, 

fr m four to six a-a-tioents. pleasantly 


• Itu ■ ;:; 

aied, for wbl h a good rent will be given For \a MiH 
formation addreaa G. T. M.. Box MO. P. O. jyl« d3* 

"Wanted Immediately, 

the Na.-uvili« Uo- 


earner Ninth and Wag-uint 


J. T. Hsailley. the aioat reliable, attractive and powe 
fal Histsrical Writer • tks age. Firat voltime now 
randy. Agents are meeting with anpirallsted siioceaa. 
Over 10S.«IS esp'es already ssld Circular? jiving all 
necessary laf r nation In record ta the wore. Terms to 

Aceats i c , mailed free. Cal< oa or addresx 

Age is, ac, w • l)V ^ k Co |Mlb „ iherti 

ii Fourth street, corner Walnut, ClnelnuaU. O. 


log 100 asefjl artial'a. sad asenmpanied by a uiagnltl 
••nt box «f .lew-lry, from which «ach p-irch:\<er can 
kciest a prise an auittheiiif.-lves. The arsl«l-s contained 
iaap iekas could not ba purahased eUewhure for SI. 
y t :ae i,ri» ia but 2; eeats. AgenU eas ly »U;ir * 14 per 
day at this gr*at money -making busiiieaa. Circulars 
seat fr»e. «' M. 1)1 'NN A CO.. 

Jy7 diy Cinein naU. P.. and Chioag-. 1U. 


man the highest wage* wiU bs pild. _Apply,lmm« 

dl.itely U 


J. sf. Wl' LARD A OO.. 
»d Green a:., bet. Third aud Fourth. 





Mu Tile, as roitswa: 

7:30 A. Ma gl^raa^ 

For an I cr^li-r* !r0, *" Wf,i 


For Chicago and all palnta ln the North and Northwest. 

Urf^Paaa^nrera by this fain arrlvs at Ohicugo at r:80 
r. «.. being tvelvt howrt in ouctw^ «/ any other 
rot- 1*. 

2:45 P. M. K&2SS&aB& 


For 0"nclnnatL 


For Cleveland Pittsburg. Pr>il;td*!plila, New York. Bos- 
ton, B Itl-nor . Washiagtou C ry. and ail points 
' an icd Northeast 

For Chiewo. Detroit, and si points ln the North and 
N rthwast. 

For St. Loo a, Cairo, and all points Wsst. 

10:00 P. M.ff5S»,^ 



F r sll E.i«tem anl Northeastern Cities. 
For 1 aledo, Detrs t. tt. 

»sr-Thta outs U OO MILK« frIIORTKR, and pas 
ssngeri >ve 13 IIOUItiTla alma over any and at reaaca M . Ul- AGO andths Mortha*,t. 

^'^•akCar; JSL™ MILE8 0MMBC8 w 

this i. i"*^*™^*^***™™ 

W Passengers »hoald BXAMtaa vaaia Ttcgimi «a«f 
RtfLIOAD*" iU "' " U " J "' I ' Ei ^ UXTILL * 

tVAn- info'aaation a --a be sbi 
thas.-S. I ahr ofnYe sf 'he Csmpanr. tonsheas. • ruvr 
sf at ia «Dd Third »Wert), l^ouisville. Ky . or at the 
Eattsasl l>sp t. J«ff.r,o„vllle 



i it» LO\YI AS BY A.\Y 

JAS. FKURIER. General Ticket A*eut 


Le\in?ton aud Fran la fort 


HI > Ag V U.I.UUS: 


Loaisvil s at 7:90 a. 
w,Il kaava Lai 
l<le a> Ml r. n. 

stopping at all ttalienr; return 

lot, will laave Lagrang= at i:3» r. at., arrivi-g in i.«u 
Iavi; 1 - • 

SECOND •: BA N will leaTe LonlivlUe at9 s. _ 
run afj far as the !Ue« Course, atmpicg nl the 
Urounda and the Point; rttu uing, will leave th« Kacc 
Csurac at a r. u. 

SundJ/ Schooli and Picaia Parties onn procure tickets 
to pa. kagta af M) at half usual fare U all places beyond 
the Fair Crounda. Tickets, except in pacKaees the 
usual fare. 

Persons 1 i charge of Sunday Schools and Picnl- Par- 
anil dlatribute them befnr. comaig to the Depot, 
fare D0> L ' v,us * Ucka wil1 « IMMli full 

inst., by c 
of brook 

Ie2* . IS 

uclst- can be had m ard after Monday. SSd 
iliine on u. T. Si-iLMOi. at tn« Dspot, co.ner 
ind Jeacrson. 

AM'L GILL. Sop't. 


Sorirmu Mugar Mill. 

era and Merchnnts, 

hi •u *? t - ^'ween i T-slflo and Thirteenth, and see 
h.., Mill whiao wj do not hesitate to »ay will give bet- 
ter *ati*faeU'in and has more nolnU of ,i«« ih»n 
al other MllU MsabLocd! ^ exctuenca man 




Adams Express Co, 

Locistillb, June 90, 1*58. 


for within thirty days Lorn 

'bo* 03 

where raoM. 



Meridan Ct 


1 box 

1 box 

1 box....Danvi!l;.. 

1 b. x Cine un*tl.. . 

1 box CiuciLnati... 

s..Za .eaville... 

1 box Green , -astle. 

1 box....p«n-llle 

1 ITUUk. . lu J.a::»poi t 

1 c bag 

.Austin Mill-, With DL 
.AakampaA. , 
.Ault CUa*. «Jd Ind 
.AmidenAJ. 3d M. 


.And.rson Mr. 
.Atkinion Alooto. 2d Ohio. 
.Albin H 8. 
.Angarman Fred. 
.Adams A O. 


A i erlcan Express. Ag i t Adams' 
Howlii^ggr-eu Adami Br. 

1 pkg Baltimore. 

" kg.... Phi adclpbia. 
1 pkg....F aukfo t .... 
1 pb x..Munfoidvllle. 
1 nkg....IndianapolU.. 
1 bdi checks 

1 pkg.... Memphis ..... 

kg Ci cimiati 

1 p box.. Indianapolis. 

1 pkg P i a elphU.. 


1 pk» New York 

1 p nox.. Midway 

1 cane...Lexing n 

1 pks Philadelphia..... 

1 pkg Cinciiui.ti 

1 pkf .. Barrm r.Vtr 

1 pkg ft Louis 

k«....Sb Ibyvllle. Ind. 

. «g Wheeling 

1 pkg Cincinnati 

1 box Cine una I 

1 box N chola.ville — 

1 b<>x Loba on 

I box Birmingham. Pa 

1 box Murfreesboro. .. 

1 box. ...Pit sbur. 

..Anna Kobt. 
..Aldridg- I II. 
...\ustin E E 

OUo R R. 

1 box 
1 box 

• »ox... 


1 box Loulavllle 

1 box Richmond, Va. . . 

1 box Putsburg 

lbox.... " 

Ijpox Groen burg.. 

1 box Ciuejmati.. . 



l ox Loul vllle ... 


1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 bJX. 
1 box. 
I box. 


.Zan* vllle.. 

.CI clntiat 

.Amer.c n I xpr 


. Laucastvr, Pa. . 
.Ciuci nai.1 

1 bdl ....Lex'ngton 
1 trunk. .Waafcl gtnn. Ind 

..Bergman Frsd, 23d Ind. 
. . Becson li f, 35d Wis. 

...Burnett W. . 
...Hlcaford . M, ttuMlch. 
...Hi "Mrs P. 
. . . Dachrach M. 
...B' wnPL. 
...Haley Wm. 
...Bu nW. 
...Busta d E. 

.. .Brooks J N. , 
...Bartktt D. 
..jsaikwiaw « , .*-ett R fu«. 51ft Ind. 
..Butterheld John. 

Br wu Wm. 
' Bartlet'. L J, sutler 21rt Lad 
! . Hark cy J G 

..Beinlord J V. 

. .Bughel D '£. Vih Penn eav. 
'..Bartow Saml. 
..Brown a Co M W co L 
. .Ha tey FP. 5«th 

B-breai C. 6th .dilo. 
"Uarbtr C. 17th Mich. 
..Bennett K «*. , ,„ 
Helmer F M. U«spltal NolO. 
Barrall Mrs A. 
t ryau W 
. .. .Batte C. , , _ _ 

Buck David. Hospital No 3. 

Berdtue M A Bro. 

Ber<uis John. S3d Ohio. 

Brill ii A. 

Burns Jacob. 

r.rovrn IW.IH 

Blake C«pt. xirth III. 

. Hucklnahani G L. 
Heckwith G M, 100th IU. 
sHatei ti ... Ut Wis. 
.Htisuam U M. 
.B-tt W B. 7« h 
lakes D. . 

S E 


Crane J as. 

1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 b x. 
1 stsve 

Local. ' exlngion.. Coffey 1J. 

.Danville V;Owan UCoJ J. IMh Ky. 

Ca'd -el J D, »>l»t Ind. 
.Coleman M J. 3d Ky cav. 
CI vclantl Wm, 
Crow J H. 


..St i ouis 

. . N w Y- rk. ... 




t lavt ti 11 M. 
..Collins O W. 

1 hex.. 

1 box.. 
1 box.. 
1 box.. 
1 box.. 
1 box.. 
1 brx. . 
1 box.. 
1 bnx.. 
I pkg 


!New York!... 
.Dan elite 

,m asasean . 
. Pittsbara . 

1 trunk. .Chattanooja Cra | W H. 

1 box Cine nnati Coffi_ G H. 23th Ind. 

1 wheel.. I aseUville Conoor Mr. 

1 trunk. .Chatt Jiootta Craig *\ USS >■ E L . . 

1 box....fbiladelplil» C.mwell Jas tl. Ande.BOn 


..Cpp K. 

..Cox Chaa 

..Caldwe l L9. . mmMm _. 
. .Claycomb Fred. 331 Ind. 

Cooper Nelson. 

C-»>in Lt H. 

.Danville Cbandkr F M. 

..CUrk & J 
. .C.deman W C. 
..Chaml>«.s Dr. 
. .Clawson Capt A. sfith N. 
. .Cramer Wm. 
. .Chur- hi'l Col Sara. 
..Combs M. MEM lii 

...ww York Cook J A 

1 c bag and bdl a' ras-y Martin. 

1 pkg C-rvlb Chas. 

1 cbg a. bdl it BowlinggrcenComford fain 

Louisville — 
C noinniti. 
...N«w Albany. 

1 b <x Ciaclnnatl. .. 

1 pkg New York.... 

I pkg l.ou svilie — 

1 pk| Cincinnati... 

1 e^.toon... 
1 pkg....Ne» 

1 Pkg. 
I pkg. . 

1 Pkg. . 

> pkg.. 
1 pkg.. 
1 pk*. . 
1 pkg.. 
1 Pkg.. 
1 Pkg. 
1 pka.. 
I pkg.. 
1 b x. 
I box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 b'x., 
1 box. 
1 box. 

..Cine nnati 

. .New York 

. .0 ■vlngton 

. .Cincinnati 

. .Indlanap >l:a. 

. .Ci e'n *iti 

..New York 




. .New Albany. . 
. .Cinr nnati 

. .CineinnaU 

..Indiana. Penn. 
. .Iacaaaapsw. . . 


1 pkg Cincinnati.. 

1 trunk. .I.ou'svlUa. . . 

1 box OkwaJaaaM.. 

1 box P.tttburg... 

1 box. 
1 box. 
1 pkg. 
1 okg. 

. Ai .sinnati 

..Washington, I 
. .India .apolis.. . 

. Wheeling 

.Oto atone*! 


1 box....Lyk>n J t«we, 

..Carey A Talbirt. 
...Clark AW. 

, ...Dej>pen!J L. 
...Deita M. 

. . .DaHy (ieo. Ktli Mich. 
... Dellany J E. 
. ..Davis M V. 

Eawson Cnpt, loth Ohio, 
aniel '/.< 1 >ck. 
... D«an H K. 
... Delashmil Jas, Colli Ind. 

Daniels J N. 

Dunbar A M. 

....Dean J N. 21st Ohio. 

Dawein Nicholas, 1st Ky. 

....Dehonr J. 
....Davit P. ajgtUl 
... Dickie W ti. 7ath Penn. 
. . .Davis WR. 
... D«vl-J n.Blstlnd. 
. ...Dreaur N L, 14th Ohio. 

Evans C 3. 

I dy Irvli , 2d Mich sav. 

Rawer IJL And rson Troop 

....Etiton W H. ISth Wisconsin 

Kariy J hu, lvtk Ukio. 

u. . Edmunds J K, al st Oklo. 
....Kvans • B. 


K'terhard E. 

...&£ Frank. 

• swffaikw;. 9 Pa 

1 box....EAC Rente MllU GW. 113th nu. 

lbox • Mate John A Wm. 75th Ind. 

1 box.... Cincinnati. McCalLW R, 1 7th Ohio. 

lbox , Mathews F B, 38th Ohio. 

1 box Cincinnati Maver John, t»th Oh.o. 

1 box.... Cincinnati.. McPhe-son A O'NeiL 

1 box.... Boston Mitch II E 61st Ind. 

1 box....ClnHnna i Mitchell BC. W h Ohio. 

1 box — Cine nna-1 M I run; Win, 74th ln i. 

1 box....Mwrfrersbor 

1 eot Inc nnati.... 

1 pa New York 

lbox.... Cincinnati.... 
lc bag . .Cincinnati.... 

1 pa Cuvl- natl.... 

1 pa Louisville 

1 P* -t \. : 

1 Pa W.ishia*ton... 

1 pa P(,rls 

1 pa Cliicinna'i 

1 cb x..Clnclnn tl. .. 

1 violin.. Naaav He 

1 P Frank ort. ... 

lpa Columbus, y.. 

t pa New York 

i Oioa 

1 pa Nashville 

1 Pa New York .... 

lpa NewYo-k ... 

1 pa Ciuci-" uat 

1 box Newhaveu 

1 b x Lauct 'i t. 0. 

1 box....Clu. Innati 

1 paCin innati 

cXellanJ 8. 
..Morse A C. c; I. 
..Mictiiyan 25lh. 
...Miller 11 P. 7.!J T:id. 
..Slit, heli 0 M, lOOt- IUa, 
..Moeler II. 
. .McCimn J H. 
..Morrison Kev Robt. 
..Mattlngky J tV. 
. .Mclturnie Geo. 
. \\ 1! ard Mrs 11. 
..Maple E K 
..Mei renin? Madison. 
. .Morg:in Ed. 
..Mi. hum AN. 
. .Mor ingst r Chu. 
.t»e hert Wm'j;th Ut, 

...II t-i. Cur Is. 
...M re. Da Henry. 
...MuU rCG. 
...McCarthy C. 
...McGowan John. ?»lh Ohio. 
. . . Moiure A W. 'JOtli Ohio. 
. . . Mentis C. t>4'.h Ohio. 
. . . MrrsuxelW^th Ohio cav. 


...N ghbor 8 M. 52d Ohio. 
...Newby BF. 33d Ind. 
...Nei-ouKrauk, Hospital No 9 
...Six u Mr. 
...Newlrart Joe. 
...Nue-ntO A. l»th Ills. 
...Ne»bo l Jas W. 
. . . Nathan -i. MtM, 

...Oventreet Mary. 
. . ."a" ond Jus. 
...Old H J, 1 th M ek 
.. OuVer llenrj tali Mlcb, 
, ..Ors B &. PtithllL 
.. .Osterle Jacob. 


4 saddles, Vas>'Tll1e road... .Pas«enger. 

1 box New York Pet e ML 

1 box Pra't Capt 73il III. 

hoes.. Princeton. Ind.. ..Polk Capt H 11. 

1 box. ...Cincinnati Perry S B, Wih Ohio. 

1 box....Sonora Phillips H G d. 

1 box....Naanvl!le Purcoll Pat. 

.Pi illips David. 
.Pine* G M. 
.I'attiinrer K L. 
.Pairan A, Toth Ind. 


1 trunk. Nash vllle.... 

3 boxes. .Ci i 

1 box.... New Albanrl. 

1 box....Naahvllle... . 

2 c bags 

1 pa Cinn...."!"" 

....New Yo-k 


1 pkr. ...IndUmpolls.. 

1 rkg. ...New York 

t box.... DanvUe 

1 box Cincinnati... . 

I b-'X.... Philadelphia. 
1 trunk. .Nashville 


1 box. 
1 eon. 
1 val. 
1 box. 
I box. 
1 box. 
1 box 

..Tcrre Bawte.. 

Lsucaater, 0. . 

Pittsb :rg 

Leban n 

Homer, lad... 

1 baf....Phlladel hia... 
1 bkt....Phiia.'e 
1 e .as. .Frank! 
l kale.. .Now York. 

1 pkg Ktown 

1 pkg.... Phil tdelphia 

1 pkg New York 

I bag Savannah. Ga. .. . 

1 pkg....W. ah ugto . Ind 

1 pkg Indianapolis 

1 pkg Cincinnati 

1 pkg Cinci na I 

I pkg. . . .Ciuciunatl 

1 p.g Portsmouth, 0. . 

1 keg tools 


.P ne J 1 Co.. 3ith Ohio. 

.Pra=l y D vi.l 

.Peter on R J, *0:h Ind. 

.Pa • uel K A W Patter. 9th 
Penu cavalry. 

.TalmerJ M 

. Palmer J M. 
. . Parker Iti hard. 
..Ph IB] C T A Co. 

.Perkins Mrn J. 

.Poru»r Ma.or D M. 
..Paul B 
..Pryor M F. 

■ arler « Wilson. 
. .Patt rson I J. 4ti Ind cav, 
..Penine T B. 
..Pike SM. 

. . Puraons M W, 1st Ohio cav, 

..Para* c s. 

. . Parscn*er. 

The Safest and ('! eapest Insurance. 


4:2 M-dii <treet. between Fo>'rth a-id Fifth. 1'ulnney'a 
"nilillnr. over D. Hare's T'-ii!'!'. : ".»:« 
A ing named saf -, r. Ilab'e. and j n'.ly peaalat Ioaur. 
aiiee Companies, Insoran e<» will I-? •••iid ■ sa Liv*s and 
every deseript on of property at fair r it--. 

As the division of au insurance :i- k ;.non^ several 
Cuxpani-sis e ardej as safer and «... • pro 'erit than 
a la ge amount in ny one Oeaaaaiiy, I »<>n:.| r<-sw<rt- 
fully solicit a p >: tlon of the kaaia as ol m {■ fa ,\* an-l 
the public. Losses promptly and sa Ufaetorily sett.« >\ 

pTo.-if* of l'.-s'e* and adiaatmecti raadr at t'.i* olliee 
vTITHOUT CHARGE on aU policies is-u-d a. thi- 

Mutual Life Insurance Company. 

Cash Fund belun. Ing to tho meiubers inured |H. 

All the profits art d; vide J on the mutual sy-temt very 
five ye irs amouz the BMaat era insuretl , 

The buslne.->s of IhN Company i-c rd cted exc'usively 
on «he Ctsu plan. N.> notes aliat. ver ;.re received for 
reinium ■. or paid b:'.ck n el .ims f r loeMa The ace;. 
::.u :. :;- or dividends -.>^y be i.ppl'L-d to i"0 ra>e the 
uut insured under the poller, or in aa : initial de:iuc- 
ion from the premium. Iu the first ? n. tjnce. m :iy 
Ca-es are ou record wherj !he amimnts o:ig:nal!y \a- 
sured have been mor. than ./■»/< : U'i b the accum-ila- 
tjons or dividends, and lu tl.e -ec nd. he annual re :ue- 
tlo'nsrint d "y the Coup inj- 1-, i.\ ii'.fjSVi in uu: »ssf- 
»L Fi.milit; lu otther words that the po icy h;>s been 
ntlre y pai I up for tie ori .-tn-.l and ihe policy 
■Her, in-t>-ed of piylns any prawakajBi to the • ottp-inr, 
s actually N rkckipt o« an ajrsem be slid firther 
inere^Ked l y future diviaaayls) i:-.. u. tiiig to several 
hu dr d ollars, fear the rema uder of life. 
, I tea, pamphlets and any ofser Inforuiation may he 
obtained ^pou . ppllc atio- it this A gency. 

Contiuental Insurance Company, 


^h Capital and Surpl s St SW.OW. 

TIIREK-FOi'ItTHS of the proliu re;, rntd annually 

to the po.l.-y l.o dera. 

pivi,leu.:srttaraedtjpoli.y holders, on /.re risks as 


l-o7 »'i 

Mg ;.50 

WtJ so 

m ...v.Js 

l-ril aj 


Fcrlr' : ije ,rs •; ;-cr ceut. pe- annum interest, and 
■ puieb tted ai this oilic, lit prices ranging f om JO 
co ts to -j cent* on :he dullir. according to date'of issue 

North American Fire Insurance Co., 


CaCA.iizKn in 1:128. 
Cash 0 rltni ^nd Surplus SHOOOU,". 
THR - E t CRTHS of the P'olits reiurned I 
the poll y hoi lers on l ire rUks. 
Dividends reiurced to policy holder?): 

WU Wt per e«nt 

1SC2.... 5) do. 

Sc-lp i>su(h1 MMB 6 per cent, per annum inierei-'t. and 
I? piirehnitetl a: this o ice, at 50 cents to 00 cents ou tbe 
do.lar, a-'Cordingto d-te. 

Washington Insurance Company, 


D A <t 

1 Pkg. 
I Pkg. 
1 reg. 
1 box. 

..?t Loula.. 
..Mempida . 

....C .p' B A U. 


1 vals 
1 box 


.Wheeling.. . 
2 boxes. ..Danville... 

1 box 

1 box....Woo»ltr, O 

1 box.... 
1 box.... 
1 box.... 

1 box , 

1 box.... Cincinnati..... 
1 pkg. . . .Indianapolis .. 

1 rox Indttnapolis . . 

1 trunk. .New-rk. O — 

1 bag.... Danville 

1 box ndi napolis. . 


. New n ork 

. Danville 

.Danvll e 

Neaark. O. .. 
.Paynes' depot. 



>uer juun. 

« Martin. 
ie O M. 

1 b 

1 Ci-fk.. 

bo x . . , 
I box... 
1 hex. . 
1 p box. 
1 I kg •• 
1 pks 

1 p box. 
1 boa 

1 P • g. . . 
I Pkg. . . 
1 ikg... 
l c baa. 
1 akg. 

4 sou.. 


I ta.... 

1 pa 

l pa St L mm.. ■ 

1 pa Cine nnati . 

1 pa Nashvil a. . . 

1 pa Cincinnati.. 

1 pa Ligrauce . . 


New York. 

1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box 

. .Cine 


lum us 


. .Murfreesboro. 
..Indianapolis . 

. . jJaahrilie 

. .Cincinnati 


• Dresden 

1 box Cincinnati 

1 box 

1 rot Cincinnati 

lbox Grecncattle, Pa 

1 box Leba.'.on. 

1 box Louisvitl* 

1 box Horner. Ind 

I pa Cincinnati 

I c bag. .St ' ouis 

1 p* New To k 

1 pa New York.. 

1 pa. 
1 pa. 

.' .' .Cincinnati .'.V. "flrtlSwsV, 
...C.LiuibuJ OrlifiuA P. 



Forrest Geo. 

Fn.bee D K. 

Fowler D M. 

FabrenbachHT Geo ,89 Ind 

Farm-worth F. 

Fiinn J O.WdOhlo. 

Frailer Mrs E. 

Fl b r Mi a A. 

F'eming G U. 

d Foster. 

Ferg »on Capt n. 

Flu attan E. 

FMiback E. 

Kireovid Jas. 

Feaa Cuas. 

Flc en eJ. 

F okesJas.M. 121st Ohio. 

Frazur 0 H. 

. . . .FarrenU W, Hosnhal No. 11 

FUkfaisA J Sd Mich. 

FalrresAB, lbO Ohio. 


..Geletple Capt H L. 
..Gondere W 1L TTth Pa. 
..Olbner B F. 
.. C»rnr.b A B. 
..Ga ea A J fi^tb Ind 
. .' ; ardn r Mrs M. co I. 
..(iurlach tJonrad. 
. .Oilier Aligns t. aoth JOch. 
Giinter A, eo 1. 

1 pa Cincinnati 

4 batsattHo. lingarcen. 
lbox... Ct .ciauati.... 

1 pa Ind! m poil«. . 

1 • tamp. Madison 

1 bdl. ...L banon 

I pa Cincinnati 

1 pa Kee»vl.le. O... 

1 pa New York 

looxavLoo. avl la 

1 irank..Loretta 

ltrunk..Mew <ark. ... 

1 box M'>rfree*Laro 

lb x....PhlUdel.>hia. 

1 Uox. . . . >»-:.v:g. 

1 ox.... Cincinnati.... 
1 bayx lieahavan.... 

lbax...'.B9#fn3 r a .... 

1 box.... Da. vllle 

lb lo... Ci:iciunat 

1 rox Cincinnati 

1 box. ...Lob 

abo la 


.Ne • Y rk 

.C> . O .. 


New aven 


b 'X.. 


Haperny T 8 

...U'gbee E J. 
....Hurle F. 

1 H C. 
....Holmes W A. 

— Heps Capt. 

. . . .lUrt A a. 104 k lib. 
....Maaghey AL.94tkOkle. 
. ...Ha, p raja Waa. 

....Hall O H. 

— Hun Kate. 
....Hector W H, 
....UalUeter E. 
Hernman 8. 

. . .H CaptU A. 

Heway J U. 

Hull Mr. 

1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 oox. 
1 box. 
1 b^x. 
1 box. 
1 box. 
1 box. 

I. rban A. 
'2'iarteiu;aster 7th Ky cav, 

Ritche MT 
Rilev J W, 50th Ohio, 

■ rdaon W E. rath Ind 

r'dson Capt A J. 10th 

Ci-clnnatl Kebab Id. A. 

Columbia, ind Reihler Poniael 

Murfreesboro 'thoder Jolui. 



...Hi F^ 
... i\ ice J. 

...11 c artson Satnl. 
...Ketuer P. out lud. 
...» s, U. 
...Hoyer *i C. co D. 
...lloo ly Henry, aid 111. 
...iced J T. s th Ind. 
...KoseO AT Wordia. 113th 0 
...Ity-iiN H. 
...Kush Lt A C. 
...Roo er Wm, 101st 111. 
...Rouelti D. 3d Ohio eav. 
. . . kesby A. 


...Stephens A Sclinltz. eo F. 
— f nyder I^wis, URk reg. 

....Stevens Wm. 23d Ohio. 
... .S< hriener John, 92d IU. 
...Ser»ut'>n H 0. 

Smith J R, 

Seasengood I. Z. 

. . . Sims Capt J A. etth Ind ba 
— Sampson P H 17th Ind. 
....Stern Dr. 

. . . .Simons DeWltt C, 73d IU. 
... Sm thera 11 B. 
...ShaulSe F. 
...Smith Mrs J. 

wbroeder Oeo. 

.... Si range JaC'b. 
... ho k Ja-. HKh 111. 
...»n. lib A U. 

...StraTln.-H.4th Ohio eav. 
...Sbeppard Mb* nk John 
,...:*e ie:l t M. 
...Simonds G D. 
....S:uder P K. 103th 111. 

Siude Wilson. 

Mickner P. 

,...8akvib Ered 


New York 


.Indianapolis. . 

1 pkg.... Cairo... 

1 pkg Cincinnati 

1 pkg. ...Lexington 

1 pkg....May*ville 

1 pkg Jeneho 

1 pks Cincinnati 

1 pkg Indianapolis. . 

.Indi-tn- polls. . 


.St Lou a 


.Cine nnati 


.Claei nnati 

1 pkg Indianapolis. . . 

1 pkg Ce&trana ill.. 

1 pkg Cincinnati 

1 pkg Clnuiunat 

1 b box. .Cincinnati 

1 o bag. ..Columbus, 0. 

1 box New York 

1 box New York 

1 box.... 8; Loula 

1 box....Lancastt'. O. 

1 box Cincinnati 



New York 

E A C huutc.. 
Chill cothe, 0 


New Albany.. 
Cine nnati... . 


Cinciuna L.... 


1 box Cinciunat 

1 box Cincinnati 

1 box....Cinci natl 

1 box. .. .Cincinnati 

1 box 

1 box Cincinnati.... 

I box Cincinnati 

1 box HollidayeburK 


C ncinnatl 

Newt ort. Fa.. 

.Mnl b el. 
Strolhiu -n H. 
.fhivell fl W. 
.Sch .fer C.lst Ohio. 
.Seacore B W, l»ih Mich. 


.Mswl J H teth Ind. 
.Stern Hen y. 
Saeetland J M. 

.| b. 

.Sk'd rore Alonao. 
.thertr Mike, 
.Strubl- Henry. 
.Swiuty W O. 

.St Clair D H. 7rih LL 
.ttaw LZ. 7»tb Pa. 

1 box Shoals S : edin*n Sam L 

1 box C ncinnatl Sinn tt E. 

1 box.. ..Newt ort. Pa Shuman tr A 9th Pa cav. 

1 box.... Nashv.llo Starr H A. 

1 box.... Tipton Pa Sehoen ug W F.23.1 Wla. 

lbox. ...Ore ncastle. Ind. .humitt W LA (M F. 

I box ... Pittsburg Schanera Ser^.t 9.h Pa cav 

I I unk.. Pecan Grove, La..Savag Mrs E. 

lea' , Sherman Lieut. Colonel, 

lbox Indianapolis. Scrrist John, roth 1 d. 

1 box — Lebanon Smith W II. 4th Mich cav. 

1 pkf La caster, Pa Sch'echmaa August 17th 0 

1 oox Shefeln John 

1 box Stew. i t J 9th Pa cav. 

Lot machine: Shofield S R. 

.. .Hood J R. 
. ..llels i 

1 a oag. 
lb x... 
lb x... 
1 box. . . 
lb x... 
1 box... 

1 ex... 



1 p vox . 

1 oox... 

nper Jacob. 

Hatty John. 
. . .UjuuersUy E A J, co A, 9lh 

...Hlb ; ardSE. 
. . . li luea W K. 
...Ha r .. .. J L. 
. . . Harper J W, eo C POlh Oh o 
...Ha >bt E. 

...Hey I. W D. Wth Ohio 
...Haaal n Ca^t m 
...Hailuav W H. 
. . .Hait A Mapother. 
. ..Hou-bton J T. 
...Ha 'ley Ann. 

Cbbaeabaa, (jhio 

.Irwin A P. 

Ireland D. 96th Ohio. 
.Iaabell Alfred, lithohio 

1 b box. .Jackson. Tens Jarre t E. 

1 pa Cincinnati.. 

1 pa Si L uis 

1 pa New York 

1 . a New York. 

1 pr o'w.CiacU-na 1 

1 idl selves 

1 bex....Centralla 

1 e auk 

1 box 

1 box....Pbiladtlph:a.. 

1 trunk 

1 box.... Cincinnati. 

..JoLioiou W E, 2d MlcV 
.. JonesS A. for D J SleLu. 
..Jun.i S A. 
..Jtnniugj J R. 
..Jehnst.n Aden, fceth Ohio 
. .Jones S A. 

..Jaek:o:i li W. 80th Ills. 

..Jones S A. 
..Jones S A. 
. .Johnson J L C. 
. .Jones £ A. 

-ones Sam, 22d Wis. 

2 boxes. Le.lngton JacksonTU M 

York . 

x boxc«..New 

1 box... 
1 box... 
1 bjx... 
1 box... 
1 box... 
3 bwxes. 

Frankfort .... 

Ci .einnati 

Hardstowa . . . 

Cine nnati 


1 box. . . .Cincinnati 

1 box „..., 

1 box.... Natchez. Mi»a 

1 box Cincinnati.. 

1 box Cincinnati . 

lboc Memphis.... 

1 box Newbav n.. 

. .Johnion L is. 

Kecnan John. 7th Ps cav. 
.Kee on R H. 
Ketehum Myiom. 
KelloegEB. 7ta Ind bat. 
Ki .d L a. 



Th • ml I Is heavier thin oth-r mills of tbe aa^. 
SB i the extra weUht is placed at points co as to preven. 
thepo»»li,llityof hrrakaae. an-l all the brase j'.nrnal 
boxes .aa i.e taken out. cleaned, repa rei. oiled. Ae 
and ret.l ced wltb ut the least trouble of takirgthe mill 
l ic e- a* i. th» case with al other mills wiilch have 
not I Ii la provewienti. Th- simplicity an i nea ncss. 

bined with »Lrength. "Peak- for t«elf. And all wtio 
have used this mill do not ucaitate in saying it is the 
best mill -n u-e. 
For full pa- liculars address 

, „. , . Main street, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. 
j«21_clir Louwvihe. Ky. 


and moit approv d Cooking and Heating 
Ot ES. < he leading vVood Stoveeare theTr *mwt% 
Kentuekian. Ch rmer, Pell can. and P Imettf. 
The Coal Stores are the Alligat r. Chi ruin and ttar- 
lurht. I aaokeep an aasortment of brass Ket l-o.Knnm- 
e ed and P rcelain W\re, Smoothing irons, "In Pistes, 
pres ed Can Tops and Bottoms, i.bffee M ills and all other 
articles usually found iu task establish™ nt*. also, man - 
ufacture: of Frui' Cans, Tin.Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, 
all of which I will tell at tbe lowest cash prices el her at 

wholesale or retail. 

T1X ROOf INO AND GUTTERING done at the short- 
est notice. 

and u>al<riare respectfullv Invited 
stock before purchasing else- 
Id for aid lion and copper 
M 111 Market at., bet. First and Second. 


1 p box 

1 pa Ph'ia 

I pa St Louis 

lpa Cincinnati 

1 pa StubenvlUe. . 

1 pa i ... 

1 t>s Cincinnati.. . . 

1 pa Clncinna I . . . 

I pa Indianapolis. 

lbox.... Lebanon 

1 e bag. .Hobbs 


1 pa.. 
1 pa., 
1 pa. . 
1 pa.. 
1 box. 
1 val.. 
I box. 
1 box. 




.Anna. Ills.: 

.L ulsvil'e 

. Frankfort 

.New York 

.Kealer W H. co L 
.Keele W H, eo I. 
.hi t |.«tL. 
.Redder Mrs DC. 

KiioliLAIosrt, 125tb Ilia. 

Kalb Kev K L, 90tb Ohio. 

Kcelvr J G, 17ta Ind. 

K ekCapt 

Kun J R. 

Kellar Anna. 


Kne>s Jacob. 

K -aner H M, «2d Ind. 


Coon C E, 11th Mich. 

Ki rrv August, 10* h Ohio. 


Kelly Jas, 84th Ills. 

Ketehum M A 44th Ilia. 


Lawrenr e Sarah. 

Lynch Pat. 

Laken D.vld, 18th Reg. 

....Leebtrlrd Wm. 

1 box... 
1 box... 

1 trunk. 

1 box.., 
1 hex... 
1 box... 
1 box... 

1 box... 
1 box... 
1 box. . . 
l baa... 
1 box... 
l box. 
l box. 
l Pkg. 
l pkg. 
l Pkg. 

.T yken-'town. Pa. . .Pellg Thomp«on. 

.Cave City waa W W Krie fr er Thomas 

.. C E Tinkle. 
. . J W Tener. 
..WE I yh.r. 

jfnwiSn. m ohi< 


Horse Cave M L Thornton, 19th Mich 

.cinrlunatl .. 
Cincinnati.. . 
New York... 

e- en . 






annually to 

C sh Caniial a*d 
THttEE-FKl'ltTIl - 

irplus Sft»s.i«i. 
ol the nr.. ta return d annually 
to the policy holder on Fire risk.-i. 

Scrip dlviJend lSni fti percent. 

D i do 1-62 60 do. 

Scrip isaiiet tears ti per ci»nt. per ann jni interest. 

Fulton Fire Insurance Company, 


Cash Capital asd Surplus «2jO,00O. 

Fulton Fire Insurance Company. 


Cash Capital an ' surp'ua *17.">,000. 

Home Insurance Company, 


- . Ca-fc C 1 and Bttrpkat M'O.ftm. 

TTTRF.F : E URTHS of ths proflu returned annually 
to the pe ne f Mlteri on Fire risks. 

Scrip Dividend l"*l !U per cent 

Do do tM l.W do. 

Scri.t issued bea.-s C per eent i er annum interest. 

li. l». hfc.\tl I>Y, Agent 
n;y<2 41S Main s r et 

;ialen-s Head Dispensary 


Chartered by U9 Le/;l3UUre of Ky. 

th j Zzi9 of all Priyjkta Diie&fet. 

MM Pt' r *L:miii>-Fi'.iojj ohtlt ten csntc 


OJnlalritast SUty Isrso Pa^. and Thirty line Plate* 
and Eu2t*'.:u?s of tho An^umr tnd PhralcdoaTol 
U'.ilth and D^caee, 

?s of the _ 
the tk>suai in a sUto of 


ES, Inclndlcg Syphilis tn all Hi 
sia^ss: (Joaorrhen, GWt, btric- 
tcre, Vari5c<lle, aad Hydrooelo 
.'.iseaj-s oj th^ Eidne7J. Dladde- 
ic, WITHOUT • 

containing a valnablo troatl^u oi 
at wide-aartesd malady at 
nt*?, 6 '1 VII 5 Al. WEAK tiJtSS, 

^ t»^at 


I troaii*, oi 
piaiad/ M 

mal.Etnia^luns.Sextial De 
■Ml aiiity. lnipotsncy, Ac, the to- 
l, ;'JU^4> crft fpfirriitw* of yonth anc 
/tT\ maturity arising fr .in th* bane- 
el hr.hlt al self-ajn-e. To which is added obeerrs, 
tionscn F&.MACE tiSF.A3±.S, and oth*r intnroeHni 
(Bather of the utin'j't iu\ pt-rtar co to the uarried, anc 
those confi iiiplalitig ac.trriagi., who onUriain donb? 
.? their pLysfcal sSuttf to enter that state. Sent u 
uiy addreai in a soalci wrtppur, ou eoeipt of T&i 
:Vr.ta or mm st^nas- 

Thoeo afBlcmi with aay of the abevo dtaeaeew, be 
tote pia-.ine therTuplve^ un< : er the treaisiont or 
ano. sao a l i tir-it raaa thiti work. 

Wo .1*>vofe onr entin, tBM ana attention to the treat 
eassal of the vhtIjus pti\ata diaAas^a treated uf ln ooi 
ilerctt. Our £':3p.-i:snry is tLo ouiy Inatitution of Uu 
Itlad In A"ierica which h :r, I e<r" established by a spe- 
cial cnartui , and this fact eiiould give it a r-«fer*nc« 
•*« tte vi-ri:uj qnacka of doubtwl character to ta 

TO r'£|l^ft«,-SpWial attention siren to all dla 
earies cf Ft-mi»!cn. Also for sale 
DR. DEV. XEil' Kf.Gl'LATOB PILI.S-ror FeraaJ 

Obatracilcna. Irroguliaitioa, 4o. Married ladies 1: 
ertaln ajgaaAasai should not use thorn, aa tber woulc 

o?.n=» k^ves' Price gl p«r box, aud 
ect by luaiL 

Da. GAL^J,'S PBKV7NTIVE— An lnvslcaMe ar 

licla Cot th<^» w!>hin« to limit the number of OA 
Orl3prii3«, t r the tarrun whi d<v«iro oL-iluren: warrant 
ed not to Injure the he&lth. The rrcvontlvo, whicl 
will last mi 'i l::'i limn, will bo sent to any address uu 
drr .1, o,! th--- r-^-ift of the -rice— TV. O IK> LLABh 

PATikNTa AT A DISTANCK-Dy ending a t rlei 
•taicra :it of tbMr ayni ? t<^.«. will receive n Blank 
Chart cjutairtlng a Hit of on. rtioni, our terms for tb» 
e*nri?of tosatasettt, Ac Mtslioinae sent ta any ran 
i f th- ouantry euro any case at home, free fron 
damaira cr i t r: » i.ty. 

The Cinrr,iti..x Aojup^h, who Is a rea^ilar gradual, 
ot or.oof the Brsi institutions of tho country, ando- 
larfioxperlbLwin the treatment of Yocereai Diseas-s 
wiu vive bi>i personal attention to oSce patients dor 
ine any hour of the doy cr evening. Consultaticnr 
SSd utamiuathins st: ictiy pnva?-.- a:;d freeef charve. 

OK* ICE— No. 314 Filth str^. r, bjl'S^en Market met 

eMknea, wael side. 
To insird aa&ty t5 all lott^n?, oirevt to 

• '.. > 3 l.K' U L-i^PENSAHT. 
j I i ♦* l>ra*er 247. Louie vi lie. By 

..< lnclnnati 
..Terre Haut>- 
..Columbia. 5 C. 

. Miirlnaatl 

. .Cincinnati 

. .Cincinnati 

. .Clncinna I 


..New Yo.t 

I pkg Columbus. O. . 

1 pkg.... New York 

1 c bag Lebanon — 

1 box Cincinnati... 

t box Lexlcgton 

1 box.... Cincinnati... 

1 pkg.... New Tork.... 

1 pkg Colnmbua 

1 c bas. .Lagrange 

1 pkg. .?. Cincinnati 

1 pkg New Orleans, 

1 pkg. ...Praukf ft.... 

1 Pkg : 

1 pkg..... New iork ... 

1 pkg New York... 

1 saddle. Ci einna I. . . 

1 bd ■aeiwMa...*.. 

1 box i.cxlngtoa 

1 trunk, ct l ouis 

1 yoke 

8 b xes.. Philadelphia. 

1 box 

2 boxes. Clnclnn iti. . . 

1 box 

1 box New Haven. . 

1 box Cincinnati. . . 

1 box >aabvlde 

1 box.... Pittsburg 

1 box Cincinnati . . . 

1 box....Clrsleville, O. 

1 box 

1 c box. .Lebanon 

1 Pks „ 

1 box.... Cincinnati ... 
{ Pkg 

.J W Tompkins A Co 
..TVtn ThotnpsDM. 85th Ind. 
..Geo Toland, -j'ih Ohio. 
..J O Trook 
.. A ? Tro ier. 

. .Capt Thornton, 100th Ohio. 
. .(} J Tiera. y. 

..C A Thompson. 17th Mich 
,.W k Towns. n. 13tli Ohio. 
..WD Taylor, lath reg. 
.8 E Tipton. 

SO Valentine. 

!<gt V Vincent. SOth 0> !o. 

J N Vanarsdale, SM Ohi««. 

J B Van Fo^sen, 9.-th Ohio. 


II Wenlenberger. 

r«ew on Williams. 

UraE or Mrs Wa ker Wcl 

Wm Wright, 6'd Ind. 

La.. John Wilson. 

Henry Wtls n. 

Miss J i. 

Mrs N i\ eaver. 

Saiul A D inter. 

T, M Williams. 

T VV lder. 

II W ole*. 

Horace White. 

W D Wilson. 

Wood Miss M J. 

Wright W A Co. 

....Wyans A Holt. 

Wat -on E. 

Whitney J L. 

We kj Joh . 115th DL. 



Whe» on Frank. 

Wlaer Fred . 2d Ohio.. 

Wenk E, twth 111. 

Whain Fl,. 21st IU. 

— Way^aman D, tulst Ohio. 

Yates W. 

> orke Cart L F, 12th U 3 A 

Yourtret.Kev S L 83d Ohio 

a A. JONt.x. Ag-nt. 



East side Third street between Main and Market, three 
doors from Main street. 


announces to his frienda an .1 the public generally, 
that he has o.ened a new aud -p'e -.did C A LOON at the 
above place, where be keepj none bat tt e hue t Mei 
awrwt Uquors, \\ nes and Cigars. Also, the MSt Cia- 

A aw*elUTlS8if wTu'be served every day at 10 o'c ock 

. N 

Ist taat aaran l^Jgfff^^j^^fl 

. Lebanon 

Clue nuati . 
.Lebanon. . 

1 bor 
1 box 
1 box 

1 trunk.. Newhaveu 

1 k g Bmlnenc:. 

1 trunk 

<o caU au 


aJhoice Teas. 

1 ral.. 
1 box. 

1 box. 

.L^k. i B. / o.t r r, 



uckettJN.JHh Ky. 
..t-ee Mrs Nelson. 
. .Lehman A. 
..Lam i D. lHh Mlcb. 
. .Lewii J H. li#thMich. 
..Ut O 11, 7t)lhlils. 
. .Lange A. 
..Le eer H. 
. .Lewis W. 
..Long DA.1 
. . Lange H. 
..Lockman F V. 

. .McCord*W W. 
..Marshall F D. 
..McC-n Thos. 
..Mnthe- BS. 

. .McLaughlin M.D7th Mich. 

..McLellan J 8. 
SMcCormlek T, lDthMlch. 
..Moore B. 

McClel an B. 
..Myers A Bro A W. 
. .Mathew E J, 79th S Y 
.Momrom- ry Chaa. 
.McAnnaB . 

.McCrea Iaaac, 3d Mich bat. 
..MooieJa^H. 33d Ind. 

Meeoh A F. Hospital No. L 
..Mercer L D, 52' I Ohio. 

Lancaster, Pa McCue J F. 79th Pa, 

8t Louis Mi'ler Capt G, 15th Mo. 


I-dianant lis 
New Y' rk . . . 
boxes.. Lexington. . . 

1 box Cincinnati. . . 

1 box....Na»hv lie.... 

1 box Danville 

1 box. . . .Cincinnati . . . 
1 box. 
1 box.. 
1 box.. 
1 >ox.. 
1 box.. 
1 box.. 
1 box., 

. .Cincinnati 

..Loulsv He..... 

. .CinclnnaH 

Lr daeport, O 

VUtSHU.'&.JBe' IKi:::««i:::::::^Ja««W 

Vothers' Friend or Female Regulator. 

. Cordials or Female Begul tors now in use. It Is 
used In all cases whe e the internal or runs are deranged, 
ae In Leueorrnea or Whites, Amenorrhea or Obstructed 
Mensem, and painlul Menet uation It acta as a specific 
for weakn-ss of th* Breast and Back, elaeaaea of the 
Kidn«ys, and Nervousness of tbe System. This cordial 
Is warran ed to give relief in all derangements i f the 
Female Organs. It Is considered a fine purifier of the 
Blood. Tbe above can be had at all the Dru.- Stores. 
All orde a sent by mall will be promptly stteoded to. 

Overstreet'e genuine Llnament. None genuine with- 
out tbe signa ure of W. W. fcrown on the top of each 
box. It is a specific or Bbeumatisio. 

Brown s Balaam of Indian Turnip, ene of the bert 
rex*d:es out f.r Whoop ng Ci.ugh, Coughs, Colds. A;?th- 
ma and Pulimnary Affectrms. 

Brown'. Electric Pain Kil'er, for all kinds of Pa na. 
internal er external ^ ^ BBOWN. E. M. D. 

my27 d3m Fotirtu street, near va n. 



t'aada^reii on the Esrejeaa Plan, 



irK. £. G. HiLLIJ. «% GOs, 

.. taiy d'»ea*> of a PBIVATi 
NATL' BE, such es Gonorrhea, 

Oi t, btiictcre. Primary oi 
"t Secondary Syphilis, £-)tnina) 
fj We^.knoce, dexnal Debility 
I^i'Totency, Baxrcunnaa, or aay 
ii*aae cf tiie Gonital or Un 
'ore im partial 

Krf <^f-___^r%,»7 u^r/ tirgans, bef. 
^mHO^ mm'Smfrnt^ 

any one chouli 
Treatise ot 

Soxnal Debility, sout 
■j: onr tjn-e & i>t ruii=e gt*mp. This work <x.-.tAia> 
much valuable IlitiigaafhT n-srer belore published 
mi of the meet viul ii^portanc* to the health an< 
happin&ss oi every ladlvienkalt t""'th mala and t. r-isUe 
laaaa elaborate treatise on the various die 
-a** im i.lcn: U> the G-.>ri»il ttrg»na of both sexes, to- 
gether witn list of Bemtdiee. Prkea. Ac. 

TO l'H3t LADIES.— We are amenta for Mad. Oa 
pra'il'.i !">•.;« i.t JI-^thlv I'ills a aafe and effectaa 
r-». . i,eaic», such as Irregularities 

Obstruction of tbe Menses, Whites, Ac. Price by 
■nail, 81 and oao postage stAtnp. 

Carrtor.— Thfsr PilTi SMSwl not be taken 
preguaEoy, ae .hey <ue sure to prciucv miscs.rr.aae, 

Alac, W a. La Crrix Fhe.vch PaavghTivx Tow 
D»aa. Br their married luliee may HasM the nan; 
bor ol their ofrspring at pleasuro without tho leas 
lwiper cilUjoryto he*Ith. They act by rrt -eclin* 
ccnccptior. taking piece. Ono U-x will last fcr j 
Price V/ maell. ?2 aad two ^utaf- itaiape. 

Foj:..itfS w:': obtain mnch valtaude ib.'or&atlcn b> 
rendins our New Me/t'ca! Treatis*. 
Persons w ishlng to consult as personally on any 
h-ah •> .* - '":'^, cc.-tti-ea 

-on er Third and Msrkct 6ire»U; privai. outnnce ot 
Third street, frcm 6 a. a. to 1 r. a., and from 2 to ( 
and 7 to 9 P. a.; ilandaye from * to 11 A. M. Nu chargi 
c tr exttrainat'ou*. ConsuhAtiot 

reeaasenrlreiy rC.vr.w-. tyt~zecf tn ail caeca icvk leile 
Addrera Olwawa^ Q HILLEB .% Or,, 
aT d&w. Louisville. By. 

Kentucky Penitentiary 

100 .Ion- 1. split-oottom Peuitentiarr Chairs, to 
which we ea I the attention of wholes .le and reta I deal- 
ers N. A W. J. 8>lITH A CO., 
jyi dim South side Main St., bet. Second and Thi< d. 



rand Ir^ner. 

rc!-8P A ^E t B.5 2 )M*air d 

. ood house servant, plain cook. 
Will be hired for the balance of 'he y tar to 
for a mere nominal price. Apply te 

Rags! Rags! Rags! 

Jtl trade at . office of - 




w. a. a acagaaaDT. 



417 Market street 

XJ XtL . X3L Jm. XjIj ' 8 


CoitducteJ ou the plaaof the Hospital 
ties Vcnerie<*e« I*aris, 

""^^t-auy form of r»ltl\ \ I «. UllsB \»K 
\ can receive prompt treatment with 
out il-k or exposure, via: Miphilis 
Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Strietares, Ulcers. 
T unions Cancers, Secondary ana 
Cvnitltutiontl Slphliis, Diseases of 
the Kidneys, etc. By his system it Is 
proved that the venerial complaint Is 
as cut rely under tbe control of medi- 
cine as a common eotd or simple 
fever; and while Inefficient person* 
are daily xend ng away their patients 
lo hopelessness, and riv ng them up 
onlyfroTn their own lnco:n|>etcney. Complete and per- 
manent cur-s are constantly being effected at the In- 

H. devotes mucn of his time to the treatment r.f three 
cases caused by a sec-et uablt which ru'ns both body 
and mind, untitling the unfortunate individual for either 
business or society. The S-.d effects of toe e early 
habits, or the excess of r per years, ono weaken and 
deb lltate the constitution destroy the physical and 
mental powers, diminish :md enfeeble th&natura! feel- 
Inc. and exhaust the vit»l energies of manhood: the 
'•'»*-sures of life are marred, the objeet of marri ige 
d. ud exl-tenee itfelf rendered a term of un- 
. . • misery and regret. Such persona, especially 
cr.ijtemp'ntl: g marriage, should ln»e no time In 
. r.,' iiiim»iiat-» arpl'ealion. aa Dr. H.. by his new 
~sa. aient, is enabled to insure a speedy and permanent 

.ta living at a distance can c.-ni-ult us by letter, 
jy &-. tiding a description of their disease and enclosing 

a stamp 

Medio'nes "nt to anv address. 
fyOtSce 311 Second street, between Market and 
Jeff rson. Office open from 7 a. a. to 6 r. u 
mh5 dtf L. HALL. M. D. 


S30© Reward. 

ing near Flov st'urg, Oldham county. Ky., 
on Tb'ir«day, June 25lh. a negro man <.«med AL- 
FRED, about >»o 30 years old. 6 feet 1 or J Inches. 

high, high forehead and a litt e Inclined ka be hatd- 
beaded, downc \m lo 'k, weighs about 200 pounds, kjid 
on when be ef a pair of tow linen pants, and a lone 
je ins coat made of black sheeps' mo 1 a new pa r of 
shoes. N ,12. rivets in the eye H arm. H fore leav- 
ing he attempted to commit n outrage and mu dcr. I 
will give a rew-rd of t-150 for his appreheas on if taken 
in the SUte ol Keutuoky, or S300 If taken out of tne 
SUte. in ther case to be delivered to me, or secured in 

jail so that I gtt hiin. 
jaio Akm* 


I i fo- sale by K. A. 


Patent acliment 


1911 OIL 


IM I ll't.1 MUCH 21. IN*. 1 !. 

rpilfa |S \ V \T> i !' 1 

X pttrity -n I • ■. • 

■eoted." by 



_ tn r»ry p r ep s tty termed the beat tkiawef 
th kind t ver ri -et.ted." l>y th- ap;d •• t.on vf which to any * sugar < *a'4 
lamp, yo-t ran o <ro ! ■ Uhont asnika or smell, while more 

Bgtit is oli'.alrr'l fion i. :'v fifth n with any ©ther banter. 

V.itb one <;f th.-e burn - i m anv Bu d laaaat H may be moved rae» 
wsTy akaak , arerwci ». - iti.-. ut tiMVMMk; estintulsk«4 


A Tal? blk Isvtir ox.-_o : . , f :• ind a 

lir pT"th 
?amn w!j 

that any child i 
beul even ch 
e ua-'er our n 
who use i-. It bums 
times 1 a cost in a few 
ke tae H6plu* u'trj.- 

ed t becoir 

hesame titn • moa* sun. 
n f.uld lamp. HU eo 
r .x ne Oil in any fliud 
t ti ■ neat' st hiugs ChaS 

e very i 

It aecornpl!-' , i<'s 
an e an 1 ex] 
wiUinut ranks, h 
t on co s'.sta in a: 
burn r i. . ■ , 
lansi ; thus MMI 
burner shoul I !>« 
equ tl to the dla:i 
tin? Bttarkinenkj mu- 1 

i alio . 

ery popular with all 
<nd «ill save manr 
gu lamp* It appears to 

ier.CCc American.] 
ir'e tlr and dlsDen«ea with the 

!':lirn-v. A fr. e and steady I ght, 
good q aiitycf o'l is need. The) mwesa. 
•■ kfaraci ta tl.e tube of the lamp; tka 
v * 'J>i-te<l to any fluid 
I. .- burned in it aa reaeWy aMC Tie) 
above tl ' af • I the tube a d'stance 
I .f .uiim h; »n<1 the w legs, compo law 
.1. -o as to allow th. division to be mm 
v l n> pa ire aarj «.• I 
d la .helwnd iu i 

I. ...i a r; t I ■ . .i^ I ! .-■ ; i 
air witLoat iei: i - .;i • .; 

' It is an adro r-.i '... T f the :<..., 

BH.e lannvr. iu.-e bar_cri art t«u>.na lataaaiswsaaj use." 
I ai.y i nluii. 

"It i= a very at* p , . r .': r !.. o. aaal 
and exltuslw .-. 

Other lotrrn ib.spf k *n BN IgaSxw) jiJ the m< 
I- -: .< -- nvmni mm mmm atd others as te waste eBriaacyi 

ec. :■ . ••'•'• v • r-. • r . t-s % wide-«pread : 

The art cl- u- ver : V. -- ■ , \. \ J: . .-If to all who k( lt la < 

r?ii« r.. 

Per .lojt-n. 

l'e, C 

In q. 

Liberal tMMSMsmta Mm) to Aleuts i 

Oi detsf r 


A rerresent* the burner, full slie, 
placed In position O'l UaS lube IS, and 
C tbe wick. 

p.our.t : • i'P'1. Ti-rMS—Cash on delivery. 

*i 1 1 e s r.t free p r ^aii on receipt of SS cents. 

Vt ILI.I t>l N t^M, 
/ • ' ;;f.icturir, Watertown. S. T. 


S*«ie A ga »t toi 

751 M..!n .t.. s. ..:!!. vde, bet*e 



| gS*4 V\f\:\ r irrfBt 


•N ^ 

0) • 




r T O C Iv A. L E , 


CcnstAiit.y on Ilaa:!, 

jy. -itf 

na-OAULi^avy ut u-:f. 

WIwUMKH h m 

.t ri 

I al *Li-4 

a ST- at) > 


■OH 81 




JNTo. 416 Main S.., ] 


*w *»twCa 9 sfl 

LiOi.iJ.»xr:LaJ. o , 

m>-sl SVkw 

ft. ftTft 

IMPORTEa O V A H D I> E A £.- • 


Ro. 43S Main street, betV7«t>n VMi aad Sirth, 


stock before making their purchases. Orders m*» a i atai *IHkaattaa*;d t «a :f made tm aereoa. 


Proclamution by the Governer, 


C M 11 »N\I ! \i.TH 




IVo which wi« awarded 

The Grand Medal of Honor 

At the United States Fair, 1SG0. 

brought i .lo u»e In 1858. It la an imp oveirec: on 
what waa formerly known as "Pitts' Patt nt Separator. " 
We have now over five hundred cf tbem in u-e. and 
whereveT Introduced they take t e lead of all otN r- 
Th«y Uava t ken the premium al nearly all the Fairs , 
wke. e exhibited. 

J. D. BONDCRANT. Sole Aeent, 

Lottlsvlle, Ky. I 
I have room to give but a few t*stlmoni il- ft 
flattering let e'S receivrd by me. 'mm the g eat number 
that ha e purchased. Send for a circular. 

BBAXDesiaraG, 1*1 
Hr. J. D. BciinraiST: The Eight horse Steam rtir^h- 
er and Cleaner bought of you. Is given up by all to be 
tbe best In this county. I ha e threshed bushals p<r 
dar, and am well pleased with my marhin?. 

Hexbv Cocttv. Ky.. June 27. 1*3. 
Mr. J. D. Bos Dr as xt. Loalsvil'e. ftv.: The liarr's im- 
provrd Thresher and Separator bought of vou la-t year 
performs well and gives ealisfa. tlon generally. Although 
it wag late when we got our Machine, we threshed over 
(K00O) sixteen thousand bushe s without * brea-r. sect- 
lent or hindrance In any way. We threshed fr m On) to 
XX) kexemykj per day. and bare threshed i bushels pn- 
minute. We have no h»fl ancy In sitylng that wherever 
introduced they will aupers-de all others. 

Oriin dealers do not object to the manner in which 
tbi. Machine cleans the wheat. This they do with 
other Machines. (iKNOVLK.V * WAi:r. 







In fact, S large «to< k of everyt 
Far-nenn^he^wav^of Agrlciiltural 

,emente T D. BONDURANT, 


ut O 


■ umy >il!i 

I > IN 

L H set 

stt riva DaPAMTiiajiT. 
K8> n t JOHN W. 

e -.f couiinemeu; iu thw 
i an h\ th<- Jefferson Clr- 
the ity of 1.- uiavllls. 
Ul the jail *tt 

-aid, ■ o ... r bv otr»r a ra> 
i. I t tl.eap. 
• I..-. I. . - l W. 

to th.- Jailor of " 
. the d»te hereof, 
s.i- i Bur, I '.aveh 

~y b And an.l caosed -h -ic of ibr 
-' we lth to be affixed. Done at 
1-t ay -f Jun« A. l>„ l%± and In the 1 
Commonwealth. J. F. 


tlc-n t > the reward ..Jerfd by lb* 0..veaaK>r. ■ nf 
the apur-l.'n-: • f til Alii ICS 

RODUKiU and JOt: > • 1 > .1 whe br ke J^H 
earl, on the mom' a i of Slay XI, l.-s.:, aa » Oil for either. 

i i I the US— till hi of the Court, and 

ar.d JoTin W. Bui 

for toar ye 

>»ii wnen ne ie:i. a .mn» •■' 

«lally n» cut ihe aose, - e»u. 3" r twd, and rather good 
res rather 'h n. iaceseaut chewer of tobac- 
co, b a be< r 1. if sell g-owu out would be Mack. Had 
when he left, a Unlit -oxswl caaatmere coat, light 
r .-vnc d hat. wears 
of i-uuinf his aand to has 

h ad mmm 

Is about t f.etll inch— h gh. » >e.i.s of are weteha 

~ Ikht >>alr, 

i Ml teeth 
large and 
in pn» o. 

ii d: Tf any. 
.- .«*! rere 
i.ed t-UKk 



g wanted by a 
ortlcultural Im 

near i4o pounds, sEm beaH, Vs 
lirht grayer hue eyes, loeg iea »re» 
when in <o ivetsation. hU upp«-r teei 

whllt*t.ntsan:ly. M ore seen Jar lei 
tesek coat. It I.t pants, gray ssJsV k» 
hat, walks erect. . . . W 

J.i'or - f Je 
Loulsviile. Ky.. Jon* A W..- :ti dtf 





THR SUIiSt rtlBBS RXBPB*' 1 1 1.1. V INFORM* 
ia aetnlic herewith that h - keeaa ha aaerr-sfsil u p- 
athr*- • Ht»»a. at No .21 '» N - TKaKT. 

betweer -i.t o.\u a .a iiliiiD. iu the i ear of Br R. Caa* 
uri'« oBm\ 

t |. ew rw oriliy ackro-vleeWd that the Rjstkra 

Chesxdcal Bath is t e mo t «ov re 

gwatlsas Ne. raaxia. Parr.y.U aL aaxl olaardara araaa aha. 
aonae ot Mficory. and a variet v . !l er dl easas*. 

Th subscriber has gasvee 

na. uia-ie arranaeoaam • 
! lo<.f «x perieaee ha* a sxta h 
MM a the, to examine pat 

0 aSPAtl wb-. el . 
quanted wl h these b tbe, 

r - -r. > .e-tre to 'ry 

these Sxtas are ea nested to ca I at br. Cr.sparf < ofles, 
who si 1 ascertain w- ich case* are lattaeW for these 
b-iths, and will otjcrtrise a ve ,'■! red >n, 
je-il A. iCllEFHU Propretor.